Why does the idea of an united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put Europe number one again make Europeans here so angry ?
Isn't it supposed to be a good thing ? Or maybe do you like your American masters too much ?
Why does the idea of an united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put Europe number one...
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t. ikibey
laz ar sabhyumans
If millions of niggers werent part of the deal I dont think it would be as much of a problem.
If there was no central Brussels bureaucracy government everything would be fine.. now pushing for EU military? Letting in and supporting of replacement plans for natives?
You mean a united prussia. You french need to stop trying to lib out so much. Lib stuff is fun, to much of a good thing and you get nigger shipments.
EU is absolutely great and I am proud to be part of such a great community of nations.
A non-cucked Germany alone could out-compete America.
((European Union)) is nothing but a control and coercion tool from the central banks.
>capable of competing economically with the USA and China
Because I couldn't flee from niggers to eastern Europe anymore. The niggers would spread to EE too once Germany/France etc fall.
It wouldn't be good unless we get good leaders, otherwise it will be the european caliphate
The problem is not the EU, but German(Feminine) domination of the EU.
They invited themselfs the refugees and now we're supposed to share the burdain.
Kalergi Plan.jpg
what the fuck i love the EUSSR now
Because most of Sup Forums doesn't understand how the EU works.
until the golden eagle is not standing in the european flag can fuck thenself,
this is and unionof bunesesman that would sell all the european history traditions and his people for a 5% more growth a year
i agree that we need and union but and proud imperialistic one
this is the european spirit
a proud and honourable one
not an union of shady merchant
from the east
to the unknow west
EU is a shithole. No one here is competing with economically superpowers. And if EU will ever do it, it will only affect the richest 1% here. So I could not care less about fucking europe...
Because the united Europe we have is one big closed market.
In economic terms, the EU is one big wall, and we're paying for it.
>united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China
Is that what the EU is? Really user? Really?
Because it's not a "united Europe", European countries have completely different and separate cultures, interests and identities. Some European nations breed fighters, others breed quitters. You can clearly see this if you compare the UK, Poland and France. The UK has gained absolutely nothing from its membership of the EU, whereas Poland has been paid huge sums of our money. Despite this, both nations have very strong Euroskeptic movements because they are both populated by people who understand the value of independence and sovereignty. It's that same spirit that led both countries to fight Germany against overwhelming odds in 1939. Compare that to somewhere like France, which despite having one of the largest and most technologically advanced pre-war armies, chose to just give up and surrender, refusing the British suggestion that they continue to fight the war from their African colonies. This shrugging, defeatist spirit can still be clearly seen today in the way that the average French poster is totally oblivious to the importance of national sovereignty, and is indifferent towards EU efforts to undermine it.
Furthermore, the EU is not the sum of its parts. It's a supernational organisation plonked on top of Europe like a tumour, steadily spreading its tendrils of control. Opposition to the EU is not the same thing as opposition to Europe.
you know how easy for europe will be to conquer all north africa and middle east ,france has nuclear bomb so usa or russia wont enter in direct confrontation
we could reconstruct a neo roman empire if we wanted ,is only our will that is stoping us from honour our ancestor with the glory they deserve
1/10 LARP
The idea is great, a united Europe will erase everithing in its path, the problem is the current EU that promotes cultural marxism, refugees, blaming whites, etc etc....
Eu fascist european uniob that promotes pride in european history, culture, race and seeks the best for europran people would be amazing, imagine Europe a fascist nation and all europeans, and only europeans working together regardles of their nationality, language or religion ( european ones of course), we could dominate this world, but the EU is beyond aby salvatio, sadly it made a bad name for paneuropeanism, but a new movement of paneuropean fascism will rise and we will take over this world, this world is ours friends, so stop hating on other groups of europeans, i am romanian half serbia, i do not hate hungarians or ukrainians or croats, that is stupid, we should work together.
Heil brothers
because europe has proven time and time again that they are an undemocratic union of countries seeking to establish socialist policies across europe and censor right wing views and they've been open about it too
and don't get me started on their plan to replace the population with low intelligence high violence muslims
the EU is nothing but a power grab by a very small, hyper powerful cast of people that barely pretends to be democratic and it's the closest thing to the USSR since the USSR
even fucking brexit will lead to nothing because the EU controls both the UK press and the UK government, so it can both spread propaganda about brexit and pretend to negotiate shitty deals to force britons to back down
fuck those bastards to death
in this scenario china wouldnt be a menace,with the control north africa the rest of subsararan countries could be easily became our suminestre line of raw material and "slaves" china would be isolated to the far east and europe would be independent in all the metrics
In wouldn't care if you accepted white immigrants instead of shitskins and didn't insist on making them live as serfs under a degenerate and retarded ruling class.
fuck europe
>he unironically thinks the goal of the EU is to "unite Europe"
not quite but the Germanic regions together would certainly kick ass.
