Did you know that you can't have culture without art? Modern art is a joke, hence western culture is dying.
How do we fix modern art Sup Forums?
Did you know that you can't have culture without art? Modern art is a joke, hence western culture is dying
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>How do we fix modern art Sup Forums?
kill your local artist
Modern "art" is beyond saving.
He became gay and fled to western europe.
I'll just leave this here (relevant):
More here:
>western culture
No one can define what this is. Besides, why would you want to fix anything?
> the world has to be the way you want it to be?
Just be the change you want to see.
>Just be the change you want to see.
I'm In the minority. People went insane and dumb.
If Jesus came back to Earth today he would get shot and robbed.
Take the Jewish influence out of it. Have more objective standards. No more lazy uninspired sexual degeneracy. Quality over quantity. Craft, time, depth, form, aesthetic and medium should be far above "muh symbolism".
Im not so sure
its not like people stopped producing not modern art, its just that a bunch of people came along and decided modern art is more appealing (in their eyes at least)
I suck at photography. Sorry senpai, I'm part of the problem.
Art isn't just shitty paintings or sculptures, it is anything that gives you a vision of godliness. A working body of governance and human rights, set up in a fashion that makes them self evident as the highest ideal man can put forth is the greatest work of art mankind has ever fashioned.
They pay for that shitty art thus fueling degeneracy. This has to stop.
>Modern Art
> Croatian intellectuals
>oh but its for fags
Art is craftmanship that causes emotions without a A4 sheet of paper explaining what the fuck given exhibition is about.
I'm a programmer.
My highly optimized, bug free code is art.
Perhaps it could be that modern art isn't meant to be used as a form of...well...art? Most modern art is treated like cheques. A way to store and pass around money, if that makes any sense.
>Modern art is a joke, hence western culture is dying.
I think you are confusing something here.
namely you are confusing design, which is the basis for everything from cars to videogames, with "modern art", which is just a money laundering scheme.
Real Art with capital A ist still very alive and kicking. You are surrounded by it.
>modern art
There’s no fixing that one, polbro. However, we could start producing art again.
Don't joke about it. I consider Doom's coding to be art.
A legal document starting with "We The People" is beauteous to behold mate. It is art, even the writing of the words themselves is artful.
Unironically Sup Forums is art.
>"Because, like... meat is bad for you"
Are you boiling ground beef?
I do not agree with your statement. I don't consider words to be art. Inb4 Illiad. Nope. It was well crafted but it's not art.
Art isn't dead, it lives in the memes on Sup Forums currently
Nothing wrong with modern art, as you as you understand art history. Everything in art is a reaction against something else. Contemporary art will be superseded by something else; and this is precisely the conversation that art conveys: it depicts our grand narrative. In that matter, you are right. Everything else you said was worryingly autistic.
All of Sup Forums is a 21st century neo-dadaist revival and anyone who can't see that is an uncultured fucking normie baka
>Accurate cadence = Art
Like what the fuck is wrong with you Piotr?Why would you save such a pic.
if you can't pay your bills with art, there will be no good art. just some faggots pretending to be artists, like now.
It looks as though they're washing it
Art is an obsolete concept. There I said it. It existed at its most basic form as entertainment for a society with little to no entertainment options and a lot of free time to think and use your imagination. Those concepts are dead in this smart phone era. My friends can't even watch a fucking movie without going on their phones at least 9 times. The only ones still propping this bullshit up is pretentious faggots and hipsters. Art did its part but its dead now. Less than 1% of the planet will go to a museum and care about what they are seeing the other 99% are going because they heard that museum is famous so they want to check in there.
>muh humans need art to survive as a culture
That part of humanity died a long long time ago get off your pretentious high horse no one gives a fuck about artists. Look how many Marvel movies we are getting and Star Wars you think w will ever get another On the Waterfront?
Be like this guy. Scam them for millions and show them how retarded they are, turning people away from art that takes no skill.
>study film
>want to make redpilled movies promoting traditional values but also entertaining so people will want to watch them
>Sup Forums will just call me names for having studied meme degree
>wonder why hollywood is full of jews
I try to apply the rules of Brutalism in my cooking.
Rich fucks buying shit they don't understand or like just cause some (((critic))) said so, then it gets at auctions, those greedy bastard get anxious and raise the price which will raise the starting price of the next work by the same artist and so on.
Just make the movies then you lazy git.
You don't need a university to make movies ffs.
dude... that's disgusting
you need a fucking ARMY to make movies you fucktard
making a movie costs anywhere 1.000.000 euros upwards and it's almost impossible to get that kinda financing if you don't suck up to (((them))) because all the non jews don't want to invest in movies
This applies to any asset, ever.
Well you probably shouldn't be mixing ingredients then should you? :^)
>>wonder why hollywood is full of jews
Even with a degree you still won't accomplish shit. The guy that plays Han Solo was chosen by Spielberg at a Bar mitzvah.Shia Labouef was chosen by Spielberg to be in the Transformers movies and that made his career. Spielberg chose JJ Abrams to become a big time director and that hack has his name associated with horrendous high grossing films. I used to respect Spielberg as a kid, bought the whole idea that he used to sneak on movie sets until they got fed up and gave him a job and in reality he probably got a break for being Jewish and he is paying it forward.
Make an alternative movie with no budget and show it on Sundance festival?
Buy art you like.
Visit museums of art you like.
Commission from artists whose work you enjoy.
How novel.
You can make a movie for a lot less than that.
If you really care about your work, you shouldnt care about how many people see it.
I use my frying pan as a pot and a plate. I will eat the greek yoghurt separately after I eat the meat.
