Why doesn't the left just pass an amendment repealing the 2nd?
If there's such wide support for it, why don't they pass an amendment to repeal or replace it finally?
Why doesn't the left just pass an amendment repealing the 2nd?
If there's such wide support for it, why don't they pass an amendment to repeal or replace it finally?
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Shall not be infringed cuck. Hang yourself shill boy.
because you need two-thirds of Congress (67 Senators and 290 Representatives who are on your side). Then 38 states need to ratify a proposal to amend the 2A
You just can't.
And even then, with needing 38 states to do it; 44 have the right to bear arms protected in state constitutions.
It's not feasible.
because a relative minority are holding the rest of us hostage.
What, are you saying that they couldn't convince 38 states that give should be illegal?
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Those are gun shop owners and collectors.
Because it'll most likely , be the amendment to starts the second American civil war
That comma after militia makes no sense. Were there different grammar rules back then?
Because they need 38 stated and over 2/3 of senate and house to agree
And , despite liberals saying NO ONE NEEDS MUH GUNS, an overwhelming majority (80+% of americans) support gun ownership.
It would never happen.
They dont have as much support as they think.
Hence why david hogg cant even get florida to change ONE THING about their gun laws.
They can't
I think his point is that the left knows full well they would break themselves if they attempted to actually do something with the 2nd amendment that was legitimate.
Most of the left just wants gun reform not a full ban. Sup Forums is just tinfoil tier and will accuse anyone suggesting background checks of being gun grabbing jews
>protip: the jews are the ones selling the guns. Theyre not interested in any restrictions
That's just silly! Haven't you read the news or looked at TV?? All those people keep saying that it should be repealed or replaced and they keep saying that they have widespread support!
You're not one of those 'crazy' people that think the media would just LIE, are you?
Lol no not at all
that's not what leftists are expresing
why do fags care so much about properer punctuation? Or is it just the only defense they have towards others?
Jews aint giving up shekels
>Most of the left just wants gun reform not a full ban.
What kind of scribble scrabble is this?
Gun control is the first step to banning them.
The "gunshow loophole" was an intentionally designed compromise between the Dems and the Reps back in the day, look how quickly that got memory holed and how quickly they're pushing to reform it. If you give them an inch they'll take a mile.
Open a fucking book and study how laws change.
ohh . Rush just said it !
Obama policy to give cash to schools who do not arrest minority students is why Cruz was never arrested
Even bill maher owns a gun and said recently there should be reform and hes their poster boy
To implement gun control you have to repeal the 2nd amendment. All gun control laws are unconstitutional. The only people that the government has any right to take guns away from are convicted criminals.
>god given right
I laugh every time
Oh your right everyone will line up and just hand in their guns, if they did pass the law. Silly me
See this is the tinfoil i mentioned. Apparently cars are about to be banned because they’re heavily regulated
Because the left loves increasing red tape, not reducing it.
I like you OP. The tools to change the constitution are there and yet they never get used precisely because the vast majority of Americans wouldn't let if fly. Which is also why you keep hearing about people wanting to abandon the document altogether nowadays. Funny how that works, eh?
Nah dog. Right to bear arms doesnt mean you need to fly a harrier and keep some nukes in the basement. You can still bear arms
I love this board. Dumb teenagers seething over keyboards in their moms basement
They don't want civil war part 2.
The constitution grants individuals the right to arm themselves with essentially anything that isn't an indiscriminate WMD like chemical and nuclear weapons. You can own a harrier, and even own ordnance for it if you pay a tax stamp for each munition.
It would never come to that
There's a reason there has never been a modification to the Bill of Rights in over 250 years.
Mhm, scared?
It literally would.
as long as the american midwest exists and is part of the united states, repealing the 2nd amendment is not a reality or an option thats even on the table.
Its sad when a foreign national understands the liberal left, more than an American.
>isn't an indiscriminate WMD like chemical and nuclear weapons
That line ismt in there. Jmad had no ifea wtf nukes were. This arbitrary line is all in your head. Youve been brainwashed by jews shilling AR15s that their product is a god given right. Its hilarious
Of a bunch of fat neck beards larping as commandos? Certainly not
that's your best come back? expected a little bit better, but all well. At lest i know you would just roll over like a good boy and hand in you guns, maybe they'll give you some tendies after.
Projecting much?
Uh...thats pretty much the one thing that would guarantee a civil war tbqhfam
describe to me how it would never come to that.
The foreigner gets his info from Sup Forums. I get mine from the real world
The Constitution is a charter of conferred powers. We the People surrendered limited powers to the government through the Constitution and retained that not surrendered. Congress was granted warmaking powers and thus the exclusive power to control the weapons of war follows that. Because of this supremacy, laws that restrict access for the citizenry and the states to the troops, devices and weapons of war are constitutionally legitimate.
The principle is quite evident in the Constitution itself.
During the Revolutionary War we had no Navy but many private citizens outfitted ships into Man o' War's and "Privateers" harassed and seized over 600 British ships during the war. After the war in drafting the Constitution, Congress was granted the power to "grant letters of marque and reprisal" which were the official permissions and orders to operate these ships, which were the most devastating weapons of the day and again, were OWNED BY PRIVATE CITIZENS.
The principle behind that reservation of power is applicable and can certainly be extended into modern times to restrict private citizens from owning the armaments of war like missiles and rockets and cannon and other indiscriminate weapons and most certainly chem/bio/nuke WMD's.
Since the right to own the major arms of war was surrendered, the 2nd Amendment is not a claimable immunity for a citizen from laws restricting them.
