Let's all love Astolfo!

Let's all love Astolfo!

>tfw envisioning unconscious astolfo in a pool of Sup Forums's cum

It wouldn't be the thick white variety of cum, sadly. It would look as if a dragon has drooled all over her instead.


Astolfo looks very huggable.

Already did twice this morning.

>Implying it isnt' unconscious anons in a pool of Astolfo's cum.


Lets not. It's the laziest of traps that doesn't even look slightly male to begin with.

Let's all love [L A I N]

>You will never rest your head on Astolfo's lap as he cleans your ear

Each day finding the will to live becomes harder.

but thats a boy



That braid mang, HHHNNNGGGGHHH


cleaning ears can be dangerous, though

Yeah, back when I thought it was healthy to clean them after every bath I accidently stabbed the insides of my ear, luckly there was no permanent damage even if there was blood. I trust Astolfo though, I'm sure he will do it kindly and properly.

Ears should only be cleaned when they're causing an actual condition. Earwax is there for a reason, and the ear canal is very delicate

I've warned people about this, but these cotton sticks are literally called "ear sticks" in my language, so it's quite troublesome trying to convince them not to do this.
>what do you mean "ear sticks are not for cleaning ears?"

Yeah, I learned my lesson. Still won't stop me from having a fetish about traps cleaning my ears.

Is tilting my head and letting the water from the showerhead drip in my ear dangerous? I have an ear condition (some sort of infection that makes my ear incredibly sensitive) and I've found that this relieves me somewhat.

Please dont look for medical advice from trap fetishists, ask your doctor!

water in your canal is harmless unless you have a specific condition. Doctors clean your ears with water after all, although they use a certain pressure


Of course I am going to ask a doctor, but I just want to know - my doctor has prescribed me some expensive medication to treat this, and I don't really have the money right now.
Oh, and by the way, when I eat garlic or onions I can also feel my ear react in some way - it's like my ears feel the pungent taste in a way.
ESL, sorry if it sounds weird, but that's how it actually feels. It's as if somebody has put some garlic inside my ear, and it just feels unpleasant.

she's not even having a bulge in her panties. how in the hell is she(he) a boy?

Why does he wear thigh highs and garters if he's a boy?


Best girl

My doctor prescribed me an ear enema sort thing once for when my ear gets clogged up so even with tap water it should be safe
Garlic is a known antibiotic/anti-inflammatory so that's totally believable

Boys can wear these too, you know. Who said that they can't?
I should probably consume more garlic, I guess.

>Boys can wear these too, you know.
Panty/garter wearing fag detected

I'm partial to thigh-highs and tights myself, though.


Take 'em off, homo

I would breed him so hard he would get pregnant with our son

Great job, you called the 3D ERP Fags in

Fate finally did something good

I get the impression the early hype died off a little bit.

Trapfags should be gassed

Apocrypha's animation got worse, too. Karna vs Saber early on was quite fluid, but as it's always the case with A-1, the beginning is nice, but the lack of budget and shitty scheduling eventually shows.

I recognize that ass.

Jesus, I'm impressed but at the same time I'm disappointed by the fact that Sup Forums has begun watching 3D porn.

what bothers me most is the constant earrape

Made for pulling on while plowing him from behind.

Blue board, sicko.

>asking for medical advice in a trap thread on Sup Forums

user, just go to your doctor.

>Sup Forums has begun watching 3D porn.
Sup Forums is one person blalblabla


The faggots there sure didn't criticise him.



>a dragon has drooled all over her
That's a beautiful description of how my cum looks, I'll keep it!


What a beautiful girl


But it's gay if he's not wearing a skirt

This is the most sexual Astolfo picture out there.

Hey, Lawrence, what do you think about my new look?



>believing the liking a cute boy is gay meme


>What the hell are you staring at, user? Disgusting pervert.

>you will never make out with this cutie locking lips and melting together in a moment of passion and ecstasy

It's not gay if he's 2D.

Nobody ever translates the flavor text in Ruton's works.

>tfw I keep downloading all Astolfo images I see despite most being repeated

proof everything is better once its 2d

its not a meme, people are attracted to cute things
gender is irrelevant if its cute

So were you guys into traps before Astolfo or did she introduce you to the world of girls (male)?
I want to know if traps are indeed getting more popular.

Why does Astolfo likes to cheat on Roland so much? what a slut


[Chinese]~ Master
[more Chinese]?

[even more Chinese] homo

says the one hiking up their skirt for me to get a better look

Astolfo did.

Already into traps as cumdumps, but I think I'm falling for Astolfo

I wanna lick Astolfo's soles

Been into traps for years. Astolfo didn't even strike me as a trap at first, even though I'm pretty good at this stuff.

Traps is one of those things I could never get into despite its popularity here on Sup Forums, and I could never understand why so many people liked it.
Hideyoshi didn't do it for me, Boku no Pico had no effect at all, Astolfo however, finally broke me.

I was into traps since Bridget.


I started my downfall with Shimakaze-kun, though I really like Astolfo.


My first boner came from Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi, so far back before Sup Forums even exist.


I had always been fond of traps, but Astolfo made being in a relationship with my DEEP DARK FANTASY

>doesn't include a screenshot of him enjoying his own creation

I agree to some exent, but be honest. Astolfo wouldn't be nearly as appealing if he was just a girl.

is that a cock?


I want Astolfo to win against my cock

Silly, you can't win against the cock.

>Win Holy Grail War with this genki buffoon
>Use wish to turn him to her
>Still looks the same

Just go to China. The Chinese version of FGO has Astolfo as a female, and (s)he is affected by charm and so on as any other female unit would be.

He has one, too.
Battle of the Bulge, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo.


So Astolfo dresses like a girl to raise morale or something?

Sure, to "raise morale".

He raises other things, if you catch my drift.