Fucking traitors EU wants to add 1 million immigrants to ireland fucking traitors must hang
Fucking traitors EU wants to add 1 million immigrants to ireland fucking traitors must hang
Hey there Paddy. Re-form the IRA.
I think were gonna have to Death to all Traitors
Karma for the years of the Irish promoting multiculturalism in US, Can, Aus etc just to get back at the anglos.
at least the Irish integrated and worker hard unlike niggers
Ireland is the most inbred of the EU, you tiny island cousin fuckers.
Fuck off memeflag you kike shill
Hurts doesn't it?
Burns doesn't it?
Yeah when we didn't enslave your poor lot. Literally nothing wrong with you all.
>Terrorist action
I unironically support this as long as you target elitist leftist parasites like:
>JK Rowling
Fuck me, my country really is dead
Everyone retreat to Wales, create a new Celtic empire!
I recognize that cat face
Bump 9001
Its revenge for the Brexit m8. Krauts are a bunch of grudge holding bastards.
just go full italy and shoot niggers on sight. you have the precedent of not giving a fuck what your cucked leaders want and handling things yourself.
Oh god, that will be even worse than Sweden. Don't let this happen Irish-bros!!!
>*due to close proximity
They are going to succeed in this because pussies in Ireland wont do anything about it. What's worse is people like you are aware of what issues its going to create but you are only going to moan and do jack shit about it as well. Good luck tho!
>tfw able to form militias to kill fellow white brothers
>but muh PoC's
>EU wants to add 1 million immigrants to ireland
That's what you get for electing a fucking halfbred poofter for a Taoiseach.
Get your bombs together and outbomb the muslims.
Ireland could become lit as wicker man.
He wasn't democratically elected, pajeet.
Christ, that's equivalent of a quarter of our total population. If those bastards get their way we'll become like the 56% meme.
Fucking hell, they're planning to Swede you. And kikes will still say "You did this to yourselves, you wanted this!!!"
They see a ethnically homogenous country and they realize that its a source of
dissent against their pseudo commie neoliberal globalist paradise. So they are coming
flying in with their talons out, sharp.
FIGHT NOW, It WILL be too late otherwise. Don't even think about "I'll do it later", NOW, before they make it illegal to even protest it.
Trust me, look at my flag, I know how fucking disastrous things will be if you let them go through with this. 2040, that's not far from the same
timeframe that we had when we started the multicultural apocalypse process in the 1970's.
How do we stop this lads?
Easter rising.
But more successful.
>illegal to even protest
stage one of operation 'potato brick', ban anything and everything with this patterning on as a symbol of intolerance / a bygone age / add a headscarf, then ban the rest of it
Looking forward to the days when we can take the kids to nice public hanging again in the town square. Have a nice meat pie, a pint of stout and watch a "insert subhuman type here" choking out his last gasp on the end of a rope. I want that fucking executioner job, tis my dream career.
I don't know if the people of this country would support it. We're just so passive
thats what you get for your jewish tax tricks.
one way to do it might actually be to get inb4 them... instead of allowing them to champion some foreign terrorist makers, start championing nuns / priests for all the effort etc
I can't bring myself to watch that video. I know we're totally fucked. I know that most of the inhabitants of this country are fully (((indoctrinated))) and will welcome foreigners with open arms. I want out.
Burn in hell, you slimy fucking kike. Your time is running short, that I can assure ya.
I now live in Sweden (very rurally, not with shitskins).
I know right. People are lost all over the world.
Lol went to Dublin recently and its fucking disgusting. basically like Brazil.
This is why you need to join Britain and stop being Catholic.
Golden one?
spotted anti-Semitic shills
Make the United Kingdom great again. Destroy an independent Ireland.
Only in white countries. Its a fucking plague.
London is 10 x worse I hear.