>Why does the idea of an united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put Europe number one again make Europeans here so angry?
It's not the larger market and the greater power internationally that I dislike. It's about all the other things the EU does that interfere with undoubtedly national issues.
Many people are unfair, though. A lot of the shit that comes out of Brussels actually is made in the capitals and then goes through the EU.
The nation states are often at fault because they determine how EU politics works: This guy has it right
>Unified Europe
isnt the issue that you have assholes like Poland and Greece not pulling their weight?
The problem is that whenever a unified Europe arises it will always end with Russia and U.S. gang raping Europe, then basically splitting it between themselves.
nationalist europe is united europe
not this eu shit which reminds more ussr day by day
EU is the new Soviet Union
because socialy it is not right wing
Russia has less GDP than Italy, the US will be plagued with internal conflict in the future. There will be even more isolationist politicians after Trump.
We'll have to look after ourselves in the future and good for that!
Nobody wants your fucking inmmegrants, dumb frognigger.
And yes, united europe would be that trash scattered everywhere without local gubments to fight back.
Because we aren't just talking about an economic union, are we Pierre? We're talking about a federalised left wing monstrosity led by Germans that wants us all to take in millions of Arabs.
Because it's lies and bullshit. There is no possible way with the present structure that can happen. It's too top heavy, too controlling, too elitist.
How does turning Europe into a third world shit hole where criticizing feminism is 'hate speech', make us fit for competing with anyone? I've no problem uniting on trade, I've no problem with Europeans (and I mean actual Europeans, not Algerians and Somalians you threw passports at) coming here to live, but the EU can fuck right off with anything else.
If the EU served the interests of Europeans and aimed at respecting/preserving our identities i would be for it.
Because it's led by unelected beaurocrats who wish to legislate for all member nations...
Yet Italy has debt 120% of that GDP, why's that. I'm looking at you Germany.
When EU starts to promote gun rights and self defense laws that could make their vision of a niggerfied europe remotely bareable.
Said it before and will say it again. If all you care about is gdp, the idea of a "United states of Europe" probably sounds great. The problem is that a project like that would mean the end of national sovereignty, national identities would get diluted and each nation would see drastic cultural changes. I don't want that for my nation.
Because its a united cuck state devoted to fucking the citizens and filling the pockets of the few. Also any government should belong to the people and the EUs track record with respecting the vote is shit.
Also the people who run it are stupid or they would have slowed down on the immigration and gone with the slow boil strategy.
I recently wrote a similar thing on another thread. GDP...GDP...GDP...even many so-called Nationalists are obsessed with GDP. Materialism at work.
Better a poor White nation marching into the future than a rich and doomed White nation.
Europe will never unite because you do not have a shared identity and you will have states that will always refuse to fall in line to either Germany of France. Also, southern Europe now does not have the industrial capability of being anything other than a mooch.
Because we don't want to be ruled by an unelected bueraucratic body that seeks to eliminate our history and nations.
I would rather die than to share a country with some krautcucks from berlin with their horrid language and awful culture of getting drunk and eating meat 24/7
Germany is the only one who won out of the EU.
France has continued to go down to shit whilst Germany prospers.
The Franco-German Core is a lie. The EU is the Fourth Reich.
The EU wants a dumbed down mixed race population with no ties to countries because it makes it easier to destroy the nation state.
P.s. France is a shithole and we ended you as a power by kicking Napoleon’s frog arse
Because they can't compete inside the Eurozone?
The point still stands, Italy can output more shit despite being less than half of Russia's population.
Russia's wages are lower, though, they can make things like defense industry at very competetive prices. Unfortunately that's all they manufacture.
Calm down Junker.
Fucking this.
The destruction of tradition and ties to the original nation states strengthens the EU control over the new state dependant morons.
kys EU nigger
Because in today's world wealth means power and you can't be white nation without power.
What do you think would happen if countries like India or Brasil were richer than we are? We'd be their pawn the same way that Nepal is caught in the tug between China and India.
You are right, if you sacrifice your country for a fraction of a percent GDP growth then you are doing it wrong but thinking that we'll have a future without being economically strong countries you are mistaken, too.
You know how I know I'm looking at a Dutchie in Germany?
By their lack of eating manners and stuffing themselves with the cheapest garbage they could find.
You are to the Germanics what Americans are to the Anglos in that regard.
fucking Southerners debating which of them are most subhuman.
However the lowlander is right. I would rather die than be in a United Europe.
