>Which future, western man?
Which future, western man?
sadly nowadays the people who have the neopagan spirit are the same people who believe in genderfluids
All day, every day...
The latter, as long as it's not of the Antichrist Papist institution.
They don't have any neopagan spirit and it's actually disgraceful.
>pay around over 30k for a cake, a few dresses and suits, tables, cameras and music that will only last a night in some pompous hotel
>free tribal dancing in the ritual spot, the most top of the class free form bongos and guitar arrangements you'll ever have the privilege to hear and booze to last to the end of the week, all adding up to zero (0) dollars
Thanks for making me feel even more positve about Christian weddings
Praise Jesus. OK.
That pagan litteraly has Japanese style hentai as a tattoo
Praise Jesus faggot
The jewish feminism destroyed mote then 98% of the western women. You are an idiot if you think a wedding will work. More then 80% of the marriages ending with divorce, and buttfucking the men. You lose the house, half of your salary if you lucky enough to not have any kids. You are a violent abusing sociopath - listen and belive, no proof needed, guilty by accusation, facts are overrated - and you'll get a restraining order, so never see your children again.
child support is only till they 35, but alimony is eternal.
Marriage? Don't be stupid.
>2000 years of christian ancestors
Only way you could have anything close to to that is being a jew, my friend.
>implying paganism is in any way, shape, or form a replacement for Christianity
Paganism will continue rotting western civilization until it becomes weak enough to be conquered by Islam unless its nihilism is curbed.
I'll take MGTOW
How is this even a question?
Hippies =/= pagans
They wear spirituality like fashion
Why are pagans such degenerates?
Even the right wing ones are extremely shitty
>that's not a Christian wedding
Nords are pagans who pretend to be Christians
Stop praising your cuck jew
Right at it, degenerate.
Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.
Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.
This is accurate as well
I'm not a Christian, but obviously Christianity is good for society so long as it has a racial component.
Neo pagan, cringe.
Religion is going to die in the west. There will be no such thing in the future huwhite ethnostate. Religion is for shitskins.
pagans are just edgy atheists who don't want to be labelled as atheists
if someone actually believes in some ancient tribal gods he deserves to be euthanized
In soviet russia the rich suck the hobos dicks.
Dear OP, the spirit of true Europeans will always be pagan be it under the christian mask or without it. Early christians had to accept Jesus but they were still allowed to praise "saints and Mary" like they used to for millenia. Still, numerous feasts remain from that time.
You might as well drop the christian pose and declare yourself for what you truly are: a son of old European Gods. Not some semitic trash.
you're basically saying it's good as a useful tool to control the masses, right? but what's the point when it has no control on anyone? I knew a lotta christian girls that would fuck around, fuck in public and fuck negores man.
Pointless now tbqf
Pagan wedding looks like way more fun. Wedding ceremonies are soo pointless.
False dichotomy.
It's 2018, I think it's time we stopped worshiping trees and dead kikes on sticks.
Which one has the worse divorce rates?
Honestly, I bet the pagan wedding didn't cost $50,000, start their marriage in debt, and people actually wanted to go for more than the after party.
It may decline to some degree. but It wont die. (unless its convincingly proven by science to be fake or something of course)
Christianity is in fact growing in right-wing political movements.
The Pagan wedding looks more fun
>Christianity is in fact growing in right-wing political movements.
So is so called "paganism" in the alt-right. Can confirm anecdotally for my country
>implying im pagan
the word pagan was made up by christcucks
where? even nordic front has a minority pagans lol. the majority of it consists of atheists and christians.
And Nordic Front is supposed to be some kind of a pagan-movement
It's funny how they embrace the name though
>"christian girls"
I can also say I'm a chinese jet fighter. It still doesnt make me one
The problem with christianity for Europeans is that so many christians right now are not European. Infact, the overwhelming majority of christians are non european...
A german neopagan and a german christian have more in common than a german christian with an african christian.
At the end of the day, blood before religion.
I already said in Slovenia. The alt-right doesn't have a raging boner for the church as institution the way the old right does. People are digging up their own roots which inevitabely brings you back to the Old faith.
