If you're not physically fit, you don't deserve to breed - even if you're white. End of story.
If you're not physically fit, you don't deserve to breed - even if you're white. End of story
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This is absolutely true.
If whiteness is your only standard then you're fucking retarded.
Too many on the board make this mistake.
communist (sandnigger) lexicon
'Deserve' means nothing. You either breed or you don't.
>If you're not physically fit, you don't deserve to breed - even if you're white. End of story
and what if the only people who are physically fit are complete morons?
Sorry scientists, engineers, mathemeticians, we have to castrate you .
Tyrone you seem to be in peak physical condition from fucking white women. You have permission to breed OP's ass
No they don't. Physical fitness is worshipped in WN circles and fatties in the movement are constantly shamed.
Darwinism breh
Watch this thread to see evidence to the contrary.
My DNA doesn’t care how fat I am.
t. Fat father of 3 white boys
women building their upper body are gross
meanwhile in the real world fat fucks are pumping out units all over the globe
Yeah I agree it's best to be healthy and fit
I'm 190cm, atlmost 100kg and have belly fat that just won't go away :^(
Get thee to a rowing machine.
+1 work on getting that stinky Pooey braphole bigger
you need a strong body and a sharp mind, bro.
think about a spear. It's handle needs to be thick enough and strong enough to not break, while the spearhead has to be sharp in order to reach its objective.
I fucked sexier girls then her in sea for fiddy or less
I take the cultivation of the higher genius to be a given. The body is more often ignored.
I'm very fit, and I don't deserve shit. Neither do you, faggot. You work for it, like a man.
The original /fitlit/
Pretty juicy thighs for an Asian.
If you're not physically white, you don't deserve to breed - even if you're fit. End of story.
If you're not physically fit from manual labor, then you should just kys.
People that go to the gym are posers.
155 lbs. 5'11"
Green hair, brown eyes.
You can be both you know.
Not like fully jacked though
I feel like you need to be somewhat competent and intelligent in order to become physically fit. It's pretty hard to be completely for even most doctors are fat slobs and they spend 12 years studying the body.
nothing stops scientist to get fit, in fact you would say that a man driven by a science passion and seek of improvement knows that he should mantain his body in optimal physical state.
No definition soyboy detected.
This and only this.
>155 lb
Why bother getting fit, if I'm not allowed to breed anyway?
If you don't breed, you don't deserve to breed.
>I feel like you need to be somewhat competent and intelligent in order to become physically fit.
You feel, huh?
I can be pretty spooky, when I choose.
Just because you have shitty nutrition doesnt mean your fit.
If you cant even fire a gun without every bone in your body cracking under the pressure then your useless to the white race. Pleaae only fuck atinky negresses to weaken their genes...that way your of some use.
Its actually, if you don't know philosophy untill at least 18 century and calculus you don't deserve any human rights as you're not one.
Only retards disagree
>Just because you have shitty nutrition doesnt mean your fit.
I didn't say I was fit, I said that I wasn't fat.
>If you cant even fire a gun without every bone in your body cracking under the pressure
I can do that already.
It's pretty hard to get fit you probably wouldn't know at 155lbs soyboy
>It's pretty hard to get fit you probably wouldn't know at 155lbs soyboy
I don't eat soy, you idiot.
as a med student I know many doctors/surgeons who are chain smokers and some have quite the belly
Sometimes to be a master in a field it takes total dedication and leaves little room for fitness.
Being mentally fit is more important than physical fitness, but mental health isn't truly achieved without the latter
Mirin that muscle up. That is hard.
>155 lbs.
You need to get your weight up pussyboi
>implying engineers are not applying their intense autistic capacity to enable idealized pursuits of fitness and nutrition regimens.
>TFW no excel document plotting estimated V02 capacity over training window.
>TFW no monte carlo simulations determining maximal squat rack availability during peak gym hours.
>TFW cant even design a proper 5 day split w/out a consult with mark rippetoe's ethereal spirit.
>155 lbs. 5'11"
If you stopped trying so hard you'd be alright, namefag. You will learn.
Hey, maybe he's a competitive climber. I don't judge.