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Hahhahahahahhahahaa DRUMPF BTFO
The law states otherwise. Starting March 5th, paperwork for certain folks will begin to expire. ICE most likely has several records and is at the ready for mass arrests and deportations.
How come the Supreme Court wasn't stripped of democrats?
>The law states otherwise.
>the executive branch, which doesn't even make law, is the only law that matters
user, I...
>This much delusion
Okay, drumpflake, post proofs
You fucking idiot. SCOTUS didn’t take the case because there hasn’t been through federal applet court yet
Wow you are completely wrong.
Keep sucking hannitys cock!
>haha you stupid trumptards, now you have to deal with illegal immigrants for longer
funny how they phrase it as a punishment
DACA is here to stay moron. Deal with it.
No, it's meant as "your leader is a fucking moron who has no idea how to govern, guess what you sucked his cock for nothing."
Hope that clears things up. kys
More procedural dodging. It's still under review by the appeals court.
It's already expiring on March 5th.
>he forgets who made DACA
You shills are low energy.
That just got voted down. It's here forever now.
>It thinks a previous admin's EO can't be reversed
Oh sweetie...
Still expires on March 5th. And most folks are too lazy to reapply anyway.
>he doesn’t know
>"hey you don't know how to build a fence"
>proceeds to do everything in their power to hinder the construction of a fence
>"haha told you that you couldn't"
thanks for the kiss, anyways
So what will happen to these daca "kids" when they become legal? Will you still care about them? Or will you move on to the next batch?
>talking out of your ass this hard
They concede it is against the interest of actual citizens, thay are just too fucking stupid to provide a coherent response
DACA is not a law you retard
Obama dealt with an obstructionist government and was still able to pass ACA.
Obama 1 Trump 0
LoL, the judiciary don't have the power to order the executive branch. Same with the legislative.
On what grounds did the court declare the executive branch not being allowed to execute border laws?
>Being this retarded
Having the 9th circuit run cover for a nigger who abused the EO process so your party could get enough retarded spics to vote for their gibs isn't governance
wow good thing only one element is at play here, else your post would have seemed narrow-minded and pedantic
Literally this. Nothing anyone else says matters: this happened, deal with it.
Drumpf can't even sign an EO LOL
I'm not making this up, my immigration lawyer told me, idiot gringo.
So what exactly was the decision? It wasn't filed correctly or some shit? wtf?
More like ignored them and forced it through as an executive order.
not only can these tards not meme, but even their insults are another level of bad.
If dreamers get another year they are going to be fucking like rabbits to try to pop out babies by then and tug the heartstrings of the left "you can't kick us out we have a helpless innocent baby!!"
And black panther is a big box office bomb.
Your immigration lawyer is a yes man then, and you're the idiot paying him.
Simply not true.
You must be talking about president dum dum?
>Obama dealt with an obstructionist government
>60% majorities in the House and Senate
Compared to most superhero movies, and international box office, it didn't do all that great.
OP is a fucking idiot.
You mad? Obama will always be a better president than trump by any metric? It's going to be fun when ivanka cries as dum dum is hoisted off his bed into a police cruiser.
It still expires on March 5th retard. SCOTUS only isn't taking it because Trump admin bypassed the 9th. As soon as he takes it through the proper channels it will go to SCOTUS. Are none of you tards capable of research beyond your puppetmasters in the liberal media handing you talking points?
Actually, the state pays for my lawyer.
Tick tock, 8 days and you become fair game. How exciting.
Aw, you do realize the IG is jewish right? How does that make you feel?
It was an appeal that bypassed the usual order of going to he lower appellate before the scotus. I guess they werent pusuaded regarding the urgency and want to wait for the lower court to hear it first.
Big loss? Have they even read the fucking statement? It means they will stay out of this topic.
So DACA will most likely get demolished in March since democrats and republicans won't reach an agreement by then.
Yep, can't end the program, told y'all idiots. We /Americans/ now boys
>Dealt with an obstructionists
Lmao you fucking retards really think if anyone disagrees with you they're obstructing.
There's a difference between ramming legislature through on a party line vote and the appeals court completely ignoring supreme court rulings to obstruct your immigration reform.
I can't believe people this dumb are walking around
>Are none of you tards capable of research beyond your puppetmasters in the liberal media handing you talking points?
I need Sup Forums to guide me
Were you born a retard? Obama had both the House and a supermajority in the senate when he passed ACA. In what universe is that an "obstructionist government"? Are all liberals too retarded to actually verify anything their retard friends tell them?