We tried that. It doesn't work. Too many ethnic differences within Europe, lazy Southerners and French are incompatible with harder working Germanic and northerners
>Creates an unsustainable imbalance
>Without your own currency to devalue and regain competitiveness you are fucked
Why do we want to try it again ? Fag
>wanting MENA apes in Europe
This is why we can't have nice things in EU
Did you know that Poles are to MENA is what Brits are to Poles ?
I'm not a pole
it sounded like a good idea but you have bring back slave trading and your authorities are proud of it.
we look up to you guys so much that even here in chile the slave trade is BOOMING thanks to the now ex-president michelle bachelet...BTW she is now secure in a sit at the UN (imagine that...)
Woah rare flag. Sorry bro.
Whats so scary about a united europe? Do you like being irrelevant?
t. western neomarxist jew
it is glorious that we will see end of your country due to self inflicted migrant damage
ofc er Svenskeren en fandens cuck. Grow a damn spine.
>Do you like being irrelevant?
so I should give up everything. My country, my people, my culture and my self determination to be more "relevant" on the global stage? Fuck that. Beside if Denmark became part of a united Europe then Denmark would become even more irrelevant than it is now.
The EU was constructed to prevent that from happening. Originally started as iron steel and coal community to prevent Germoney being able to build warships.
They're all nationalists, too stuck adoring their own little cultures and such things. There's so much bullshit buzzwords around the EU here too, I don't see why. Apparantly it's communist? Even though one of the core ideals is to have internal trade among nations. It supposedly only harms citizens, yet works to make markets competitive and stands up for citizen rights. And of course there is le jews, I have no idea what that is about, probably people misinfored by some infopics or something.
In the first place the EU basically pushes everyone in the EU to learn english which shoving niggers down everyone's throats
What's the point of a united Europe if Europe looks and sounds like the US?
spoken like a try EU nigger.
>They're all nationalists
indeed and if you are a nationalist then you cant support a system / union that actively works to undermine and destroy your nation.
If nationalist parties took over the EU it would be a nice project, european cooperation between euro brother nations, but many things have to change.
>If nationalist parties took over the EU
that makes zero sense.
It doesn´t, there is already a cooperation between nationlist parties, it was first with FN, Jobbik, BNP and so on, it changed a bit in the recent years. The purpose was to shift the globalist tendencies of the EU, and protect our borders.
Because most people don't want to be ruled by stupid leftie unelected bureaucrats that pollute continent with shitskins. United Europe would be like Sweden++
just abolish the EU. We do not need that shit to work together. Only Portuguese know what is good for Portugal. The EU corrupts this by speaking on your behalf.
All nationalist should work to remove the EU but I understand that you have to be realistic and take baby steps. Shifting the globalists tendencies to more pro Europe is a logical first step. However the end goal for me is the complete removal of the political side EU.
*It does
EU is ruled by multiculturalist diversity lunatics,that's the majour problem, but i tend to agree with you in the rest.
For example this was pretty good, nick griffin:
use the EU to blast their policies
Nobody cares about your nationalism, you're not at odds (for a good reason) with surrounding countries so the national tribe mentality is useless. Especially countries like ours are so tiny, it's so dumb to not unite forces, so everybody going on their own is what would truly undermine things.
And even better, the whole EU even leaves a country control itself for the most part, it's like they knew what European sentiments would be like. It's a good concept, if only more right wingers would work to change it instead of working to wreck it just so they can feel like a big boy (because they'd get more power that way).
amen brormand
ok lowlander but the EU will never become something "right wingers" will support. At least here in Denmark as being right wing = defending the sovereignty of Denmark.
I actually fear what is going to happen in the EU now that the bongs are gone. Without them pushing back I fear the EU will try harder to undermine and destroy our nations.
Better make use of the migrants while you can, wouldn't want things to cool down.
Once that happens, you lot are politically lost. Reduced to a fringe.
Sounds like a dictatorship. For a unified Europe.
Damn, that's a real fucking good video
There are countries in the EU that are only there because opening their market for German products is a net profit for Germany. The idea of a economic union where on one hand you have powerful nations like Germany and France and servant nations like Romania in Bulgaria is just hilarious.
You give me a good argument as to why a country that is solid economically should join a union that subsidizes entire worthless nations like Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia etc is good and we can talk about the questions in your OP.
keep dreaming as my "lot" have only grown in numbers the last two decades.
Also I only need my countrymen to turn against the EU and that is clearly within our reach as the Danish populace have voted no to the last three EU referendums. Denmark is the now the member state with most opt outs and thus least compliance.
europe does a lot of things wrong but in the long haul and if you weigh evrything off. It does more good things than bad things. It also minimizes the chance of state corruption