Police ‘Don’t Know’ Why Rape Is Up 20 Per Cent in Sadiq Khan’s London

Help them figure out the mystery Sherlock Chan. Them and Khan look baffled in this picture.

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Look at that faggot manlet. I bet he fucks children.

never knew that a parcelman is a dwarf also
fuk man
united kangdom is funnier every day

That picture is the epitome of fucking irony lmao

What makes you think that?

>Police don't want to address the problem for fear of being labeled racist
Why do I feel like I've heard this before?

Whites must learn how to talk about what has happened to their communities if they ever want a chance to stop the destruction. These three phrases will give you a great start:
White Community Hater
White Self Hater
Anti White
Practice using them in common conversation and say them out loud as you read this post. In a sentence: White Community Hating Jews order White Self Hating Enforcers to attack anyone who is not Anti White. Say that sentence out loud three times and know your enemy. This fight is winnable, if only you will learn how to talk.

O vey nothing to see here goy

is he a midget?



Average paki male:
>Pakistan 169.3 cm
>source averageheight.co/average-male-height-by-country

Is it not obvious?

He's 5'4 - 5'5 so i guess

He's tiny :^)
Yes I know I'm phone posting scum

Whether we want to accept it or not, black men are desired by white women, there are several key reasons for this.

>Hollywood movies pushing black male superiority
>Advertising agency pushing Black male white female partnerships as being desirable

>Generally black men are physically more impressive
>They dominate power and aggression sports

>Black music is everywhere
>Black culture is promoted while white culture is almost impossible to define.
>Porn, there is no doubt the extreme visual contrast between a petite white pale skinned blonde and a huge baseball bat dicked black bull is very very erotic for white women, rough sex with big black cocks is by far the most popular search for white girls under 21.

Perhaps the most important factor is white men's insecurity around the topic of black men, how many times do you hear white men saying negative things about black men? Bad mouthing anyone is always Beta, and often the opposite of the desired effect occurs, rather than putting white women off black men white men are inadvertently are planting the idea of the black man as forbidden fruit into the white womans subconscious mind, and no woman can resist what society tells them they shouldn't have, fucking a man daddy wouldn't approve of makes white women very very wet.

Other factors are the black mans innate criminality and lack of emotion, they are seen as bad boys, and a black man is happy to bang a beautiful woman and never see her again, very few black men fall in love with a white woman, sure they may keep one on the side for regular fucking, or even as a trophy wife, but women love men who they can't posses, and no white woman can possess a black man, not in the way they can a white man, and the idea of taming a monster, nothing gets them wetter than that.

Black men believe it or not are very discreet when it comes to sex, again there are studies that demonstrate this, for some reason white men cannot wait to tell people when they have banged a chick, black men on the other hand may confide in close friends, but on the whole they tell fewer people, women seem to know this, a white woman rarely wants casual sexual encounters broadcast around, she especially does not want anyone to know she slept with a black man, she is aware that something like that would be hard for some folks to deal with, especially white men, afterall many white women like to marry white but fuck black. The fact that she can get fucked senseless and know it's extremely unlikely anyone she knows will ever find out about it, that is very reassuring for a white woman.

Finally, we can't ignore the fact that everybody assumes blacks have bigger dicks, whether it's true or not white men with their insecurity have memed big dicks onto black men, there was a survey years ago that showed when a white woman first meets a black man one of the first thoughts she has is about the size of his dick, when meeting white men it very rarely enters into her mind.
It also cannot be ignored that on the whole, due to a welfare lifestyle which is funded by the tax payer, you in other words, black men in general have much more time to kill, time many spend on improving their sexual attractiveness and time spent banging white housewives and daughters when everyone else is at work.

White men have driven white women into bed with the black man

I strongly recommend anyone who doubts the power of interracial porn goes to a message board called bebefilez (dark web) and look for a room called Niggers in the girls school.

Here you will find a collection of amateur videos that show very clearly young white women, some are quite young looking but I honestly don't think they're underage, fucking black men.

Now three things stand out in these videos, the beauty of the white girls, the innocence, these are clearly inexperienced shy women who just happened to find themselves in a school gymnasium with several big black bastards who seem unable to understand the words 'no, really, I'v got to,,,get off, I have to go...oh...oh....ohhh.... ahhh oh yes...'