No one uses that word to describe his heathen beliefs. There is Rodneverje, Asatru, Romuva and so on..
did you do that on purpose?
It's funny but at the rate christianity is growing in China and how religion is declining in the west at an insane speed (literally know basically zero young people who unironically believe in God..)
The papacy might have to move to China.
>All pagans are the same
>"ignore those catholics/prods/leftys"
You should stop with pagans v christians and make it us v all degenerates
What are you thoughts on Orthodoxy?
Really? no one? even in a secular country such as Norway where I happen to live, a majority of my work-mates and friends are christians
I don't know why people don't consider Islam a christian sect.
Despite of all the negative trends in modern society
and after some deep thoughts about the meaning of life,
I realized that marrying a decent woman, starting a happy family
and having 2-3 children isn't a bad deal after all. Of course things can always turn bad,
but that is just how life works: no risk, no joy or happiness.
More like 1000.
all neo pagans i met were gay, bi, or identified themselves as the other gender.
Fuck me I need a pagan girl(male)
Nice strawman you motherfucking jew. Why don't you post something real? Would not fly with your semitic desert narrative?
Głod, powietrze, ogień, woda
I wszelaka zła przygoda
Będą temu, kto by starą
Ojców swoich wzgardził wiarą!
Zwierz drapieżny do obory,
Między stada czarne mory
Wejdą temu, kto by starą
Ojców swoich wzgardził wiarą!
Chorobą się rozniemoże
I boleści twarde łoże
Zwiąże tego, kto by starą
Ojców swoich wzgardził wiarą!
A gdy skona, garści ziemi,
Gdzie by spoczął kośćmi swemi,
Nie dostanie, kto by starą
Ojców swoich wzgardził wiarą!
Marnie zginie!... Wiatr rozmiecie
Prochy jego po wszym świecie
Marnie zginie, kto by starą
Ojców swoich wzgardził wiarą!
Who the fuck considers himself a "neo pagan" ffs? Fucking Wicca feminists maybe
You tell them Kelthuzzar!
>implying all pagans behave like degenerate neo-hippies
choke on lutefisk
funny because they acted all fedora type atheist. I met only 2 dudes who actually believed in pagan gods, and they acted pretty retarded. The rest only wanted to be edgy and contrarian I think, but I haven't met them in a long time and I hope I never meet them anyway. I don't understand what of paganism attracts gay, lesbos and all those other groups. My conclusion is that they are just contrarian.
Why are Christ cucks so desperate to worship a fake Jewish god? Why worship something strange? Why worship something that is not from our people and would by default hate us?
> 2000
Nice meme
>choosing to believe something because "muh ancestors" and not because it's actually convincing
The absolute state of the west.
No one serious, my jewish friend. We are believers in the ancient creed of the ancestors. No one calls himself 'pagan"
>My conclusion is that they are just contrarian.
I only notice that with Wiccans, they are extremely rare creatures here, as rare as feminists.
I'd make a distinction here between those and people who are genuinely interested in the old stories your people have to offer. It takes a lot of work to get properly informed on that. The majority of Rodneverci here come to the subject from a historical and ethic point of view.
Pagan marriage is when two people decide to stay together as long as they feel like it, and only when it is fun for both of them.
Christian marriage is a sacrament, where a man and woman join as one in a contract with God.
Secular wedding you Christfag
What is so convincing about a revolutionary jew who lived 2ky ago? Why should I care what he as to say and give him precedence over what my ancestors had to say?
Leftist paganism is obviously shit, just like leftist christianity.
The choice of religion is not the problem. Photo in OP is manipulative.
Organized religion is nothing but a racket, it's fine and desirable to believe in god, but for worldly organizations to profiteer off your faith is nothing but disgusting.
pagan weddings looks pretty damn cool to me.
>we're all christians
>we're all the same
I'm sure this is just LARP
>when you realize the only reason people become larpagans is because they couldn't take the heat from the fedora meme
I feel bad about talking about this...
