Is he the mouthpiece for the collective unconscious of young white males in 2018?
I hate this thread!
If the mouthpiece was an anus then yeah
That is Sup Forums
ITT: /lefty/pol// discusses their seafood allergies
Young white Zionist males
OP, I don't know much about this dude. Why is he posted here so often, and why does he have lobsters in his pockets? Apologies for being a newfagish oldfag who doesn't keep up with this stuff.
He's a guy who didn't want to call trannys xir and his new book started off about lobsters
He's a marine biologist turned Food Network host turned extreme right-wing philosopher. You've missed a lot of drama
Cool posts. They sound reductive and trollish. Trust me; I'm a veteran in these matters—lol. Why really is this dude posted so often?
it's part of the secret white supremacist iconography.
Jeb bush was accompanied by turtles, Trump by nazi frogs, and Peterson by lobsters.
The aquatic nature of the beasts signifies the 'submersion' which has characterized white supremacist tactics since Jews took over the society and drove them beneath the surface of acceptable discourse.
It's a sum it all up of all the bullshit. If you really care go read his books or watch his lectures
> he's actually a good psychology professor
l ron hubbard but with lobsters instead of clams
Actual description:
He's a clinical psychologist who's obsessed with Jung and released a book laying out his psycho-mythological view of the world in the 90s. He was pretty much a nobody apart from a few TEDx talks and features on Canadian public television. In late 2016 he made a youtube video criticizing Canadian Bill C-16 and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, which moved to add gender identity to the list of protected classes, because he saw it as a recipe for compelled speech illegalizing the act of using pronouns other than someone's preferred ones. The news story blew up as he was accused of transphobia and now a bunch of people are watching his lectures and liking his messages about the importance of personal responsibility and the individual. He is accused of being right-wing and alt-right although he calls himself a classical liberal
His name is Jordan B Peterson and he is Canadian clinical psychologist who did a decent series of lectures on a Jungian reading of the Bible, wrote a book about addicts and behavior called Maps of Meaning, and initially became famous about 18 months ago for refusing to call college students by their made up gender pronoun (which was being voted in to law at the time, has since passed, making "correct" pronoun usage compulsory and free speech in canada no longer exists). The lobsters represent the far end of a spectrum of creatures which exhibit participation in a dominance hierarchy, which he talks about sometimes. Overall he's a fair-minded and smart guy but his fame over refusing to use certain made-up pronouns earned him a right-wing following for the wrong reasons, and he has since begun milking his fame for upwards of $100k per month. I think he is having a hard time dealing with fame. Leftypol hates him because they are reactionary brainlets. /lit/ posts about him a lot because they are brainlet NEETs who benefit the most from his message:
Clean your room.
The only way to avoid this tragic journey from free thinker to demagogue and/or cult leader and/or blowhard hack is to die with no fame and hope someone finds and recognizes your collected works.
>for refusing to call college students by their made up gender pronoun
He never actually did that
He said he wouldn't comply with the law if it passed because he wouldn't want to cede that ground
This. He's a really good, well spoken psychologist.
However, a bunch of annoying BEN SHAPIRO LITERALLY RAPES AND MURDERS 10,000 SJWS THUG LIFE COMPILATION watching mom's basement living in types have latched on to him because for better or worse he's one of the last sane voices in academia. He unfortunately, probably through misunderstanding, tars "post-modernism" and blames the rise of the Social Justice ideology and thought policing on campus on it as if it was a concrete ideological movement bent on destroying western society. What he should be critiquing is Critical Theory, which while producing great thinkers like Frankfurt OGs Horkheimer and Adorno has spawned (mainly through the influence of Marcuse) an endless number of hacks, many of them "reformed" new Leftists and 60s Maoists (Douglas Kellner, among others, comes to mind, although to get an idea of what I'm talking about look into any courses/lecturers in the social work, education, and "cultural studies" fields, which have become overrun with these types). If anything "post-modernism" in its most basic sense (opposition to meta-narrative) should be opposed to Social Justice ideology, which resurrects the Marxist modernist project and the teleology of progress by simply switching in new oppressed groups into the oppressor/oppressed dialectic.
