Ukraine - White Country - Last Hope

Ukraine is very destabilized country, poor economy, war, angry population, good looking women, conservative women, small negro/shitskin population, good agricultural land and nice architecture.

If we manage to do coup d'état in Ukraine and make our new rules, deport all the niggers and jews and mudslims, it has a chance to become the new the ethnostate of Europa.

Other urls found in this thread:

We would need a major eugenics program to improve the stock though.

This is actually correct. There's very little infrastructure in Ukraine and police are very easily bought off. I met tons of expats making a living through owning physical businesses there. Lots of arable land too.

Where in Ukraine will the ethnostate be located?

Ukrainian women belong to Sup Forums

Fuck off we're full


But chinese chinks marry alot ukraine girls right now.Ukraine's bride market shithole

Stitch!!! Genetics = superior

We can make something like nuremberg laws and encouragement of having many white children

Indeed, we must act quick before it joins the EU or even worse.


You have to agree, you are the only country who has a chance of becoming something, I think you have the highest number of right wing parties support.

you do realize nobody will do anything, right?

Anyone remember that one lewd Ukrainian girl who used to do AMAs here a year or so ago?

u wot...

defeatist scum

Show me your flag, alpha-revolutionary



Why are you so much? as much as I like Russia, there is no hope Putin will ever deport those Muslims in Russia, he can barely handle the illegal immigration from central Asia.


Dont change the theme, would you?

The think about Ukraine is that they have quiet a few right wing people, but the interesting think is that the general public is not as opposed to right wing politics/ideology than everywhere else.

BTW Do you have place to stay for some Hans?

I think once overthrow the government we must to some kind of ''Heim ins Europa'', bring many people european refugees or in general white people with white skin blonde, colored eyes etc and have many babies as possible.

I know a lot of Ukraine people. The men there need to step up and be men. They’re letting their women get away. Alcoholism is a serious problem there and the men beat their women treat em like shit. This opens them up to accepting Islam and black men as an option

>Blond, blue eyed, pale skin to white it bleach every other race
Yeah, when we get enough white men into eastern europe the white women will follow.

Me too, I have lived there for 3 months, its sad really, their men have no game, no style whatsoever and are tend to be alcoholic, no wonder women there want to marry western men.

they are marry Chinese chinks lol.


you dumb burgers. every euro country is an ethno state. and no, we don't need to identify as "white" because we have proper identities here. fuck off to your nigger infested hellhole

How to spot a LARPer:
They always bring up
>muh women
as one of the points

YOU won't "manage" anything, much less learn anything real about the Ukraine conflict.

Ok then, elighten us all here: how can men "step up" and what does that even mean?
>letting their women get away
What are they supposed to do? Cage them up, therefore making wish to leave even more?

Yes I’m not kidding. I know many Ukraine boxers who are in America. I asked if the alcoholism was just a stereotype & they said no it’s a serious problem. It also leads to abuse and neglect and creates the perfect environment for aggressive Muslims & blacks to show the women something new & different which most women find exciting. By that time the women are trapped

Putin would annex Ukraine before any of you nerds could do anything

go suck putins dick and live in siberia faggot if you love russia so much

Yea, they tried it
...And what they got is more jewish domination instead
Yea fuck off

Stop being drunk abusive bastards. I’m trying to help you. You don’t even need “game” to get a woman most will go for a man who is just confident he doesn’t even have to be good at life just as long as he lives with confidence women always look for tomorrow. Don’t drink, be confident, be sweet but firm so they respect you women want men they look up to. don’t beat em it’s simple

How to spot a faggot
He always complain about when men talks about women

Believe me I know much more about that conflict than you do, I speak Russian and I lived in Ukraine.

They should step up their game and not act like cucks, I been in many clubs and bars in Ukraine, these guys have no game, no style nothing, they are lazy.

Why are you so aggressive? Im not a fan of Russia, its the cold hard truth.

Calling other people nerds doesnt make you smarter or alpha Achmed

what truth u are talking about spineless bitch ?
manlet occuppying european territory?lmao ,lil bitch would be btfo by nato forces by the end of the month , even xi jing ping hadnt balls to challenge Trump on korea.