I thought Ireland loved immigrants. There’s no way that they are more racist than racist America, or is it that the million Muslims they’re going to get aren’t Catholic enough. Do they think that adding a bunch of Muslims to their combination distillery & globalist tax shelter will cause problems?
Why don't you faggots nail bomb these faggots?
How bad are things in your major cities there now?
Buy airguns and knuckledusters. Whatever weapons you can slide under law and modify to do some damage.
They are doing it in Germany now.
I don't think that will work. One of the few things I still admire about this country is we're very protective of children. After the paedophile priests scandal the church lost virtually all respect and power overnight and I don't think they'll get it back
Yep, all over the western world at least. I wish we were more like Japan: theguardian.com
Is it not possible to spread computing forever's video?
interestingly, i'm currently in a university library listening to some migrants chatting (none white and some are blatantly from south east asia). the none white guy (black) has an irish accent. he's explaining how master degree course are apparently free in norway / sweden and he's been given that advice by some kind of mentor at the uni.
They love this shit, they're commies.
See I don't mind there being some non whites in Ireland so long as they will integrate and provide for irish society
at least when the muslims bomb ireland, ireland can bomb them back
they're just after free shit m8
>I don't mind there being some non whites in Ireland
And that's a textbook example of word "traitor"
why you cuck. You want ubongo playing GAA and chatting up colleens?
Just so we're clear, I'm part black. I love this country. I was born and raised here. I'm a rural boy for fucks sake. Does that mean I don't belong here?
Yes. Get the fuck out.
Leave EU.Come to Vietnam.
We detroyed muslim long time ago,come to Vietnam.Together we will make Vietnam become Nazi.
You don't belong here as much as I don't, as I myself am an imigrant.
Of course there will be darks in europe, no way around it. Can't remove them all, the same some are worth something. Idea is to keep white countries above 98% white.
>inb4 leave Ireland
I know I will have to fuck off back to where I came from and probably I will.
Can we grow potatoes there?
no no ireland. You must enjoy the fruits of your loyalty to the EU. Who needs a big military or anything else, the EU will provide, and be fair and just.
You fucked up, now go fix it you potatonigger.
If you're a white European then you're welcome to stay.
good brother. True nationalist is respect other nationalist. Salute to you from Viet Nationalist
You can do whaever you want but you guys need respect Viet people then we fine.Honestly, Vietnam right now is fascism and paradise for any Sup Forums. We love nationalism you know
>I'm part black {} Does that mean I don't belong here?
ethnically, nah you don't. you can not absorb into a lineage merely by presence. there are thousands of years worth of essentially entirely white lineage that have built and struggled to provide the region you're in. that's much more than a simple passport can provide
But they are INBRED
but you all voted for it silly billy.
Ireland fought tooth and claw to retain independence from Britain, and then hands all the hard earned power to Brussels lol, emerald Isle is actually turning brown 23% more rapidly than England right now and leprechauns are on suicide watch
Knuckledusters are illegal here unfortunately.
I am 100% white and in working class.
See, the reason why I eventually will have to leave is that this is not my country. In a sense that I can't voice my arguments against liberal madness happening here or advocate for anything as the result will always be "Don't like it, leave". I cannot participate in social, political or other movements for this reason.
No place on earth will be left for whites to retreat to.
Eventually even the Faroe islands will be targetted, mark my words.
HAHHAHHAHHHAHHAHAAH Thats what you get for trusting the EU jews
Get a nice ring then.
I am part black as well. My father comes from Scotland and I used to visit the UK often to see friends and relatives.
I like my Scottish heritage and Britain as a whole.
Due to a spate of robberies in my neighborhood, whenever i'm home alone i keep a hammer in arms reach. And with a ring you're probably just gonna fuck your hand up
>the result will always be "Don't like it, leave"
Fuck them. I encourage you to keep red pilling as many people as possible. Eventually, they will see that you were right!
Hey, do you remember when you crazy cunts bombed shit because the Brits pissed you off or something like that? Next thing you know, you vote in blowjobs, and then you can't even govern yourselves properly without the help of the EU.