The third thing that stands out is the realism of the pleasure the girls experience, none of them seems to understand what's on the cards when they enter the gym, it looks like they're expecting to meet just one young girl, a girl who it turns out is some kind of finder for the blacks, anyway look it up, mind blowing seeing girls who never ever dreamed they'd even kiss a black guy end up sucking their own shit off several black poles.after cumming 6 or 7 or even ten times.

I thought Sup Forums told me manlets never win

>believes memes




lol, it doesnt matter what color you are. If you are confident and ooze that confidence you can get a lot of pussy. You may not have much money or even be the best dresser, but if you are attractive and confident you can steal bitches right off another dudes arm and have them swallowing the first night out. Bitches want to be whored out and want a dude that knows he can fuck if he wants it.

Get off the mind break hentai, fantasizing cuck.

You’re talking about black sexual degeneracy at 2d pure waifu central. If any of us wanted it we could go full Hapas and just hire the pussy. Obviously people here want families.

It's the Slavs. NOT THE MUSLIMS (raping is against their religion)

Has the definition of rape been changed recently?

cuz doxic basculinity? :DD



I fucked bitches in that exact sense I described in my 20's. Wasnt even thinking of having a family, and why the fuck would I want to PAY for pussy I could get for free.

O course, 'm not saying white women only want black men, I'm just pointing out that most white women desire to experience a black man.

As the largest ever poll of women in the workplace ever conducted discovered...

>'87% of women under 25 who were rated as attractive by their peers admitted to sleeping with at least one black man, of those 93% said they would never admit to it in public'

No guns allowed

Seek help dude. You are taking it too far. This is not healthy or normal behavior.

Has anyone suggested the Nordic reason for the increase? Women are more prone to report it now, that's why it's up.

Its merely Destiny disguised as Sadiq Khan.

i'm a social psychologist who specialises in race mixing studies, this is all part of our research into why it is black men and white women are mating with ever increasing frequency, while white men and black women are statistically the least likely to mate, even for pleasure only.

Also why is it that in British schools 87% of white 6th formers claim to have had more black partners than white at the tender age of 18? this is a fascinating question and we hope to discover the answers

Manlet's win or they die its like Game of Thrones. Lanklets can pretty much play Fortnite and do nothing with their lives constantly assured they could have any 4/10 roastie suck their dick on command and kinda chill for their whole lives

FBI don't ignore this one

>white 6th formers

wth is that?

6th formers are like your high school seniors, the rates are even higher in the states strangely enough, 92% of white high school seniors admitted to having more black sexual partners than white, in a study conducted by the foundation for open borders in 2004

Hmmmmmmmm... I wonder why.

We need detective Mohammed and Mohamed on this stat boys!

Now you are just using low level bait.

although that might be due to the fact that a white woman is 24 times more likely to engage in group sex with black men than with white men, and most (53%) of white women who have had a black male sexual partner have also slept with one or more of his friends

>"Don't know"
Because of the nature of the problem they will never figure it out. It hurts their political agenda to state the obvious.

black0idz are slaves to whites & muslims, kys

They are just too scared to admit it.
Feminist is ruining the world. How do we get rid of them? Is National Cocialism the ONLY way?

Cool Sup Forums changes "Socialism" to Coc

Did they honestly think bringing in large numbers of 3rd worlders was going to be successful? I am sure they believe getting run over, stabbed, blown up, and raped is just fine. All part and parcel of their overall agenda. The end justify the means. The end of the country that is.

I'm not sure why these facts seem to shock you, do you not live in 21st century Britain? are your eyes closed? also for many of our studies we include arab and Asian men as blacks, although of course they are not actually black, they are persons of colour, and our hopes are to increase rates of procreation between young white women and all men of colour

Black men really are not desired by white women. White women want men who look like white Hollywood and TV actors, like soldiers and athletes and musicians, to suggest anything more than a tiny minority prefers black men is an utter lie.

> i'm a social psychologist who specialises in race mixing studies, this is all part of our research into why it is black men and white women are mating with ever increasing frequency...
Give me a break now. You're just a bs artist.


but they arent getting shot like those savages across the pond!

