I'm thinking about breaking a law, which one should I choose?

I'm thinking about breaking a law, which one should I choose?

Are you a fed?

so.... the supreme court is now the congress?

no just a concerned citizen


Entropy - we could seriously use a little perpetual motion.

>thinking about breaking a law, which one should I choose?
Speed of light



dont listen to this faggot. Break Moore's law


Moore's law has been done for a decade, breaking the speed of light would allow wide spread quantum computing and intergalactic travel



Law of conservation of energy because reasons


lol no don't break the law
just stay off politics for a while

i tried to recreate the logo

>i tried to recreate the logo
I appreciate you effort concerned citizen

What would you say if I told you that perpetual motion machines are so simple, you could build one in a shoebox out of things from your garage, but the knowledge of their construction is being kept a secret by the Illuminati, who really only owns candle and electric companies, and they are called the Illuminati because they want to maintain their monopoly on illumination.

was meant for



This is merely procedural. The SCOTUS didn’t shoot trump down or anything.

Jaywalk, litter, roll through a stopsign, and smoke just outside of a designated smoking section you rascally rebel you!

Come to Alabama and put an ice cream cone in your pocket, it has the least consequences because no one does it and no one enforces it.

If you plan to an hero afterwards, be a dear and fry some human, confirm if it tastes like pork, or in the case of niggers, monkey.

Fixed it.

>Scotus says: This is bullshit, DACA was always unconstitutional, let court of appeals handle this



Post yfw this goes all the way to SCOTUS and they rule that DACA has always been unconstitutional and “dreamer” status is revoked for all of them and they all get sent packing.

your premise is only applicable if you are a non-white. We are still bound by the rule of law.

This + they voluntarily handed over their information to ICE