What is Sup Forums's y-haplogroup? Continued from yesterday

What is Sup Forums's y-haplogroup? Continued from yesterday

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I did one yesterday night to get all the Europeans and now I hope to get the American Sup Forumsacks.

Everybody should be on their lunch breaks by now...

>Majority haplogroup is R1b
>Half Japanese
Really makes me think.


Sup Forums is half japanese? also thanks for the bump

I thought you would be more I2 based on flag, thanks for sharing that is interesting. also thanks for the bump

theres quite alot of I1 in croatia
I2 is majority and r1a is second

interesting, where did it come from? I thought the hunter gatherer Euros were split into North (I1) and South (I2) with very little mixing due to the vast distances between the pockets of land not covered by snow (a small pocket in Scandinavia and one in Italy, one in Spain, etc) but correct me if I am being retarded

i don't know that much stuff about haplomemes honestly
i just know the basics

well you have the paternal lineage of the original Germanics. how does that make you feel?

i honestly don't give a shit
i am slavic not germanic
its just one little part of my dna it doesn't matter that much anyway

I am, but my haplogroup looks like this

Literally amerimutt

Wait, how is that possible? You have more than one haplogroup? What?

What do you think of Serbs? Are they kindred to you?

tfw when i wanted to be R1b so I could fit in with the cool kids but got shitty J2. I would have been fine with Iberian or injun haplogroup but i got cucked by some Trojan nigger. Only 4% middle eastern as well, fuck my life.

lmfao this shows you how badly people understand this topic

i really dislike most serbs, they're the niggers of yugoslavia

You are a mestizo or a castizo?

yes lol, or maybe the user was kidding.

Do Croats and Serbs act differently? What in your opinion are some of the things you hate the most about them

mfw indo aryan r1a

If you aren't I1 you aren't white

our culture is similar because we got influenced by the same people
but croatians are much more civilized and more respected by other people
>What in your opinion are some of the things you hate the most about them
they're too butthurt about croatia, every time somebody mentions croatia they always talk shit
they act like niggers in croatia and they are like gypsies, i wouldn't be surprised if 90% of serbs in croatia are on welfare
not to mention their low iq

also Germanic and Slavic. See, for example, the Faroe Islands and Iceland, all predominantly R1a

R1a is not "slavic" nor is it "germanic".

technically the original I1s were a golden color (the snow reflected sun to the skin, which is why eskimos also have darker skin) while the Indo European R1a's and R1b's had much lighter skin due to being mostly a steppe peoples in an area with a bit more sunlight than Europe but not enough snow to reflect it.

One could argue that it is your core identity. The Y chromosome is the only part of you passed down virtually unchanged from father to son. It is the closest to immortality that humans will ever get.

It is predominant in Russia and many slavic nations, it is also predominant in some North Germanic nations. I am not saying all Germanics have it, but it is one of the main Germanic haplogroups like R1b and I1

What do you think of Albanians and Bosnians? also thanks for repeated bumping

yes that is why I am curious about this topic. Thanks for bumping

What does that have to do with it? It's 15-20 k years old? do you not understand time frames?

How the fuck can you call it slavic and germanic when these tribes did not even exist at that time?

It's neither. It precedes Indo-Europeans in general and was carried on later by them. Modern Slavs and Germans have nothing to do with these original groups.

In 15 k years you can literally take a bunch of niggers nad evolve them into something different.

R1b L21 L1335. Scottish-->Celtic-->Bell Beaker

Mate, your overall hapogroup is a mixture.
Where my dads family comes from in Germany it's a mixture of r1a/r2b/l1. Your haplogroup isn't 100% of anything and most look like pic related.

no but Slavs and Germanics do have these haplogroups. It doesn't matter if they didn't exist as a tribe that long ago, that is like saying I am not a certian haplogroup because I didn't exist when my grandfather was born

No. Haplogroups are a mutation on your Y-DNA.

You are compeltely clueless. The cakes you see, indicate how many people have which mutation, not the average "halpogroup" make up of each person from thsi country.

no no no....you misunderstand, user, those maps are showing what percentage of men have a certain haplogroup. Like for example, 10% of Pygmy men could have haplogroup B, the other 90% haplogroup A, that doesn't mean each man is 90% A and 10%B, it means that 90% of men have 100% A and 10% of men have 100% B.
Thanks for bumping, both you and everyone else who bumped.

And? so do many other groups, numerically there are 100x more pajeets with these haplogroups now what?

People carrying these haplogroups don't have necessarily anythjing to do with the original "mutational founder". 15000 is a long time to change , racially culturally in every aspect, and even if it's 1/3rd of that it's still long enough.