What did Obama do anyway? Outside of a terrible half-baked healthcare plan, drone a few idiots, and bail out the banks, I can't recall anything useful.
This article is stupid. Trump can let it expire on March 5th.
>This happened
No one disagrees that he rammed it through on a party line vote you drooling tard
OK we don't want DACA to end and we're glad the supreme court struck this down. What's the issue?
DACA isn't law faggot
Considering it ends on the 5th, Trump doesn't have to do anything. Look forward to ICE knocking on your door soon.
>Struck this down
You can't be this retarded
u do realize daca never went through congress right? this was an unlawful obama exec order. trump can eventually just rip it up u retarded nigger.hes trying to be nice and make a deal.
The original temporary order that the Supreme Court let stand halted the president's ending of DACA 'until the lawsuits played out'. The reasoning was that if DACA ended before the lawsuits were decided and that the lawsuits prevailed, the people under DACA protection would have already been (unjustly) deported. The new Executive Order was put on hold.
Sorry, no feels for invaders left.
Wrong, it won't end on the 5th while being reviewed. A DURR A DURR A DURR
RIP wall
Than how was he able to draft a bill, get it sent through the house and Senate and on his desk to sign? Sounds lawful to me.
Nope, seeIt doesn't end, it's here forever
Obama did what was best for the country, not just for YOU.
Being this wrong and dumb at the same time...
Ann coulter is going to be PISSED
Wow the amount of BOTS and shills flooding Sup Forums over this is worse than after the recent shooting
see You didn't read the article at all I bet.
Don't worry. You'll be flooded with doctors and scientists soon enough.
>Waaaah I hate brown people
Deal with us, bigit your, time is up
Immigration faggots only bought time. Anyone who thinks that DACA has a future is deluding themselves. Remember, Trump offered the Democratic congress a clean DACA bill in exchange for the Wall and they turned it down. Anyone who has status under DACA should start making their plans to be returned to Mexico.
Really? Show us the coded law so we too can see this written law!?
The guy that gets paid to keep you coming back?
>Allowing millions of illegal aliens access to social welfare programs paid and planned for the american citizenry is what's best for the country.
Please tell me this is bait
The supreme court is a spook and undermines American "democracy" Kill off all the jews in politics and intel agencies ruining America.
>american education
goddamnit you fucktard
>deal with it "bigit"
When you're so dumb you actually think borders are racist
u fucking retarded beaner. the policy was established by executive action rather than legislation. trump can rip it up and say bye bye. hes trying to be diplomatic u fuck.
I can believe how much butt wrecking can drumffptards take, quite fucking impressive desu.
lol... dumb Mexicans.
The deadline is a honey trap. When Scotus hears the case, all the applications and statuses will be deemed null and void.
The DACA status will be retroactively nullified.
People who think they have 4 years left will have 0.
SCOTUS is just buying time for some major decision that will rock the planet.
I am actually hoping for a Constitutional Crisis.
March 5th comes.
Deportations begin
9th Circuit fag judge orders a stay.
Trump tells the judge to go fuck himself because he is just reversing an existing EO a purely Executive function over which SCOTUS has no authority to rule.
Deportations continue.
I was hoping for pulling ICE out of California for a bit. The spic riots and local police refusing to do anything about them would seal their fate.
obama is a retarded cia nigger monkey puppet. he did what jew soros told him to do.
also there is the loophole about "processing" renewals.
Trump doesn't need to approve the DACA, he only needs to process applications and deny them.
"Thank you for your application. We processed your appilcation but we're afraid your DACA is denied."
>Than how was he able to draft a bill, get it sent through the house and Senate and on his desk to sign? Sounds lawful to me.
1. The DREAM Act was a legislative bill put through the house several times, but has never passed.
2. DACA is an executive order that does similar things to the DREAM Act made by Obama.
The big difference between the two as far as you are concerned is that since DACA is not legislation, Trump can instantly destroy DACA whenever he chooses to do so.
Yes please.
Can an American explain to me, outside of irrelevant ideological reasons, why America lets in so many useless people?
I’m not sure about retroactive nullification but the order is 110% unconstitutional. Also not a law.
Sup Forums BTFO
altshits on suicide watch
how is letting a bunch of illegal immigrants live in your country a good thing?
>When you don't know what you're gloating about but you're too dumb to realize it
Spics really are hillarious
youll always be a beaner creatura. winning?