It's funny, in a very sad sort of way. I guess we can say goodbye to this now. All those rumors of redheads going extinct were true, but just not for the reasons we thought.
Fucking hell, I'll take that back after watching the video.
Wut?! So live in Cardiff. No one wants to live in Cardiff. It's the arse end of the anglosphere.
Good. I'll drive them to the airport myself.
Fuck you, potato niggers.
Fuck off Muhammad
How are things holding up in Finland?
Only time two times I went full redpill here, once when we had a lad from UK wisiting our work place and on business meating he started mouthing something about brexit and how he voted no, I called him a traitor and told him that he is the reason pakis rape british girls. Was a long awkward silence.
Other time was some years ago when secretary asked me about voting and so on. Went full Sup Forums about how last thing Ireland needs is low skilled workers voting leftists and stuff.
I don't consider saying that "niggers should be killed" or "leftism is the problem" as everyone around me knows that I'm not right in the head.
What I meant is full getto rings with a word or something that covers basically all fingers
Pic related would definetly make me stay in Ireland forever.
My parents are Irish yet I was born in Wales and I will always be more Irish than You, shitskin.
>everyone on fathers side is Irish/Welsh
C-can I take up a spot on that immigrant roster?
No Paddy, you are the traitor.
Punching with a knuckleduster hurts like shit, and can break fingers if you hit hard enough. Hammer and dog will do me fine
Time to move to Ireland
This phrase marks the downfall in every country, keep telling yourself that its what the swedes did
I want to lose my shit over this but before I do answer me this; how much ofthis 1 million number be based on solving the emigration problem? That's a big reason your population never recovered no? Could it be they want to develop Ireland more so young skilled natives don't have to leave in droves?
Hammer and dog tops it, I just remember how knuckles saved my ass years back in my country.
>go from work thru tunnel in late evening
>local "youth", about 6 lads, chilling and drinking in tunnel
>sees me, look at each other and one start coming towards me
>fuck it, have about half a kg some lead/alloy knuckle in pocket.
>take it out and put on my fist, no words spoken
>guy sees it, turns around and returns to his mates
>I pass them, in tunnel was such a silence you could hear a water drop.
Shit saved my ass, wouldn't be able to fight them all but first one would be traumatized for life at best.
i was living in a hostel four ~4 months over christmas.... the topic of 'migrants' eventually came up while some of the staff were round. the staff themselves were very pro the UK (making eye contact when i mentioned how 'we' already >are< a minority globally; they were both blue eyed). i thought i'd try advancing that a bit by dropping in 'hitler was right, he was trying to prevent this' and a mention that i'd read his book. i overheard them saying something about "should we report that" quietly while they were elsewhere. possibly a note on the anti-extremism file; schools / all places involving some form of support / training / observation all now have anti-extremism surveillance policies in place.
whilst at uni i mentioned at one point that i'd voted leave. i then started getting the 3rd degree from none-white students.
they will be begging for it when they realise what's happening. david duke is right about that. he mentioned in one of his talks that it's basically just a matter of time until the rest of the public become aware of the vast bull shitting they've been receiving. i don't even watch tv anymore, it's just like watching a constant stream of subtle propaganda.
hitler originally cottoned onto propaganda as a result of the british using it dump the blame for the world wars on germany's doorstep. he said that the message must be simple, unambiguous / questionable & repeated.
he was actually slightly wrong about that, there's an even more powerful form of it. allowing people to think they've made their own mind up by injecting just enough of the opposite side of the argument for them to think they've gained enough information, but massively biasing it in favor of the point you wish to make; e.g. constantly making sure there's some shining example of none-whites in each tv show, even if it's only a minor part of the program. a constant, subtle drip feed.
Looks like killing all those civilians was for nought.
At this point I'm all for handing NI over just so we have our fucking moat intact.
Isn't capitalism great?