90% mestizo. then 4+1% near east + north African, 4% BLACK, and 1% central Asian.

i have nothing to do with germans except some of my ancestors
bosnians and albanians are ok as long as they stay in their countries

Yes and you did say that it was Indo Aryan. Most Indians (south asian not native american) have Aryan haplogroups. It is ALSO Slavic and Germanic, by that I don't mean that every slav and germanic has these, I mean that it makes up oneo f the largest percentage of Slav and Germanic haplogroups.
Also I am talking about percentages not raw numbers. If 100 Hasidic Jews use cocaine and there are 100 million of them (there are not, but let's play pretend for the sake of argument), and 1 German out of 2 Germans (yes I know there are alot more Germans, remember, pretend) uses cocaine, then Germans are much more likelyto use cocaine.

90% mestizo? How does that work? Like is the mestizo part 50% 50% or like you just have roughly 90% mestizo ancestors?
also where did you get Central Asian from user?

are you tall? I read somewhere that I men are really tall.


It is neither indoaryan nor slavic or germanic, these groups didn't exist at the same time and that's the whole point of haplogroups and subclades, they can be used to track movements over a long period of time.

Just because it makes up a large percentage of one people doesn't necessarily mean much, since it only gives information about the father, so you could literally breed with nigger women (as an extreme example) for 15 000 years and still retain your Y-DNA.

That's how bad this comparison is. R1a is not slavic, or aryan, or germanic etc. it's simply pre-indo-european with possible roots somewhere which is debatable.

Holy fucking shit. We have some chads on Sup Forums

im not fit tho

I have no fucking Idea but I'm guessing either I2 or R1a because those 2 are the most common in my country

Why do you care about haplogroups might I ask?

Yes but if you went to Africa and colonized a country and bred with the women, their descendants would have some of your genes, and the Y chromosome would be a part of their identity.
Germans were not around as a tribe 15k years ago, but their genes WERE. Just because you switch or evolve a new language or call yourself by a different name doesn't mean your genes necessarily change. The Proto Germanics had these genes or assimilated these genes and modern Germanics do. I am not talking about what Proto Germanics had, I am talking about what they managed to pass on to modern Germanics. When I talk about "Gernamic haplogroups" I am discussing the current ones, not the ones of the past.


Because of many reasons, but some of them being that it is like a surname but much more accurate in determining unbroken father to son lineages, and we are a patriarchal group (or were before modern feminism), and also because I am fascinated by the concept of how one man's original y haplogroup evolved into the different tribes we see today's haplogroups and how some of them are conglomerates of men of different haplogroups. thanks for the bump

Still 6'6 is enough to intimidate most men. Do you get a lot of women vying for your attention?

Rare. Same as Thomas Jefferson

YOu are just talking bullshit desu. Haplogroups are not meant to give any information about admixutre in the racial sense or such a thing, their purpose is to track movements of haplogroups by comparing their ages. So you can tell how a language evolved for example, but you can't really tell anything about the race ofthe people since haplogroups have not much to do with race necessarily.

That's the original purpose of haplogroups (tracking movement over long periods of time). And at everything else they fail completely. People with the same haplogroup mutations can be completely different.

You are just looking for similarities until there are bound to be some.

And it's not helpign you are assignign some bullshit meta ethnicity terms like slavic or germanic to the haplogroup mutations, so some stupid kiddies will believe they are "germanic" when they have a certain mutation even tohugh they are half congolese.

N1C1. Am I a russki?

>Do you get a lot of women vying for your attention?
people do look at me but women do it more often i guess

don't know, maybe r1b

52% euro
>17% Iberian
>22% south euro
>13% British/Irish
38% Native(Mexico)

It's interesting to see that the pockets of R1b in central Asia and the caucuses seem to corroborate the stories my Gaelic ancestors tell about where we come from and and how we came to be in western Europe. Scythian ancestry and the migration is even mentioned in the Scottish declaration of independence.

Finn? N1c1 is most common in the following, in descending order by popularity, North Asians, Finns, some Balts (like Lithuanians), and then Saamis finally. Trace amounts in Germany and Norway

okay that clears it up thanks

R1A is ruski

ah yes, you are scythian now, and scottish, and gaelic, and what else?

how come you only know the ancestors that you recently raed about on this meme board you fucking faggot?

why do you never come up with with , with an ancestor that is 25 000 years old for example?

you fucking mutts with your retarded usage of the terms "celtic" "germanic" "roman" "mediterranean" and whatever you can lay your goblino fingers on

yes R's were a nomadic tribe. R1a is found as far east as China (Tocharians), R1b as far south as Chad and Cameroon, for example look at the Fulani, some of them have completely white facial features see pic related

Ah, well, my grandfather was from Lithuania, but looking through some ancestry shit, the city he departed from in the naturalization logs was in Russia, so it's strange. Was wondering if maybe there was some larger hub in Russia where people from smaller countries would first gather.

