>And this is my son's room, he's quite the politics culture expert...
And this is my son's room, he's quite the politics culture expert
Other urls found in this thread:
This is an old one
My room is pretty inconspicuous. It's not like they're going to notice the copy of mein kampf on shelf, or the cum stains inside of it.
Goddammit user
Quit opening my door without knocking, Benny!
source on this pic
it's your mom's asscrack
>only related thing in my room
the man just asked a question jesus.
here. Oltschibachfall, near Meiringen
Stay out of my room I'm edging
what the fucks all overyour door
Someone post the jizz collector and the mushrooms growing from a jizz rag
>current year
>not hiding your power level
TOPKEK, fucking normies
It is the base layer, when the paint was stripped my parents never painted over it. Fucking tards.
That's crazy how he really was a highly intelligent psychopath the entire time
This dude fucks.
Then why don't you paint it you lazy fuck?
I don't plan to live here forever, there's no point in me doing that. I will be gone in a year or less.
You don't plan to live your life forever, but still you live like you will.
Clean your room, user.
How does painting my door equate to cleaning my room?
Painting a door is only 1-2 hours of effort. Don't be so lazy.
Don't be a fucking retard.
After the jp wave I HOPE everyone's room is in order
>not posting the full image
thanks for posting this
>Tfw when I realize the tinfoil meme is a real forced meme pushed by MSM and Alphabet agency so normies believes its impossible to truly stop all signal from coming in or out of a physical room
>What is a Faraday cage?
Holy shit
dear god...
You actually have a point here.
This dawned on me a few months ago, why are the MSM pushing the tinfoil meme so hard always?
Because it literally creates a Faraday cage around your isolation room protecting you from the constant microwave radiation between 2-7ghz (Cellular/Wifi) that causes the slow but pronounced stress and decay of the mind.
Lol haha
I can bet you any amount of money that this guy grows some sick fucking weed.
I hated when my parents did that, only with instead of
they said
>computer/tech (which I am not)
They knew that I never left the room when people were in the house for a reason but they still barged in. Annoying.
this is good
my country is truly beautiful
Is that (fake) butter you are eating with a spoon there? Your geoflag is very fitting if so.
Shaggy sure took it hard after scooby doo finished.
>that sweater
Gee Scoob
It's cold here, banana muncher
Good morning mom and dad. Come on into my room, oh and your guest is welcome to join us as well.
This is my friend Ragina, btw, she'll be staying the night tonight.
La luz extinguido ...
Doesn't excuse the faggy sweater
Canadian Whiskey Jewish produced advertisement, nice going kek
there was a whole thread a meme about that a while back. Some user unironically sat there eating butter and thought it was normal.
That sweater is rather faggy, lad.
bottom left just looks like a poor guys place, not a slob like the rest of them.
it's what i wear when i stay awake reading. It never leaves my room.
daaaad, close the door
Pretty sure that's the guy who created the pirate bay
Oh God
>not owning several 3x5' flags
That doesnt excuse it, lad. You statement is the equivalent of saying sucking dick is okay in private
Bottom left is the
>my teenage sons won't stop playing melee until 2am and I need to wake up at 6am so I make them play it in the basement setup
How did so many things go so horribly right?
Paint the fucking door. God damn.
heil the diclonius queen
Nice snackbar
Extra cringe
Needs more kitties.
it's just an ugly and worn out sweater, not a fucking dildo.
11/10 would jihad
>And this is my cave...
>*lock the door*
>cant you read? its X and not real butter, just oil with butter flavorings
jesus fucking christ
also how the fuck did you find that so fast?
I wanna solve mysteries and shoot up heroin with that shaggy
ruh-roh shaggy had one too many of scoobies high-dosage doggy treats
kike president desu amerilard
>Shadow roman salute
ow the edge