My god, you're right.
>which resurrects the Marxist modernist project and the teleology of progress by simply switching in new oppressed groups into the oppressor/oppressed dialectic.
whenever we say this we are accused of 'conspiracy theories'.
>A uncollective unconscious for a specific group of people
Do Petersonfags even read Jung?
i certainly hope not. dude sounds like a bitch.
Holy moses my sides
Talked to one in real life. He said that he rather just listen and read the simplified version Jordan is parading rather than doing his own research on Jung and Nietzsche
Only the parts where he references lobsters
He has some self-help stuff that has apparently been useful to a lot of people, not surprising that he's landed on something that works for many because he was a practicing psychologist for years. He also promotes reductive boomer ideologies that appeal to young guys who were embarrassed about being uncomfortable with some left-wing rhetoric and didn't know how to respond to it on their own. He has a shallow understanding of subjects outside of his areas of expertise and it shows. He's popular because he lends a comforting aura of authority to simplistic social/political views that young guys want to hear.
>There is a single collective unconscious.
I seriously hope you don't believe this.
I seriously hope you have read Jung and understand the definition of collective unconscious before continuing this conversation such as it is.
I seriously hope you don't write a post like that again
Of course you fucking idoit. How else was Jung gonna explain how archetypes can exist in all cultures?
no the funny thing about the unconscious is that it will forever remain unconscious
look its an astroturfing-bait thread designed to homogenize userbase for easier targeted advertising disguised as content. wow
thats a very cynical read, Satan. I like it. The Internet is a cold cold place, and deserves no charity.
Quit your pedantic antics and sort yourself out.
levelheaded rundown
thanks I forgot to mention the B stands for Baphomet
I appreciate the responses. He seems terribly controversial but in the least interesting sense. I'll make some time to check out his messages and lectures.
holy fucking Laff this was a nice thread starter.
> Leftypol hates him because they are reactionary brainlets
> /lit/ posts about him a lot because they are brainlet NEETs who benefit the most from his message:
Only one of these is true. I've seen more disdain for JBP in /lit/ than anyone else because /lit/ has been infested by 'leftists' and neomarxists that posits ad hominem attack on JBP every chance they get because they think they know more than him about Jungian and Nietszche's works when they haven't done the same rigorous work that he's done. I would agree that Jung and Freud's works can be considered nonscientific but to dismiss them purely because of that reason is highly insane - there's a reason why psychoanalysis has worked for most cases. Sure, neurochemistry and drugs can fix most of the neurological and by extension psychological problems and that's fine too. Triggered /lit/fags who are also fans of Sam Harris would also critique JBP for being another emissary of Catholicism and religious indoctrination but they greatly misunderstood and misrepresent JBP's views - JBP argues that religion is essential for societies because the basic psychological mode of humanity is rooted on a firm belief in something divine - whatever it maybe - and that's something that has been true and a fact throughout human civilizations. While Harris, who barely did any scientific work or any kind of rigorous social science work, argues that religions shouldn't be a part of our society and that psychoactive drugs and/or intellectual discourse is our gateway to being freed from the grasps of religions. Of course, if you have a functioning brain and an average IQ, the answer to who you should believe is quite obvious and if it's not, then just ask yourself this question - have you heard of any civilization and/or society that has survived for a century without relying on religion?
The Pedantic Antics is my favorite improv troupe
You've done ad hominemed yourself bucko. Who called Jung and Freud into question? No one. Neither are their any Harris fans on /lit/. This board was fond of JBP until they debated and his true colors started to come out. It's no surprise why he won't debate any critical theorist or post modernist of equal academic standing to him in real life.