So is N1c1, about 22% of white Russians have it, the number rises exponentially when you are looking at Mongoloid Russians in the Russian Far East

I forgot to mention that Russians do have a lot of N1c1. sorry

Also the 1% central Asian is either noise, or my middle eastern ancestors got KHANED

No offense but you are really disrupting the nice flow of conversation here

probably the latter. Can't believe I didn't catch that from the Middle eastern part.

you are spouting absolute nonsense, not much you can do except show you up and make the world a better place

like, how does that nigger just come here, post a pic of some ancient old scottish scroll

and claim he is a fucking scythian LMFAO

Sorry you are not really making much sense CPRanon

I appreciate the bumps but I have a slight feeling you are a troll. Anyways this thead was going great for a while, please dont ruin it.

that's because i understand what i'm writing about, while you are writing fantasy that you would like to be true so it fits with an easy racial classification scheme (assigning haplogroups gives you a race, which obviously is wrong)

Now I am really losing my patience with you, but thanks anyways for the bumps. No, I am not saying a haplogroup assigns a race to you, I am saying that certain groups of people tend to have a certain haplogroup more than others. So for example, R1a is moe Germanic, Slavic, and Indo-Aryan, since these groups have it more. I am not saying that all R1as fall into one of these groups or that all R1as are just Slavic, or just Germanic, or etc.

y-haplogroup flags when

good idea actually.

Ok that's actually a good idea

That's just wrong. R1a is not "germanic or slavic or indo-aryan" , holy shit. Do you not understand a simple time line?
Like, can you not draw a line with 15000 years and understand how large the distances are?

I'll repeat it again, R1a precedes all of these groups and even their ancestors. It's like you are not only missing your target here, you are shooting in the complete opposite direction and hitting yourself in the head.

Haplos are mostly memes, only interesting for studying large movements

>third degree rape baby(at least)
>none of your ancestors smile upon you

Listen to me, I am not talking about the past, I am saying that modern Germanics have a lot of R1a. In the past it could have been different.
Also how does R1a precede their ancestors? Their ancestors go back billions of years to the first microbes, R1a goes back until the M420 mutation

I know but it is interesting to learn about paternal lineages, father to son stuff, since we are (or were) a patriarchal group before feminism

You are your ancestors user, smile on yourself

I don't even know my Haplogroup for certain (I don't trust the DNA companies) but I am interested in history and when ancient myth and modern evidence align I take notice.
>What else?
Well before we were Scythians I believe we were Israelites in Assyrian captivity. That is where we lost our identity.

Oh yes, there is importance to it, if not culturally and possibly spiritually.

R1a is 15k years old or maybe even older , ofc some germans have more modern subclades of R1a or R1b, what does it matter? Except that you can track the movement by comparing the ages, you can't say anything more. Haplogroup dosen't give you any information about the selection in a closer sense, only that the male lineage was introduced at some point (and you can estimate that).
And it's funny you bring up microbes, because the time difference is r eally fucking big and the comparison to microbes is quite fitting since a lot of evolution can happen in such large time frames and you trying to coin R1a as "slavic, indoaryan" and even indoeuropean is just wrong.

ignore the medkit user, he is a troll or mentally deranged. although I don't believe you would be Israelites, your genes are far too different.

When I say that R1a is Slavic or Aryan, I mean that it makes up one of the biggest chunks of the modern Slav and Persian gene pool, not that the original R1a's spoke a proto Slav language (although they could have).
You are missing my point

you need to understand 1. where the groups existed you are talking about and 2. WHEN they existed

and then 3. learn to estimate how fucking long a time span is

scythians were around 1000 BCE before christ

motherfucking scottish are around even now, old scots maybe ? who knows it doesn't really matter , but the time difference is big enough that you should understand that you calling yourself a scot and a scythian in the same sentence is absolutely ridiculous

no i'm not, you are trying to coin haplogroups with some retarded meta ethnicities that didn't even necessarily exist at the same time

it's just overall wrong and stupid as well, because it confuses people and makes the mutts around here even stupider

Many different sources tell the same story.

Interesting, are those African tribes heardsman as well?

yes let me create a webpage that says the exact opposite

i mean , claiming that you are a descendant of jesus has more truth to it because you are closer by around 1000 years

but i guess 1000 years is nothing if you are sioux, aryan, celtic, roman, scythian, gaelic , old scottish and ancient egyptian (for good measure)

here is a pic of an ancient egyptian king btw

it's from my secret alien source (so don't share it)

can you verify your haplogroup matches his?

yes. Pastoralist herdsmen. Just like the Proto Indo Europeans, who they descend from, and inherited their facial features and R1b from.

D masterrace.

What the fuck are you even talking about

Japanese or Tibetan?