You're right, I didn't actually mean it like I wanto to go to hollywood, I just want to make movies that aren't degenerate heaps of shit.
yeah surely that's the kind of audience that will like a movie with conservative values kek
also it's almost impossible to make a decent flick without money. that's another of those hollywood legends.
>I don't consider words to be art
>being this dumb and still able to operate a computer
>You can make a movie for a lot less than that.
yeah, shitflicks that noone wants to see
>If you really care about your work, you shouldnt care about how many people see it.
noone works for free just because they care about their work. Why should I? I have to pay my bills too, you know. And yes, I do care how many people see it, because that's the whole point of cinema. I'm not a selfish prick making some masturbatory flick, I want to do something for the betterment of society.
Not really.
Mostly to stuff that they don't understand.
If it's a big bar or iron, then it won't work.
>You're right, I didn't actually mean it like I wanto to go to hollywood, I just want to make movies that aren't degenerate heaps of shit.
You will need money and this is where your plan will fail because anyone with money will be Jewish controlled.
Modern art? Like Expressionism?
Sure a lot of it sucked but there's also quite a few things to appreciate.
Language is a tool for conveing information. Nothing more.
yup, shit sucks.
We need artists. We need artist threads. Make good art. Pick up where the classics left off.
Fair enough, I still think the degree is a waste of time.
Won't people care more about your portfolio?
Don Hertzfeldt mad his movies using a fucking paper, some drawing equipment and a store bought camera and people worldwide love him.
As long as someone can appreciate that art, you have succeeded.
Better, humanity can actually benefit from using it.
Where are you supposed to get a portfolio then? By making some crappy amateur short film shot on a cell phone and starring my buddies who can't act? That'll surely impress producers.
Don (((Hertzfeld))) is a literally who that's only known by pretentious hipsters.
It's a tool for control. Imagine if you just DIDN'T have words to describe how you were oppressed, or robbed?Then you couldn't be oppressed, or robbed.
You can't fix it. The west's high artistic impulse is all dried up. We will only ever have repeats of the same forms. Read Spengler.
well analogue photography is pretty fucking neato, sadly i only own a nikon d80
>Don (((Hertzfeld))) is a literally who that's only known by pretentious hipsters.
i don't know about spain but you can say "my spoon is too big" to anyone here and they'll get the reference
>Don (((Hertzfeld))) is a literally who that's only known by pretentious hipsters.
His movie was shown all over Europe. I saw it in cinema in Poland.
Tldr, shut the fuck up. You are lazy.
I can't be controlled by language. Nothing that isn't written as a legal document is binding.
Learn how to create art.
Guys, is Steven Spielberg a kike?
You can be controlled by your language. you don't even understand the point I'm making. When words are phased out and newer platitudes like "based" are ushered in as contextual descriptors, we literally lose knowledge. You don't THINK you've been affected, because you don't know how to describe that you've been affected.
Art is bullshit. Banksy proved this when he went to Central Park, sold his art that wasn't credited towards him, then when he said what he was doing there was a mad dash to buy his work to turn a profit. Every time he did graffiti art here in NYC the owners of the property would remove the structure and sell it at an auction. Art is bullshit now all people care about is the name
Probably shown at some film festival attended by a few hundred people. Cinema is a medium conceived to be massive.
Also don't call me lazy you fucking slavnigger, you have no idea what I've made. I've shot several actual short films (not faggy pretentious crap made with paper) where I had to work my ass off to get everything together for as little money as possible, and I even shot the last one on film because I fucking can.
I've written a 120 page screenplay with a proper three act structure and mostly observing the hero's journey (or monomyth) as well as the Save The Cat beat sheet.
Now go back to cleaning toilets.
Modern Art is a money laundering scheme from the top down, and the term "modern" stretches back to the great awakening
Why do you care? Have you ever created something without think about how much you could sell it for?
I ignore words that don't have clear definotions like "god".
>Cinema is a medium conceived to be massive.
Good call. Less knowledge can only strengthen you.
Yes all the time. I make software on the side for fun
>implying it isn't
one of the main points of cinema is that a film can be copied over and over and shown at many venues and many times over, unlike say a theater representation. That way you can make a lot of money off it, which is necessary to pay for the high costs of production.
Clearly you can't even grasp the most basic concepts of the cinematic medium.
I don't need to know bullshit. My life is short.
Good call. Less knowledge can only strengthen you.
Gas the fucking kikes! Duh! Can't believe this wasn't the first post. Kikes control art and entailed money laundering.
>one of the main points of cinema is that a film can be copied over and over and shown at many venues and many times over
Upload it to PirateBay.
Ignore the Slav, he is dumb. Doesn't think art can be in written form.
The main problem with art and cinema from 30s to modern day - mostly Jewish directors, artists, critics.
hollywood is fucked up cuz of this
You are wrong. I accumulate more and more knowledge and refuse bullshit that isn't knowledge.
Good call. Less knowledge can only strengthen you.
Hollywood went from 20% business 80% art to 95% business and 5% art. This will be its undoing
Okay, but you pay my rent, my bills and my groceries then.
5% art left in Hollywood? That's too generous.
I like how now artists are transgressors by painting correctly.
It's steamed ham
>Hollywood went from 20% business 80% art
yeah nah. In the best days it was like 75% business, 25% art. Now it's 99% business tho kek
Get a real job and make art from pure love to it in free time.
>How do we fix modern art Sup Forums?
You can't. Modern art is a product of big cities and big cities are irredeemable. You simply have to convince people to stay in medium towns and countryside. Big cities are the sources of downfall of civilizations