MS paint + typesetting version
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Other urls found in this thread:
Forgot to put the chapter number in the title, oh well
nigga wat?
I'm not sure what the guy meant by 'lowest brother', maybe someone can clarify
That was a typo. It was supposed to be like a lower grade brothel.
Anyways, my typesetter hired an FA guy to help out, but I'm not a big fan of the cleaning. If you want, you mind if I give you the improved script so you can redo the chapter?
OP do you want to be our typesetter? The guy from FA is fucked in the head, he downscaled the chapter and made it blurry for whatever fucking reason
Oh ok, that makes more sense. I thought it might have been something like that. And sure, if you have any changes you wanna make I can edit them.
Honestly I saw in the WSJ thread that the chapter hadn't been typeset yet and figured I'd do this just once. I'm really not lying about the ms paint thing. If no one wants to pick it up next week maybe I can do it more, but I feel like there's better editors out there.
Here you go
I think my old typesetter likes you, so maybe he'll help you out.
Yeah it would be great if you could
I'm convinced the guy from FA is just messing with us because I didn't like his cleaning
Well I didn't notice before but apparently someone already put chapter 76 up on Batoto. Although I think that's the one you guys were talking about.
some corrections
So you want the job?
I suppose if no one else wants to do it
MUH, where is tge brothel she works at?
Well okay then. I can try to arrange something I guess. What's your timezone?
MST, aka i should have been asleep 4 hours ago but i decided to do this instead
here's a dl link:
Thanks man. If we go through with this, how would you like to work. We communicate directly, or I just live TL then you show up and typeset and I correct?
Second probably works best for me
we going to just do the new chapter dump in this thread?
You gonna upload chapters to batoto?
dumping chapter 77 scans
Flame bro ;_;
do it for aniki
and that's it
Thanks for the dump.
Thanks. That's probably as far as Tanjirou goes, backup should come next week.
>Sun breath is the origin of all breaths
>sword is black
>black is the color of all absorbed colors
I only just started seeing these threads, this was a revelation a long time ago right?
Not really. I think we heard the name Sun Breath from the former Flame Pillar for the first time, and that was like a volume ago.
Thanks user
By the way, isn't it morning MST now?
Anyways, I'll start translating when I get jap raws next time.
Can you make it around Monday afternoon? (That's when raws come out)
And how long will it take you to do a chapter?
Well, hopefully you answer, but if the thread dies, I'm gonna assume you're okay with Mondays.
Oh fuck, the scans are in here, you guys had me fooled
Anyway, today is kind of hectic for me, I don't think I'll be able to get to TLing for several more hours. Hopefully you guys can keep the thread up in the meantime
*bumps thread in Korean*
yeah, just figured I might as well piggyback off this one rather than making a new thread
anime made by madhouse fucking when
why are kimetsu translations late 1 week? in kissmanga they're 1 chapter behing
maybe read the thread to find out
Fuck off.
nothing wrong with it
Kill yourself, subhuman
What's wrong with it?
Whoah, there's no reason to be that mean.
Fuck off already.
name another site with infinite scroll, no annoying ads and updated regularly like kissmanga
Just use Batoto + Manga Loader.
>still doesn't give a single reason
Who's baiting who again?
>infinite scroll
Kill yourself, fucking newfag
I hope you enjoy reading licenced mango
now this is bait.jpg
this is not the way you want to see a thread kept alive
>go to Batoto
>have to learn Spanish and Italian in order to read anything
seriously DCMA fucked that site
>i'm fucking retarded please rape my face
thank you
I don't read shit series, I'm sorry
never this ain't their style
>Goblin Slayer
I'm sorry that you only like to read cute girls doing cute things in DMCA'd sites
I feel you pain user.
If not for the translation problem being solved this would be the worst thread we ever had.
Will they be able to kill Daki?
Popularity poll fucking never.