I wouldn't say a mouthpiece, but his success is certainly due to what can only be described, despite the word's frequent misuse, as nihilism present in young white males today. There is palpable despair and disillusionment among that demographic and JPB provides meaning where there previously wasn't. It's not exactly difficult to see why he is so popular.
However, I actually agree with many on the left when they paint him as a "gateway drug to the alt-right." That is exactly what he is, despite his disdain for the nascent emergence of white nationalism and other right-wing political movements, because he represents an aspirational support structure, a spirituality not present in today's provisional existence. Once that need is met, his followers will gravitate towards the movement that actually promises a vision for the future, regardless of what you think of it.
>there's a reason why psychoanalysis has worked for most cases
It hasn't been shown to work better than placebo
>Neurochemistry and drugs can fix most of the neurological and psychological problems
They can't, at least not yet. Do you know anything about psychology outside of memerson?
>/lit/fags who are also fans of Sam Harris
I never seen anyone here speak positively about Sam Harris
Embarrassing post. There are many reasons to be critical about Jordan Peterson that have nothing to do with religion or nu-atheists.
His Biblical Lecture series is pretty nice although cunts whine that he talks about neechee/dostoevsky/piaget/jung too much
>This board was fond of JBP until they debated and his true colors started to come out
[citation needed] bucko.
>Who called Jung and Freud into question?
JBP's works are rooted in Jung and Freud, and many of his criticisms are drawn because of it
> It's no surprise why he won't debate any critical theorist or post modernist of equal academic standing to him in real life.
Again, [citation needed] bucko.
maybe for autists who have the need to be spoon-fed their ideals from another autist on youtube.
literally never heard of them
i wrongfully rejoiced in improvising what i though was an original phrase
it was a joke user
hes the mouthpiece for sanity
oh i see
Because ultimately, he is the Eternal Anglo, like is, and his engagement with philosophers he might have heard about decades ago in some elective course ends in an utter embarassment.
He'd be fine if his fans actually used him as a stepping stone to something greater by reading the fucking sources he takes inspiration from (Neetche, Jung, etc). Which they don't.
aye indeed.
>I won't submit to compelled speech
>Hierarchical structures are genetically hardcoded into humans, denying them is harmful
>We should strive for equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome
>He'd be fine if his fans actually used him as a stepping stone to something greater by reading the fucking sources he takes inspiration from (Neetche, Jung, etc). Which they don't.
This is it, this is the right opinion. I hadn't articulated it yet
>with a capital "B"
Does he know how nouns work in German?
What do Germans do when they want to emphasize words? Lowercase them?
today I saw someone on a train in Sydney, Australia reading 12 Rules for Life. He looked the typical college hipster with the beanie and thick-rimmed glasses and he looked to be Middle-eastern. This is what his fanbase looks like—not white.
He hates it!
>tfw thought Peterson was a quack
>see how assblasted he makes nu-faggots and redditards
>cease to mind how he's spammed
He's an ok guy.
Jordan Peterson is peak reddit
In a way, he preaches the fundamentals of Christianity that directly improve your life and improve your likelihood of success, without making it seem Christian. Unironically, I try my best every day to speak ONLY what I understand to be truth, and I am willing to have a conversation with pretty much anyone. I try to be kind and courteous to people, helpful if I can, and while I already wanted to be generous if I ever become wealthy I've only become more resolute in wishing to do so.
God bless.
>Marxist modernist project and the teleology of progress by simply switching in new oppressed groups into the oppressor/oppressed dialectic.
You swallowed petersons big steamy shaft without chewing.
As if binary oppositions between sameness and otherness didn't exist and weren't fully operative before "Marx" wrote the "satanic cultural marxist bible".
Anybody with a modest intelligence can aknowledge that diverse forms of opression exist. Even in XXeth century sovietic comunist party, feminism broke up with it for not giving the same priority to the gender trouble as to the dictatorship of the proletariat.
When memerson and his oligophrenic cultists say that, they're just crying for the growing opposition to the white male fanfiction, "we dindu nuffin".
