Muslims or Jews?
What is the bigger threat to Western civilization
Definitely Muslim.
The enemy within is worse than the enemy without. We can always kill all the Muslims; it's the Jews who are the real threat.
chink jew detected
Muslims any day, everyday.
show flag mudslime
and it's not even close
nice try jidf
Jews by far. Muslims are just useful idiots for the Jews.
Nice try Chowdry
paki bastard (hiding)
paki bastard
Jews are the ones bringing in the muslims dumb ass. You have to be a shill, you can't be this dense.
jidf is really shilling hard nowadays
True, but Muslims will always deny that they hold the gun, knife, bomb killing you. A jew will use a proxy, but its the proxy that kills you, dipshit.
kikes and it's not even close
Don't be so sure. They are both destructive in their own ways. The muslim is at least open and honest about his desire to see the West burn. The populace can see Islam's intent and desire to see the West destroyed. The MSM will shill to convince many that their is nothing wrong with Islam and many people will believe that until it is too late. Fortunately, there are many who see Islam for what it truly is and will resist it--particularly in America. The Jew, on the other hand, lurks in the shadows. He is the Wizard of Oz--manipulating everything and everyone from behind the curtain. They have even convinced many in the West that they are their 'greatest ally'. They rely on incredibly subversive tactics--their methods and signature nearly undetectable except to those who have learned the truth. This makes the Jew more dangerous. The Muslim can be stopped with brute force. The Jew must be beat at their own game--manipulation, subversion, and population control. Of the two, the latter is much more difficult to achieve, especially because decent Westerners are morally conditioned to act in contrast to how a Jew acts on a daily basis.
Says the MIDF shill
In US the jews, in Europe the Muslims
Idiots saying Muslims are the problem don’t realize it was Jews who opened the gates of Constantinople, and it is Jews opening the gate to Europe today
Kike detected
If i was jewish shouldnt you thank me for letting you in Europe and giving You free gibs accordong to your own logic? : > )
Low iq inbred turk and paki status: DETECTED
jews via muslim proxy
>Jews opening the gate to Europe today
But is worst for them because muhh Palestine and all that crap, nobody will tolerate the jews in Western Europe in 20 years
my family have been in europe longer than you
you jew rat
it feels so good that my mere existence is terrifying you, making you shit your pants in dread
JEWS gave the west FEMINISM which requires MUSLIM MEN to balance it out.
So it's all the same fucking threat.
Two sides of the same coin. all groups which refuse to integrate into western civilization must be expelled. Of the two I would say Muslims are the more immediate threat: the west has survived Jews for nearly its entire life, a few more decades can be taken on the chin.
Pic unrelated
Moslems are 3-testicle Jews. Point being, they’re ALL Jews.
Christians are 1-testicle Jews.
Open your mind faggot, Muslims are merely a common cold, they had an emprie and we had an empire, we fought on equal footing, they were limited to their land. They amount to a common cold, a problem no doubt but one that Europeans can handle without any problem. The Jew on the other hand is like HIV, once you have HIV even a common cold is deadly. It is the internationalist kike that want to mix our populations, it is the kikes who are pushing multiculturalism, feminism, German guilt narrative, early sexualisation of our children, LGBT and degeneracy, communism, marxism, crony capitalism, wars for Israel. If you don't understand this you are literally a blue pilled cuck or a kike yourself.
wanna suck my 3rd testicle?
Western Civilization is Jewish designed, inspired, and managed. Don't be such an idiot and think there's still some saving to do. Whatever it was is lost.
A semite is a semite is a semite.
If anyone wants to have fun look at the true literal afterlife beliefs of Muslims. If you are bad two angels come to your soul and rip it out of your body with spears and you feel the pain as if you were corporeal. You go to a nightmare world and await the time when Allah resurrects everyone so you can get judgement. As far as I could tell this is a literal copypaste of the Christian end times so there's been people waiting 1400 years so far to get out of their nightmares.
No ape, paki immigration started very late in fact
quite the obvious muslim pedophile worshipper yourself
d'Beauvoir & Wollenstonecraft are very goy names
Muslims are the symptom. Jews are the cause.
obvious jew is obvious
into the oven hook nose
Fuck off kike.
Based gook
Muslims in Europe have the same jew skepticism they have in their home countries.
They rape and mix with our women on their own, because ours are prettier.
They have invaded our continent since their medieval conquests u.s.w.
Chink leaf.
And that symptom is rapidly becoming the first threat, even making Jews flee the very cites they invited the Muslim into.
If we want to remain strong enough to stand, we must first treat the symptoms, the thing threatening to destroy us right now.
If jooos rule your country how come they let you have those pictures?
If you had a mohammad picture you know what would happen.
Also, your capital is ruled by a
if you didnt know, but you do, Anjem
Muslims, sorry Jews you lose by a lock.
