Did anyone see Robot Chicken last night?
>"You were a funny meme until those alt-right shitheads took you for their nefarious purposes"
Got got the episode title spot on though "Factory Where The Nuts Are Handled"
Did anyone see Robot Chicken last night?
>"You were a funny meme until those alt-right shitheads took you for their nefarious purposes"
Got got the episode title spot on though "Factory Where The Nuts Are Handled"
Other urls found in this thread:
(((seth green)))
cant wait till they start asking for help so we can say "no"
I did not see it, but it doesn't surprise me. Adult Swim was started by a team of 70's era hippy retreads of various degrees of "redpill." They had what was the equivalent of a hostile takeover by some shithead who openly admitted he hated cartoons, and almost drove Adult Swim into non-existence when he fired a bunch of talented people and started making horrible, HORRIBLE "live action" shows. Now it's being rebuilt by the same type of degenerates who create the daytime programming. Now that Disney owns Fox, it is my sincerest hope that Disney tells AS they can no longer run Fox programming. It would absolutely annihilate them. They'd lose King of the Hill, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, American Dad, and Bob's Burgers. All they'd have to run would basically be reruns of Aqua Teen, Robot Chicken, Eric Andre, and Rick and Morty.
>they start asking for help
Wow user, you sure are stupid :)
[spoiler] you actually fade into obscurity and no one is worse off [/spoiler]
>Pepe was funny when he was depressed and hopeless... but now that he is smug and happy, he's nefarious!
Sounds like how they react to white men becoming confident and standing up for themselves. "Go back to hating yourself, Nazi!"
I dont watch reddit shit
>"live action" shows.
Agreed. Tim and Eric are unfunny and just terrible.
I've made myself watch their tripe just to see just how terrible it is.
I don't watch cartoons because I'm not a stoned man-child and I don't know why I would care about their opinions.
He was always ours. Fucking normies.
Adult Swim used to be good. Then they abandoned most of their actual talent and started making bullshit. Once somebody there came to their senses and was going to hire on C. Martin Croker again, he suddenly died, and he didn't exactly die a rich man. Adult Swim can go to hell.
Man child is a term used by roasties to shame men into not having hobbys your thinking of a soy boy.
this user gets it
t. old enough that i know original AS
My absolute negro
wasn't funny until the alt right got a hold of it.
Fucking this. They are acting like pepe was some innocent normie meme and then big bad alt right bogeymen came and "co opted" it. Fucking normies
>Did anyone see Robot Chicken last night?
No I am a grown up.
Eh, I'm going to have to fight you on that one.
>Space Ghost Coast to Coast
>Cartoon Planet
>Sealab 2021
>Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law
>Bring in Sam Hyde for a brief flash of funny, then get rid of him
>Eric Andre is okay, and admits being heavily inspired by Space Ghost
>Rick and Morty has it's moments
dear god what the fuck is wrong with the audio on that video?
I really wish i knew the source of this gif.
Cartoons/gaming/weebshit are not hobbies
Reading rainbow I believe
Try this one
>Robot Chicken: "Help me! Help me user!"
>user: "no"
>Robot Chicken BTFO
>Did anyone see Robot Chicken last night?
No, because I'm not a TV-watching faggot
>t. nu-Sup Forums
Pepe was an unbelievably cringey normalfag meme, and Sup Forums took him back.
even by normie standards Robot Chicken has been absolute shit for the last 4 seasons
No I'm talking about basically doing anything other than giving her attention.
>le the whole world is against Trump meme
How the fuck did he get elected then? Russians or anybody for that matter can't rig an election too much without triggering a recount.
this user gets it
like everything else the left buys out and co-opts, AS turned to complete shit
Found it. Seemed a little flat. I’m a huge fan, but they’ve become hit and miss.
>t. newfag
pepe was co opted by normies and then later got re-claimed
Conveying sadness at your race being systematically replaced = being a toothless uneducated Nazi.
