Not sure if I am eligible to purchase a gun because of previous mental illness.
Read about Q and what is going on behind the scenes every waking minute.
Starting to get nervous after watching video of ex-CIA nigger talk about thousands of secret sites around the U.S. with the map unsurprisingly glowing in the Chicago area (Thanks Obama).
Contemplating moving somewhere safe during the coming civil unrest as the deep state and shadow government make their final move.
What do? Where go?
Currently a cypto NEET in Chicago
Tough call, but lake michigan is such a huge reserve of fresh water we'll need men there willing to fight/die for it. Can we count on you?
>Not sure if I am eligible to purchase a gun because of previous mental illness.
If you werent hospitalized you'll be fine. If you were hospitalized, then you need a letter from a shrink saying you're ok.
I will need a letter then.
That is very true. Might need to defend our lake.
"Mental illness" is a loosely-defined slippery slope and should never bar someone from their right to self-preservation as they, themselves, see fit.
Crypto isn't real money. You would literally be better off with a handful of chuck-e-cheez tokens. At least then you could exchange them for something.
I don't feel bad for you
Well if you want guns and dont have a shrink you should go find one now, and start a relationship with them. I doubt a shrink is going to sign off on some random guy owning a gun after meeting with them for only a few sessions.
>While your fiat currency is "real" in your banks computers represented by ones and zeroes in their computer system. Yep.
>I just sent fiat using Venmo. It’s obvious this isn’t the future. It was too fast and obviously the bankers skimmed some fiat out of it.
How can you expect fiat to compete with crypto when you can’t even lose access to your own currency!?
Is this picture real? Asking for a friend
funny thing is the popular video game "The Division" is literally about a huge false flag combined with a GCIAN guerilla warfare assault.
In the game you play as a GCIAN tasked with wiping out as much of the populous as possible
If crypto is real, why don't you "cash out" and start living your life, big guy?
You're fooled by a shop so old you were both probably toddlers when it was made.
what vvideo was this
Omg u totally got me
Yeah this is a great idea
So people seriously believe the 'can't cash out' meme? I cashed out a fraction of my holdings and I'm even paying taxes (I'm a good little goy) and post taxes I was left with 568 920€.
I got in on Ethereum late 2016 and in hindsight I went a bit crazy and bought way more than I could lose.
I bet her pussy stank
Waiting for the market to move, then I will cash out a little of it. I have the possibility of never having to work again with my current holdings, as some of them offer passive income through master nodes if you own enough. My portfolio hit over 300k in January so I'm just waiting for the market to pick back up. I'm a long term holder anyway.
What do you currently hold?
/biz/------> you have to go back, Faggot.
I'm sorry you missed out on easy money
You can't retire with 300k you dumbass
newfag detected
Is that the Genie in a Bottle bitch? Is this just a great shop?
Anyway, you can buy privately you retard. Stay away from urban areas if you can and have plans for food/water. Buckle up buckaroo!
TAU PRL KIN ARY IOTA are my largest holdings right now.
The butthurt is real.
My holdings are potentially worth multiple millions of dollars if just some of them hit 10 dollars. STFU nocoiner bitch.
And actually if KIN hits just 1 dollar I'm a multimillionaire, so suck it faggot.
>Global economics has nothing to do with politics.
>there's really people that are this stupid