> black business partner's landlord is neopagan
> nicest lady you'll ever met, she helped him w/ groceries, allows me to sleep @ her place for free on weekends, even sets up my bed
> but she's morbidly obese, failing health
> cat lady to the point that her carpets are matted with various refuse, heavy cat smell hits you like horseradish, sometimes bare cat shit on the floor or left in the box
> clods of hair everywhere
> married to a legit savant beta, piano player (she plays violin)
> he lives in his basement, composes 80's style pop songs into the night, singing in atrocious voice
> she lives upstairs with the cats
> they argue all the time, husband in sperg-like rages downstairs
> sometimes wonder if he'll shoot a place up
> she sits on a couch most days and watches star trek and er reruns through the night
I can't laugh at it. It's fucking tragic, especially since their relationship is falling apart, she's such an unreservedly nice lady, and she works so hard at her businesses (violin quartet, seamstress, real estate, etc). She was pretty when she was young, it sobers me, really.
>black pastor
Christianity isn't growing in China, that is just a meme.
Reminder, that this is what homo culture is about. Stealing culture, infecting it and imposing will.
Weddings are bull shit, all the cool kids are eloping
Help I'm a frog now.
Someone has to make a gun edit of this
>anglo paganism is degenerate
Last time I checked the Anglican Church is as degenerate as their pagans are, ordinating women who advocate for leftist ideas and whatnot. The truth is that the nation is the core that morphs everything around it. If you throw Christianity and Paganism at degenerates you won't fix the problem, you'll only give them more fields to be degenerate in.
>norwiegan acts like they wouldn´t get drunk anyways
Lots of heathens are white supremacists
Of course they are. Being a white supremacist and a Christian at the same time requires you to have some sort of cognitive dissonance.
>Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS Jewish propaganda.
Even the word "pagan" is kike hate speech.
"pagan" means "literally anything that isn't semitic", semitic being christan, jewish, or muslim. So everything from Hinduism to Native American religions are "pagan"
Keep your stupid spells where they matter, fucking tree fucker. Or do you want us to cut off or destroy another one of your "Gods". Go and worship your Marvel superheroes, degenerate piece of shit.
it's the best, unfortunately there are no churches where i am currently, for some reason american orthodox priesthood is autist and don't really care about expanding, they stick to their small communities.
Kill it with fire.
Holy Cross hits pagans, like atheists, harder than a gun
1650 give or take
That's absolutely not true I know a lot of Orthodox Eritreans and Ethiopians and I get along better with them than most edgy school fuckboy Dutchfags that live here
>Christian wedding is literally a Pagan adoption(just like 90% of Christianity)
>Neowiccan leftism is now paganism
It's almost like you can pick whatever picture you want and tell whatever story you want.
>10k+ years of pagan ancestors: "What are my kin doing following a desert cult?"
Chapter 30.— That Those Who Complain of Christianity Really Desire to Live Without Restraint in Shameful Luxury.
"If the famous Scipio Nasica were now alive, who was once your pontiff, and was unanimously chosen by the senate, when, in the panic created by the Punic war, they sought for the best citizen to entertain the Phrygian goddess, he would curb this shamelessness of yours, though you would perhaps scarcely dare to look upon the countenance of such a man. For why in your calamities do you complain of Christianity, unless because you desire to enjoy your luxurious license unrestrained, and to lead an abandoned and profligate life without the interruption of any uneasiness or disaster? For certainly your desire for peace, and prosperity, and plenty is not prompted by any purpose of using these blessings honestly, that is to say, with moderation, sobriety, temperance, and piety; for your purpose rather is to run riot in an endless variety of sottish pleasures, and thus to generate from your prosperity a moral pestilence which will prove a thousandfold more disastrous than the fiercest enemies. It was such a calamity as this that Scipio, your chief pontiff, your best man in the judgment of the whole senate, feared when he refused to agree to the destruction of Carthage, Rome's rival and opposed Cato, who advised its destruction. He feared security, that enemy of weak minds, and he perceived that a wholesome fear would be a fit guardian for the citizens."