I'm a Dr. You don't have to be an idiot to want your people to not die. We are told about a race problem but only in white countries and it's only solved through massive 3rd world immigration. It seems to me we have a government that plans to eradicate white people. We have every right to resit it.
Pepe started on /rk9/ (well, started after Matt's webcomic came out), normies took him, /rk9/ created poopoo and peepee to try and take him back, Trump retweeted him one time and normies dropped him and now blame "the ebil alt-right" for taking him when it was the same group of guys all along.
>Those dirty alt right am i right goys
lol get fucked seth green you weak cuck faggot
Why are tv shows always so behind on current events?
Normies operate at a lower frequency. Much slower.
Seth's a fucking bitch faggot that now sucks cock for the people he used to hate.
Fucking pedo faggot. He knows better. He doesn't deserve any mercy.
Stop motion animation is a slow process.
>dozens of tv shows now reference Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is a household name
>more people than ever visit the site
>you've still to see a single person on the outside looking in who gets it
Adult swim died with Harry Goz
Pepe became a meme on Sup Forums before /r9k/ even existed.
I remember when pepe wasn't related to anything political
good times
Stopped giving a shit about Adult Swim when they scrapped King Star King.
Man the theme to those bumps was catchy as fuck.
This is what pisses me off.
Pepe never belonged to the alt-cucks. It just didn't.
CNN found the ONE KKK Pepe from some random Reddit thread with 3 comments and ran with it.
They really should have made more of these.
The direction they chose to go in is way too faggy.
Nigga 99% of the original Pepe enthusiasts became "alt-right"
>Nefarious purposes
>Muh funny memes
Enjoy having your nation stolen
Wait, do normalfags actually think that THEY were using sadfrog before Sup Forums did?
I thought RobotChicken ended like ten years ago
It should have ended ten years ago.
Robot Chicken is terrible and unfunny. I have watched several hours of it in the past and I don't think I laughed a single time.
Kek, why is Pepe sounding like the fattest Nigger in the world?
robot chicken is still a thing?
The Normies are afraid .
Sup Forums can have any meme Sup Forums wants, and that they have nothing against it scares them.
but then seth green would have to stop banging 22 year olds
what is this phenomena of formally "edgy" celebrities (see Trey Parker and Matt stone, Eminiem, Louis CK/Bill Burr...) totally cucking in he Trump era and becoming concern trolls?
can we get a better video? this ones shit.
They want pepe to be sad and cucked. They fear his righteous REEEEEEEE and the smugness that he enjoys after fighting his foes.
>having an opinion on the matter
Turning Pepe into a hate symbol was Sup Forums's victory over the normies who were slowly stealing Pepe from us.
r9k made Pepe extremely popular was the rare pepe collecting meme, normies started to co opt him. r9k then tried to save Pepe by creating Poo poo pee pee but it wasn't enough.
In the end it was Sup Forums who snatched Pepe from the jaws of the normalfags at the last second by tying him to the Alt Right.
He's ours now but we should remain ever vigilant should normies try to steal him from us again. He who controls the frog controls the future.
Tom goes to the Mayor made me violent.
Niggers don't understand that pepe is Sup Forums incarnate. Pepe is whatever Sup Forums is at the time, no normie can ever sway that.
Holy fucking shit, this. The show its great and haves EVERYTHING the left is pushing, gays, degeneracy, transpeople, animalkin, pedophiles, I mean fucking everything and its great.
You know why? Because the authors wanted to make a show like that, not because they wanted the "diversity quota" god fucking dammit
>depression frog became happy frog
>a bad thing
Common, Sup Forums used to Spam pepe raping people and shiting himself.
Muh kicked in the benis
Trips of truth
The only good thing about Adult Swim is their anime block. Their original shows are reddit tier trash.
That show still exists ?
he's talking about pepe you fucking nerd
Robot Chicken is the lowest common denominator entertainment and so Jewish where it just parodies existing IPs in "hilarious" and "zany" and "wacky" ways.