>Really good
If by well spoken you understand devoid of any depth of thought, you're right.
There's literally a reddit named Sup Forums, so what. The two are largely interchangeable these days, but that doesn't mean they are the same. Peterson represents much of what most of reddit hates. They love trannies and ideology.
He is the mouthpiece for the collective unconscious of old white males in 2018. Specifically boomers.
but boomers never had to grow up
Exactly, that's why Peterson's ideas are so juvenile
No, he's reddit because he's the Neil DeGrasse Tyson of self-help and "cultural commentary"
He's the mouthpiece of annoying spammers.
>No, he's reddit because he's the Neil DeGrasse Tyson of self-help and "cultural commentary"
t. assblasted nu-redditor
how are the two anything alike?
2017, but yes
>Do this because i said so
>Do this because it will be good for you because evidence
gg no re
Same sort of superficial pat-answers to everything as nu-athiesm, just with some religion thrown in (not because you need to actually have faith, it's just the pragmatic choice). Same sort of overconfident and shallow understanding of fields other than their own, especially philosophy.
Great post.
You can’t really call it his “true colours” coming out. They spent 3 hours trying to debate the ontology of truth
I'd like to see that 'evidence' pls
Ok but lots of people who have good willpower mention that a good place to start is cleaning your room, or making your bed etc. Sets you up with a small win and a clear area.
It’s as old as the maxim: tidy space tidy mind.
Try taking someone’s advice for once instead of thinking that you know better than everyone about how awful and pointless life is.
Bet this boyo doesn't even clean his room!
>Leftypol hates him because they are reactionary brainlets
/leftypol/ hates him because he spout anti communist bullshit and because he doesn't understand marxism and post modernism
He understands marxism, marxism isn't actually what /leftypol/ wants it to be.
Before the dawn of the scientific worldview, reality was construed differently. Being was understood as a place of action, not a place of things. It was understood as something more akin to story or drama. That story or drama was lived, subjective experience, as it manifested itself moment to moment in the consciousness of every living person. It was something similar to the stories we tell each other about our lives and their personal significance; something similar to the happenings that novelists describe when they capture existence in the pages of their books.
No, he doesn't at all. He thinks neoliberal political correctness is cultural marxism and seems to like Heidegger while bashing the "postmodernists."
Care to explain? He seems to spout only victims of communism propaganda bullshit. There is no releation between marxism and interesectionalism but he keeps calling marxist post-modernist and SJW
he never said anything about cultural marxism, you are just memeing
He just projects some mental problems like resentiment on all activist types, but i doubt that he even read the Capital.
But that's the lesser problem, the problem is that he has no idea what postmodernism and knows it from 3rd hand from some an-cap writings.
nobody knows what postmodernism is, it's just a placeholder for the meme degrees that exist in the university, the name is not important
Are you kidding? He never explicitly said "cultural marxism" (but i'm not even sure about that) but saying that there is a connection between the fall of society, marxism, identity politics and post modernism is basically saying that cultural marxism exist
that sounds like a convoluted conspiracy theory user, he never said anything like that
Imagine studying Marxism for years and having some literally who faggot on a literature board imply that you don't understand what Marxism is kek
Peterson claims to have studied many things but his videos and writing don't seem to back that up. His interpretation of philosophers like Nietzsche and Jung is just vague self help bullshit.
When did he say that?
>well yeah he has a degree in political science but has he even read the capital >:(
peterson hasn't studied marxism, just the soviet union, so he knows what are the results of marxism, but he knows nothing about the meme theoretical foundations
Please post pics of your political science degrees so I know you've studied Marxism
nobody studies marxism anymore, it's just a meme ideology
"Marxist post modernist SJW"
He never said this? Are you sure? Becase this sound like a cospiracy theory too
he never said that, and even if he did how is labeling people a conspiracy? is talking about "conservatives" or "liberals" also a conspiracy theory?