I-its the fault of immigrants/PoC that I'm poor and not the fault of Bankers and the rich!!1

>I-its the fault of immigrants/PoC that I'm poor and not the fault of Bankers and the rich!!1

Why are right-wingers constantly voting against their own economic interests?

Sounds to me that the jewish banker shouldnt be taking our fucking cookies

Why do left winger bitch all the goddamned time, spam the newsgroup with this idiotic meme every goddamned day, and then vote for the Goldman Sachs banker stooge candidate every single time?

since when does Sup Forums not hate both (((bankers))) and immigrants
are you fucking new?

Sup Forums isnt intelligent or alpha enough to beat the shit out of the banker and take his cookies so instead they whine and complain on a anime imageboard

Sounds to me that someone is butthurt that some nigger stole your cookies
Are you gonna cry to momma for milk?

The jobs they take would pay higher if they weren't here. Scarcity 101. We want the higher pay.

Gee I wonder why (((Leftists))) keep telling me I vote against myself.

Show your leaf coward.

I can keep my money under my mattress. I can't keep an immigrant from stabbing me or stealing my job

The Jew then walks up eats last cookie and tells the worker he better get cooking as hes invited the immigrants 20 friends and they are all hungry

A banker has literally never TAKEN a penny from me against my will.
Illegals have stolen my property, increased my income and property tax every fucking year.
Steal education dollar from native children, cause insurance premiums to rise by abusing Emergency rooms/ambulance services
so yeah fuck your idiotic macro faggot communist

As an AnCap this shit would never fly in a true Libertarian society.

Its nice that the communist likes to cover for the crimes of others and notice that the immigrant doesn't even steal the cookie in the analogy you can't even bring yourselves to admit that have commuted any wrong doing. Also when did the banker ever warn the work about immigration, in fact it is the banker that brings in the immigrant (as the banker represents the capitalist) to drive down wages and drive a wedge in the worker as the immigrant is nationalistic. What really shocks me though is that the Left support imperialism, just not the imperialism of European Empires but the imperialism of those who would do harm to Western Civilization.

Because my morals and values are not for sale.

>worker and immigrant decide they want more cookies tell the banker to go fuck off and forcibly take his cookies
>banker leaves but doesn’t pay the baker
>baker wants money for the cookies but Worker and Immigrant can’t pay, so baker refuses to make cookies and leaves.
>immigrant leaves to go find free cookies elsewhere
>worker is stuck there by himself hungry and alone

And that my friend is the tale of a worker named Venezuela

Where did the cookies come from? Who paid for them?

Thing is that bankers only take around 10% of what I make after taxes, and it is still cheaper than renting. TBQH money isn't an issue for me personally, fucking up the culture, language and unity on the other hand... I do not blame immigrants though, if your life is shit I understand that you would rather move to greener pastures. The real problem are the people who believe that accepting hordes of people with a different culture is a good thing

That is absolutely meaningless

I can honestly say I hate banks more than immigrants.
Not by much, but still.

The cookies are made by the american kike banker himself. Just like how the dollars come to existence atm in usa. Just print print and print more.

Why should we let the bankers or gibs seeking immigrants take any of our cookies? Both are enemies of a decent and just white society.

More like:

>Worker make 20 cookies
>Give 5 to the banker because he agreed to give some money for the ingredients against some cookies.
>Save 5 cookies for Gan'ma
>Eat 5 cookies
>Still have 5, maybe I can afford to make a kid
>Immigrant come in, say he is starved and the only way to save his life is to give him 5 cookies

Jokes on you, the banker IS an immigrant.

The (((bankers))) bring in the fucking immigrants retard

that picture is backwards
bank takes 1 cookie while most other cookies go to undocumented immigrants

Bankers control the system and are the ones pushing for open borders

I hate both bankers and immigrants, but
>Food Analogy

>it's successful people's fault i'm poor!

Bullshit analogy. The banker brought the immigrants in in the first place.

>1 post by this ID
S**e this shit

>banker takes all 20 cookies and loans them at interest
>worker and migrant can't pay cause only 20 cookies in circulation
>worker /migrant defaults on the cookie loan, banker takes his house

> A banker wants to steal twenty cookies
> He brings an immigrants in who say "Gibs me a cookie."
> Banker takes 19 cookies for "safekeeping" and calls you a racist.

The banker is a jew

Instead of baking cookies they shouldve baked (((bankers))), baking (((bankers))) scares away "immigrants, and then you can bake a's many cookies as you'd like.

No, the banker takes 10 and loans them to you, you must pay him 12 back at end of day or go to poorhouse with immigrant. The immigrant takes 2 and sends them home to feed the hungry kiddos, The feds show up and take the rest. You are now unable to pay back the banker. To the poorhouse you go.

No user, he watched from the closet while niggers took turns on his cookie.

>A Jew, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies...

How about we kill the minorities and the bankers?
(((1 post by this id)))

>and not the fault of (((Bankers)))
You realize you're on Sup Forums right?

>maybe I can have a child and give him the 5 cookies.

this negro get's it. the banker needs more cookie I mean debts slaves.

The others at the table should simply work as hard as the banker to grab the cookies, then they'd have more.

As opposed to Trump who created the richest cabinet in history, filled with actual Goldman Sachs bankersb

>the others at the table should simply lobby government to deregulate their business and give them subsidies paid for by taxpayers

A banker and a worker sit at the table with 20 cookies.

The banker is already fat, and full of cookie. So he doesn't eat any. While the worker gets some cooki in exchange of labor the Jewish banker uses the cookies he has to convince the owner of the place to let immigrants in and feed them for free.

The three now get together every day for 20 years. The place can barely stay open feeding the immgrant so they start making the worker work harder for the cookies.

Finally the worker rages for he can barely sustain now. The banker takes this as his sign. He labels the worker a racist, splits all the cookies in half and tells the worker that there have never been more cookies on the table.

Then the banker leaves and goes fuck a child or sth.

>pretending to care about my interests
kys memeflag