Sorry, its an old habbit. Its ironic.

>good looking women
user, I...

Spise en fjert, negerberger rompmunnen

The truth that Russia would annex Ukraine before Sup Forums ever could.

Ellers takk.

Maybe, I hope too if things get bad, Ukraine better be part of Russia than joining the EU.

Ukrainians are Subhuman

Slav calls other slav subhuman, K

give canadian gf please

*re-formatted, ignore the other post, will delete

So you think that being a teetolater who is not passive aggressive makes one a chick magnet? You are sadly mistaken.
This is a far back reaching cultural thing in eastern parts of Europe.

This is how it goes, even if the people themselves don't realize it:
After finishing primary education most head out to seek either work or further education.
The men usually stey closed and/or in touch with their parents while the girls go as far away as possible.
This is still very evident when youth choose schools in these parts. Young men choose schools closer to home,
while girls go to the furthest ones they safely can. Considering the gobalized world we all got hurled into just 3 decades ago
the girls of course leave for the west, they seek out or just meet their future husbands there, and almost never come back.
Things havent changed here much, just the scale of them have. Now instead of leaving for a further city, they leave for a further country.
And the alcoholism in mens case is largely the legacy of the Soviet Union, back then alcohol was the unofficial under-the-table currency.

Their women are so Conservative they fuck foreign men as a profession. What are they Conservative with? Their prices? Slav nation are not worth it.

Would Lilo in her Stitch

>Chinese chinks
That's a tautology. Learn English, you gook cunt.

>This opens them up to accepting Islam and black men as an option
Pic related says "at least he's not a Russian"

Turks wooing Ukrainian women.


Dang.... that's kind of mean. If I was the leader of the ethno state, I would let europeans come over and live in it. Why be so divisive?



Nice try, but Ukraine truly is a shithole and women are not much better than any other country

im going there in two months to play on electronic festival. im pretty excited to see its underground drug culture


Ruthenian here, fuck ukraine

Weed is pretty good in Odessa

I’m lovin’ This art lol

make sure to play this

also fuck ukraine, they're gonna be good in 20 years or so, now we have nice hohol girls all over the place

What do these say in English?

Yeah, it's an artwork of subhumans destroying the genepool.

Ukraine is now Europes central of illegal everything. Pleny of illegal firearms going around if you know where to look. And I'm not talking hand-me-downs from Russia that the Novocommies use, I'm talking about modern western stuff, Swiss, German guns etc.

"I love you hachik" (hach is internet weeb slang)
Obviously those originate from 2ch - the Russian Sup Forums equivalent

>that nose
Looks like your female stock has been contaminated by jew blood

Stop shilling for Kosher nationalism.

The only part I disagree about is leaving "Ukraine" independent at all.

>good looking women




>every euro country is an ethno state.



>Where in Ukraine will the ethnostate be located?
Ukrainians have nothing to say in that?
Anyway, if anyone is going to put their hands on it, it's the Jews. They want Poland, but they obviously won't have it in current situation, so Ukraine is their second choice.
Source is my ass speculations.




ukraine is a shithole and will remain a shithole, all CIS countries will remain shitholes.


So what's going on with the novorossiya thing? is it over? who owns donbass and lugansk?

>Kiev’s round table on problems of migrants in Ukraine discussed a new social project prepared by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and aimed at promoting tolerant public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.

>The project’s main goal is to turn Ukraine into an inviting place for migrants and humanize Ukrainian society.

>According to President Poroshenko, Ukraine, as a future member of the European Union, is not going to withdraw from its commitments to accept refugees; it will strive to increase their number.

ukraine is a vassal state of the anti white neocon empire since 2014

>good looking women, conservative women

They're demoralized by Russia and Ukrainian "elites".



>fuck off to your nigger infested hellhole



ukraine is sweden tier


>en we get enough w
Girls on your pics are russians.








>ethnostate of Europa
what makes you think they would want a bunch Sup Forums fatasses in their country just because they are "white"? or any non ukrainians for that matter