Is “Pope” Francis the Whore of Babylon?

Catholics are pathetic

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He's just a globalist Pope, and not really Catholic.

>Oh look.
>It's another protestants are going to pretend that the only problem with Catholicism they have is the current Pope who is an Anti-Pope amyways thread.

They're devaluing demons by claiming people who can't even spin their heads around or projectile vomit blood everywhere while floating in mid-air are demons.

except for jews, Jesus Christ acknowledged they're the children of the devil and therefore demonic.

>cuckolicks vs (((protestants)))


>pope is not really catholic

An Anti-Pope exists when there are multiple Popes claiming to be the Vicar of Christ.

Francis is not an Anti-Pope. He is the Antichrist.

a pope that doesn't care about his fellow catholics isn't a pope
FUCK HIM, we will get a better one eventually


Oh they did wonders for Dalmatia now didn't they! Subjugated the people for two thousand years, that great catholic church. and where where they during the 90's?


no, it's dana loesch

[citation needed]

The whole church is the Whore.

the church did help croatia
read more canacuck milosh

Pope Francis is technically excommunicated by the rules of the Catholic Church. He has gone inside kike synagogues and accepted gifts from them.

Francis is no Benedict and certainly not a John Paul the 2nd. He acts like an agent from outside the church.

Anti-Pope, noun.
"a person established as pope in opposition to one held by others to be canonically chosen."

For example, Benedict XIII was the Anti-Pope set up in Avignon in opposition to the true Pope in Rome.

Anti-Popes were frequently established by secular rulers who disagreed with the Pope or wanted to maintain greater control over the clergy.

no, hun. a citation for the pope being the antichrist

>Vicar of Christ
>in Latin Vicarious
>in-place of in wild opposition to
>in Greek antiprósopo

The whore of Babylon and beast refer to the Roman Empire.

Then why do the prophecies of Daniel and John's Revelation line up perfectly with the 1260 years of papal supremacy? Pic related.

name one biblical prophecy that has come true.

ill wait

I come from a family of old school Catholics. My mother is Spanish, and while I am not really religious, I do know a lot about Catholicism.
And Pope Francis would technically, by normal standards, be ex-communicated. He has time and time again flaunted the rules of typical Catholicism and gone against it's foundations in appeal of Globalism and Leftist ideals.
Whenever I go back to Spain for Christmas, and some of my uncles or grandparents get drunk, they get excessively angry about him, start swearing and committing all kinds of sins. It's pretty funny.

Jesuit fucker

Its like you didn't read my post on biblical prophecies that came true



Yes, the church and its offshoots is exactly who is represented by the whore and her daughters.

I am catholic and my friends who attend my church all dislike him. We see him just as a globalist poser who is trying to bring Social Justice to religion.

Mystery Babylon

name me one, should be easy, you're a self-proclaimed source.

Faggot child abusers

As a Catholic, let me say this heretic does not speak for me.


He's a lot like Trudeau if you think about it.

Its like you didn't read the post I directed you to look at to find an example. Are you a bot? I can't make you read it, by what you asked for is there.

As someone who went to private catholic school for 13 years of his life, I fucking hate the Catholic Church with a passion. They're part of the Evil Triangle as I like to call it (Catholics, Muzzies and Joos)

so, you literally can't, off the top of your head, name a single bible prophecy that has come true.

kill yourself, charlatan


Prophecies of Daniel and Johns Revelation

yeah, no sweetie

He's the anti-pope. Soon it will be uncovered that the real Pope (Benedict) was forced to step aside for a Zog approved dog that is Francis

> see, they use the same hat so you see they're the same. they're the ancient saturnalian brotherhood.

just stop.

Nice rebuttal.

I read that Italians in Rome were angered by the Pope meddling with the internal affairs of the Knights of Malta.
Anyway, I'm catholic but I don't like him as well.

you are a moron.

kys, kike.

