Anons who support nationalism but not israeli nationalism, don't you think it's better that jews should have a homeland of their own instead of living in ours?
What is your main objection to it?
Anons who support nationalism but not israeli nationalism...
They should live within their own home land.
They don't that's the problem.
Its like asking "If you are pro-gun, why you don't support illegally owned gun of a a criminal that is pointed towards your head"
they don't do it (stay in their country) +they fuck up every other country and with a state it has become only worse.
I wasn't anti semitic for 30 years of my life. after I've leard what they are doing and have done, I'm for a real genocide by now. kill all kikes and humanity will make a hugh step into a better world for everyone.
also Israel isn't real. this peace of land is called Palestine. It will always be :)
>israeli nationalism
No thanks.
their homeland is Sheol
Jews can have a homeland when whites get their own.
every person that think tommorowland is cool and is worth a visit deserves a bullet to the head
no matter nationality
>What is your main objection to it?
They are too needy and too greedy. They really think they are "god's chosen people" It's enough to make one an atheist who hates jews.
They won't need a homeland when they're dead.
This but i*rael also needs to stop their meddling shenanigans
>I wasn't anti semitic for 30 years of my life
This. I am now though. In the last five years or so I have grown to hate black people and jews, and I find it odd it's the same two groups that have perennially hated. (maybe not odd, maybe apropos).
I fucking hate jews so I wont agree with anything that benefits them.
>don't you think it's better that jews should have a homeland of their own instead of living in ours?
>What is your main objection to it?
look at this sandnigger thinking beyond the sale
you don't get to live near me. you don't get to live.
>should have a homeland of their own
Yeah, but they won't stay there.
They're always wanting to milk the cows.
If the jews really wanted to have their homeland they should have nationalism promoted in europe and the u.s .
It doesn't matter if we support nationalism for israel but jews work against us if it's about our own countrys.
the muslims invade us with their oil money and the jews support them while they do everything for the "refugees welcome" propaganda AND THEN COME HERE and ask " hey guys you support nationalism so why don't you support it for israel?" Are you fucking retarded ?
If these guys would have supportes nationalism in europe a whole generation of europeans would be happy to do another crusade and fuck up every single muslim but no...
The weaker europe and the u.s are getting the moment israel gets btfo is coming closer and closer.
we "racists,islamophobs etc" would be your crusaders just to kill these people..
and the jews created an army of people who are not at a point where they support palestine more then israel..
The problem is that they do both. And even the ones that live in Israel still try to subvert other countries.
Its simply not fair, if you want clay you have to fight for that, everyone will always hate jews and israel for this.
People who do not support zionism are retards. Which is why you'll see alot of people on Sup Forums trying to bash Richard Spencer for saying Israel is a sort of model country for a future ethno-state.
>pol is self contradicting? Who would have known?
Also, fuck the Jews.
Jews don't deserve their own plot of land, the only place they all belong is in the oven
Fuck the kikes, they promote degenerate ideologies when abroad while being far right in their country
Nuke this place pls
I can't be mad at you for building a nation around those milkers. You do you Jew
Eastern Europe and Iceland.
Accept the 1967 Borders. Period.
That is already more than enough.
Going back in History is always painful, 1947 cannot be undone any more, but 1967 is fair.
Whatever Israels think they deserve because of persecution or racist mythological claim is irrelevant and inhumane.
Ditch the Erez Izrael (Nile-Euphr.) psychopaths (Bibi) and their Yinon-plan war agenda
Israel may expand into surrounding territory, in mutual agreement, but only if she pays good shekels!!!
Under this conditions I (and most of the world) would support a "Jewish" state.
Oy goyim, I'm a stinker, but the only way you'll get rid of me is giving me a country. Win/win.
The Jews do not deserve our support for Israel after what they've done to our countries.
It's so ironic that far-right nationalism rising again and a great dethroning (or perhaps even gassing) of the kikes is their greatest fear, but in order to "prevent" this they are destroying our countries and making their fear a reality in the form of the reactionary alt-right. They desperately want to manage our reaction while keeping their programs in place. We just need a great white awakening.
I support Israeli Israel, not in America, gtfo kikes.
It takes two to tango. Palestinians have never shown any willingness to compromise on "right of return", meaning importing to us millions of arabs, thus turning it into a de-facto another mudshit country
Oh, no, I support there being some shithole far away to force all the jews to be. The problem is they aren't, there's still a bunch of them here and other places. If we forced them all to be in Israel and stay there and stop mucking about in business elsewhere that would be great. But like that old woman at the beginning of Defamation said, Jews are crooks, if they went over there they'd have to work for a living.
>don't you think the Jewish multinational franchise deserves a headquarters?