>our continent
Not your continent, Schlomo. Never has been
Same thing they both worship Baal.
Islam is the army of the Babylonian Talmudist.
>import 100 million non-western non-whites
>they attack us
>make a graphic
It's the marxists and always has been the marxists.
If we weren't politically polarized, after 9/11 we would have run over Afghanistan, run over Iraq, probably run over a third country by now, and actually spread civilization.
But, then came 'muh imperialism', so we started defining success as 'getting them to like us', which is impossible.
Ofcourse, the other problem is the European style parliamentary democracy doesn't work. You need an American style federalist system with an Electoral College. These countries are split between tribes, and without an Electoral College, voting turns into the most numerous tribe telling everyone else to get fucked. If you have a parallel system where every tribe gets a vote, smaller tribes will then have enough power to not be oppressed.
But according to You Özmet
It is not only Shlomo's continent
It's Shlomo's world
; )
>which is worse, semites or semites
It's the capitalists 100% because you sold apartments to foreigners, nobody else but you. Don't sell apartments to Mexicans, gays, niggers and you will be surprised how fast they disappear.
Is this even a contest?
Jews withouta doubt.
How can we Not fuck your Beautiful Women? Its basic Biology to find a mate with better Genes
Being anti-islam is mainstream now, everybody understand what a bullshit religion it is practiced by low IQ inbreds. Nobody cares. The president of the United States wants to ban all Muslims and he is the PRESIDENT. anti-islam rhetoric is mainstream now. But even dare to say anything against the Jewish lobby or Jewish influence and you have committed political suicide. Even far from that, if you aren't judeophillic and sucking circumcised dick at every turn you are still politically dead. Look at what they did to Paul Nehlen. Look at how 2/3rd of congress is on AIPAC's payroll.
This is what you have to believe in this absurd world so that the Jew leaves you alone and allows you to function in the public space:
He's right though, western governments are cucked and don't give a fuck about their citizens. At least I don't have to listen to feminists crying about oppression in Islamic countries.
Is there any Ger-posters who aren't ottomans here?
No Özmet,
Being pro-islam is mainstream now, look at your stupid ass countrymen voting for Ddr-Merkel AGAIN !
Thats whats mainstream.
wh*Te snownigger whores are not prettier, it is just fun to fuck your whores and make you cry. Its is a conquest, to show you you are cuck.
it's not even a debate, jews.
wh*Te snow nigger whore will fuck anything that is not their own cuck men, she is disgusted by your weakness
Voting doesn't changes anything, not in USA, not in Germany, not in Sweden. Stop being a capitalist and stop selling products and apartments to foreigners and you literally won't have any no matter how hard government will try to import them.
I am not weak, just look at how i am alone in this thread except from an allied korean, fighting off you sand orcs and your paranoia
This is superior Aryan male, he is natures cuck
Muslims just want to escape their shitholes, someone is holding the door. The jew.
lol no. What IS mainstream is degeneracy, hollywood culture, feminism, communism, race mixing. We can thank your filthy tribe for all of that, Noseberg.
theres already muslim states in the Balkans that are fully white....while jews want to kill goys softly.
But who is protect and hire and give status to the Jew? That's right, wh*Te cuck is the one. he loves to be cucked by as many as can fit in his arse.
Trudeau, Reinfeldt and Merkel are jewish?
I didnt know!
They are the ones who claim to be Jews but are far from it.
Can't because there is a certain tribe which has been pushing German guilt narrative for 70 years and so we are immediately bad bad nazis if we treat the foreigner badly and JEW SA will sanction us.
Islam is the only way to be free from Amerimutt occupier
would purchase land and lawfully execute sand monkey for raping mentally retarded svenette on my property.
He honestly looks like the average American, not even going for the Muttmeme
Jews. Always jews. Jews are the cancer that destroys you from within and muslims are like skin infection.
There's no Communism in Germany, you are a renting country where capitalists rent out apartments to foreigners.
>picture related
Germany's migration problem is hardly government problem and government can't solve it. Government doesn't builds apartments and doesn't sells apartments to foreigners, capitalists of Germany do and yes it was American idea to create renting apartments since 1945.
Government does build apartments and blocks, often in homogenous villages where the people have never seen a brown person before, they fill them will shitskins and niggers. These are so called refugee homes, look it up.
Can somewhat agree to this. In this time and era, it is easier to stop the physical threat that Muslims present. But then again, if it weren't for all subversion of The West, we wouldn't have had them here in the first place...
Germany has one of lowest homeownership rates on planet and that literally means highest migration rate.
Lowest homeownership rate = highest migration rate.
>Germany 51.9
Combine that with your free trade policy and voila, you get conquered by foreigners. Literally nothing else is needed for you to be conquered by foreigners.
Jews are the cause, