Just read this for the first time to day. Creepy as fuck. Any more manga like Uzumaki?

Just read this for the first time to day. Creepy as fuck. Any more manga like Uzumaki?

just read all of Junji itos stuff desu

Read more junji ito, and maybe try out fuan no tane, although it's more subtle horror and not that scary either. Ito is more bizarre, although those balloons did scare the shit out of me when I first read it because it was unsettling to me. Now I can have a laugh at it, but some of his works require you to think and others require you to ignore common sense at times.

Literally anything by Junji Ito

Tomie was good

Specific Junji Ito pieces I would recommend are Gyo, Tomie, and The Enigma of Amigara Fault. The last one is a short story.


Not sure why nobody's mentioned Kago.

>That story about the toy designer who made the knifing a fetus game
>The one where a mountain village gives birth to shit
>The full manga of the game show that plays with miniatures and perspective
>The condo one
>The fashion statement of cutting your stomach
Kago is a god

but don't you think it was a little silly? the tone of the manga, too

It got progressively more silly but it was definitely deliberate. The starting chapters are still very freaky