Sup Forums im sick of mudslimes invading my country and leeching the social system

I fucking hate muslims. They are leeching scum who dont want to contribute to our society.
All they do is to leech.
i fear we can never get rid of them again.

Isn't the right wing growing in Germany and Merkel approval lowering?

too many SJW in my country. nothing will change

I agree, we even had a recent case of a judge banning an effective method of punishing Turks using the system in a fraudulent way because it "went against the principle of non-discrimination". It caused (and still causes) outrage over here. Ethnic states must be restored in Europe (and with NL still being 93 percent white, it should be possible)

Didn't we already discuss democracy is bs?

we did ranjid.
as long as ever european fed up with leeching muslims is called a nazi nothing will change. We are doomed. Stay Strong Mr. Orban we need you more than ever

Things can change.
Many people in my circle have become a lot more right wing in the past 5 years.
AFD is gaining ground.
Overton window is shifting.

Don't give up hope!

>Stay Strong Mr. Orban we need you more than ever

Consider coming to Hungary then. A lot of Germans (especially pensioners) moves in the last few years from Germoney to areas usually favoured by German tourists like Lake Balaton. Real estate is affordable to you and in most places (shops, restaurants, medical service etc.) the locals speak German because of the amount of tourists.

You can thank Merkel, and the retards who keep electing her (g*rmans)

pls fellow user,
spread the word before the next election!

We all do, stay strong and focused my Kraut brother, work on your own improvement, this madness cannot last forever

I've got hope for you Germany

im thinking about it. Still hard descision to leave my family and friends behind to get raped by mudslimes

no that is Sup Forums memes the world is not changing as much as we'd like

don't abandon your country coward.

Most people are retards. It's more about who influences the retards.

thanks for the kind words!

Don't leave your country. Fight for her survival!
They want us to feel like our homelands are lost - although we are close, we can still change the course. Take the White Pill, brother.

this is not my country anymore. no matter where you go mudslimes everywhere.

Oops wrong pic!

I'm putting the pieces together and I'm starting to realize all the wars we have in the Middle East are intentional. What I mean is, we are destabilizing governments in the Middle East and allowing extremist groups to take over. Some end up in the west where they change the demographics forever. After a few generations, it won't make much difference if someone is from Europe, the United States, Africa, or the Middle East. This will allow globalism and collectivism to be more palatable to populations that are already mixed.

its really hard to redpill germans. We since end of WWII we had a massive propaganda of left ideas.
from the age of 6 you are brainwashed.
i managed to redpill two persons in the last two years. need 81 million more years to redpill the whole country!

How did you enjoy your first week on Sup Forums?

Winter-Chan favors us and normies are more willing to listen to right wing ideas than ever. It's gonna get better bruh.