350 million guns. Try and take them, kike.
The only amendment that needs to be removed is the 13th.
I dont own a gun. I live in a pricey white neighborhood
>If there's such wide support for it
There isn't
Larp harder
the wording can not be more deliberately clear.
It wouldn’t. Wtf do you want me to describe? All the things not happening?
>I live with a giant target on my house
same thing could be said about cable television and the internet in regards to the 1st amendment
JIDF pls go
The Civil War started because the federal goverment started regulating free trade and commerce and the power of states to operate within their own rights. That ISN'T in the Bill of Rights. Do you really think that attempting to repeal any of the first 10 wouldn't spark a civil war?
Because its a statement followed by another statement. Its to declare that the militia is comprised of the people, not the state and the right to keep and bear arms is not to be infringed.
Hilarious. Like a beta hamplanet like you would be capable of engaging conver Much less engaging in combat
You know that old Sup Forums joke about how if someone were to bomb that cube that Muslims visit in Mecca, the mind control spell would be broken and they'd all come to their senses?
The left seems to honest-to-god think the NRA has that same control over American gun owners. No one really supports gun rights, we're just under the NRA's spell. Basically its another 'rural and suburban retards vs city folk' situation.
Yes im sure my 65 year old dentist next door is plotting a coup
so a false senses of security, is what surrounds you?
What about the gooks or sandniggers.
I'm 160lbs and frequently hike the hills where I live. I know the area better than the cucks that would try to take my guns.
Oh you mean like how theyre allowed to repeal net neutrality? And bar certain words from being said on television and radio? Ya you’re exactly right dipshit
>Starts arguing semantics
>Blames Jews
>t.Totally not a Jew
A majority of burglaries aren't committed by people living in that neighborhood you retard.
Hmmm, big think
We have fucking little girls that shoot better than the average leftist. Good luck soyboy.
I hope you really dont think these losers on this board will take up arms with you. Anyone who falls for this shit will be sent like lambs to slaughter while the rest seethe and shitpost some more. Dont go david koresh bud. It doesnt work just ask him
What is hilarious to me, is how they decry Trump a brutal fascist dictator, who wants to kill all the brown people, and then in the same breath, tell you that you should give up your guns, because you will never defeat the government. Do they disconnect the fact, that DJT is in command of that government, they tell me I will never beat? These same people that want him assassinated, want to get rid of the tools to do so. Weird.
The founders dun goofed with the wording of the second amendment. Why is the reasoning for the amendment included in the wording of the amendment, is there any other bill of rights amendment that does this?
The language is clear to me, but the well-regulated militia line really didn't age well at all considering how antigunners interpret it since the language is a bit antiquated and the people against the second amendment refuse to be corrected.
Should have just read "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed"
No rich white people surround me. I dont need a gun. If you live somewhere where you do thats sad
>don't go David Koresh, it doesn't work
Tell that to the 168 dead at the OKC Federal Building.
Tip harder faggot, our rights come from God, are enumerated in the constitution for all to see and never forget, and are defended by those who would not see any man or government subvert them.
Hide there then. Im sure toull last a whole day until your anime comes on
>they don't want to ban all the guns
>they just want to make these little changes
Meanwhile in faggot community
>we just want to you treat us like people
>it's not like we're gonna add abcdefg- pedophiles included to our cause
First they took your automatics because nobody needs an automatic. Now they want to take your semiautomatic rifles because nobody needs one. They already have took pistol grips, suppressors, magazines etc. in states because nobody needs them. This will go on and on until you have a bb-gun which supposedly you don't even need either.
>If there's such wide support for it
There isn't you retard
>more projecting
I don't watch anime.
>The language is clear to me, but the well-regulated militia line really didn't age well at all considering how antigunners interpret it since the language is a bit antiquated and the people against the second amendment refuse to be corrected.
Absolutely irrelevant. The founders wrote many many times, about the specific need for the Citizens to have the ability to bear arms. Read their personal writings.
>comertain words are restricted on tv
>this confuses the brainlet
You know that your sekrit online clubs can be audited by the people who oppose you too, right? Yes, all leftists say they just want common sense gun control when they know there are conservatives and centrists in the room. When they think they're among friends, they tell a very different story.
>censorship is the same as outright banning
Evidently you never heard of the bundy standoff where the federal government bowed down and licked the militias asshole.
There hasn’t been a breakin in my neighborhood since like 09
>didn't age well
How so? You're an American, you're able-bodied, you're the fucking militia bucko.
Because they profit off the constant back-and-forth.
do you not realize that there is a significant amount of americans that have been actually waiting and preparing for this?
You have to either have an agenda or be borderline illiterate to misunderstand the 2A. If there's any confusion, there's plenty of contemporary writing by the founders explaining that the people are the militia.
I don't see how that refutes my point at all, but good going, retard.
Take like 2/3 of everything that can vote in the US and the support is not there.
Also if they ever tried it someone might shoot them first.
Appealing the Second Amendment would lead the nation into another Civil War. The Left has to be careful how they tread this water. Thus why there hasn't been any real change to Gun Laws to date!
What gun did he use again?
>btw davey died. All his lil friends too
shall not be infringed
bills have to be passed, and in a republican controlled senate, good luck.
>from god
Ya im sure god is real active in government
The militia wording was added so the government couldn't outlaw armed citizens forming militias and coordinating into large groups. 2014 during the bundy standoff, where the government bowed down, is why they added it. So people could basically have ARMED protest.