>How to look like the biggest autist in town 101


I not only live in 21st century Britain (and the 'current year' argument is the tactic of Leftist plebs with no grounding in reality), I am actually a white woman who has worked in education, health and now the media.

I mean that is of course cooked up, but that's what some have said.

The good news is the Parting and Parceling will never end. These 3rd worlders will kill as many Brits as necessary to stay in the UK. Murder and rape is an acceptable way to act for these shitholers. Just remember to smear the Brits own self righteous and self hating agenda in their faces after every attack, rape, and murder.

92% of white high school seniors admitted to having more black sexual partners than white

>source: your ass

I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, and you are probably confusing white womens reluctance to admit their true desires when it applies to black men, the reality is that most fantasize about it on a daily basis, and the vast majority have done it at least once, but of course very few of those would ever admit it to friends and family, because they'd react just like you. This is why blacks too don't talk about it, they don't want to kill the pleasure train by shaming the white girls who are prepared to take the risk in exchange for discretion

Where is the source for that quote?

Do you do this for free?

Well if this isn’t proof that bongs are actual inbred retards then idk what is. Intelligence is associated with their accents, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

>”don’t know” why

It’s ok retard, don’t hurt yourself thinking

He's a Leftie troll or something. He's talking absolute shit. 90% of the UK is still white, and white women are the least likely out of all races and both sexes to mix, black and muslim men are the least desired by all women, especially white ones, while white men score the highest rates of desirability among women of all races.

Oh piss off. Most white women don't even know any black men, and the "Idris Elba is hot" meme is really nothing but fantasy on the part of media psychopaths.

kiddy fiddling is the past time hobby for muslims

Of course not, I am employed by the University of Hull as a research fellow

A gun can be locked in a safe but a 3rd world shitholer will continue to walk the streets. Also, guns do not have babies but 3rd worlders do. They also use knives, acid, explosives, and trucks of peace. KYS.

I don't know what the fuck is going on either. Does anyone here have any specialities on this subject? We've already got Alcohol taxed up to 60% which is reducing alcohol consumption so that can't be it, plus we've brought in Black Cigarette licences for adults under 25. Plus, no other drugs are legal here, so it's not like we have masses of drugged up rapists on our streets. The who;e thing doesn't make any sense.

We ask ourselves the same question in Sweden.

A real mystery.


Found the larping nigger.
How is your child grooming gang going?

Why are bongs so rapey all of a sudden?

The vast majority of the British know exactly why rape is up, it's just that you can get arrested for saying exactly why. Sad-dick khan and the coppers would have to admit the Left are fatally wrong on every immigration related issue if they were to talk openly and honestly about rape in our cities.

>Be Brit police
>Get humped by nig in public because they know you are a cuck

>Sadiq Khan’s London


Is this an Onion article? It has to be.

Sadik said its k because it's a big city

Brit police are too busy dressing in drag to worry about the citizens being raped.


baka desu chenpai

Sigh.... unsolvable.

I wish Trump would retweet this at Khan and do some gloating.

For starters he's a part of a religion that condones raping children and forces them to marry afterwards.

I like the #WeAreManchester in the poster. Trust me the world knows exactly who you cucks are that allowed your country to go to shit without a fight.

>Be faggot Brit
>Bring in large number of savages from the 3rd world
>Get raped
>Excuse being raped as Part and Parcel of your own agenda

I want to believe that, but I don’t anymore. I actually think you’re all stupid and with every room temp iq nigger you let in, the collective iq of your county keeps dropping. I can see why my ancestors left. I wouldn’t won’t to be surrounded by retards either.

>University of Hull

I was there 2 months ago. Hull doesn't have very many negroes at all, it has some Iraqi Kurds. It's certainly one of the 90% ethnic British white cities.


It's very easy to do statistical analysis and find out (assuming you collect enough data). Just do a simple OLS regression and I'm sure you will find that diversity has something to do with it...

They take pride in being blown up.

I wish I saved a pic posted all over the underground where he learing over a little blond girl.

Tits or gtfo

I hope you're fucking with us...


Funny, the cop is staring at the problem.