>A vicar (/ˈvJkər/; Latin: vicarius) is a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting "in the person of" or agent for a superior (compare "vicarious" in the sense of "at second hand"). Linguistically, vicar is cognate with the English prefix "vice", similarly meaning "deputy". The title appears in a number of Christian ecclesiastical contexts, but also as an administrative title, or title modifier, in the Roman Empire. In addition, in the Holy Roman Empire a local representative of the emperor, perhaps an archduke, might be styled "vicar".

american prots are the worst. you don't even know the difference between hebrews, israelites, jews, and semites.

I don't get how one can be believe in the Christian God but at the same time be a racist, how does that make any sense? God made man in his image, so I've/read at least.

im not required to rebut fiction, nigger

there isn't a single bible prophecy that has come true

wring your hands all you want, schlomo

After watching that x-CIA video from that guy Shipp, I am pretty sure the USA is the whore of Babylon.

or seikhs and muslims

how do we kill this guy?

fun fact: Francis is not the only shitty pope to ever exist. Many other shitty popes existed that people hated but as the Catholic church always does, it survives and continues on with the traditional status quo. The challenge that faces us now is being able to return to the old status quo after Francis is gone. I am 100% convinced that Francis is a marxist plant that the progressive faction (read: Jewish infiltrators) in the church strong-armed into power. The catholic church is basically in a behind the scenes civil war right now between traditionalists and the marxist progressives. The progressives hold power currently but the fight isn't over yet. If we combat this cucked bullshit we can oust the marxists and bring the church back to its baseline traditions (aka what the last pope was doing). Traditional faction catholicism has been attracting more people as society becomes more fucked up. The church isn't finished yet, it has been through worse.

most of us don't give a flying fuck about the church, I just want this commie propagandist dead.

The whore of babylon is the USA.

well it would be a good thing if the progressives were kicked out, regardless of whether you care about the church or not we don't want it to become another leftist propaganda factory, because that would be bad for everybody

>third world
>opinion discarded

He's not the antichrist he's the false prophet. Him and the antichrist will work together. The Pope will rule in Rome.

He's an anti Pope. His reighn will end violently

Babylon has Fallen!

Apocalypse 17:8 Fulfilled

Revelation 18:2 Just Happened

Padre Pio: Satan Would “Come To Rule A False Church”

The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes and Antipopes

End-Times Temple Of God

Is the World about to End?

3rd secret of Fatima, St. Malachy's prophesies

And in Greek? Oh yeah, anti.

You asked for something already provides like only a dumbass would.

Papism was a mistake

The Old Catholics got it on the right end, the First and especially the Second Vatican was a mistake. Child baptism is a mistake as well.

yeah, go outside kid, your mammy is calling you to look at the dogturd with jesus's face on it

Nigger feet lover with his bullshit...again.

Holy father just wants to unite the Church before one last war against Islam

The first Jewish Pope.

Wake up!

He is a terrible pope.

he's a Jesuit

Jews infiltrated the Jesuit order, which was the original reason for the Inquisition

He has a distinctly Jewy look about him, and he was elected pope after the last one was unceremoniously retired against the rules of the Catholic church, just in time to welcome the refugee invasion of Europe.

Oh look it’s another D&C. I enjoy bantering with papists as much as the next guy, but this Pope thing isn’t funny at all. We can both laugh about mainline Protestant churches cucking themselves into socially just irrelevancy, but the Catholic Church is centralized around the teachings of a Latin American Marxist just went they could use some sound doctrine and moral authority.

Gas the pope

>childhood baptism
Complete rubbish except for in “The Godfather”.

Funny you say that, Wikileaks agrees.

Israel became a nation in 1948

Yes. The Baptists are right.

>Implying they haven't been the whore of Babylon the moment they decided to end religious unity with the Eastern church for their own selfish desires
Glad they are losing believers faster than any other religion

>Glad they are losing believers faster than any other religion
No in US

The mistake is to believe the Pope hasn't been the bad guy for over 1,000 years. Br assured he takes it in the pooper

Scarlet and purple user. Committing adultery (straying from Christ) with every nation, (mixing traditions with paganism)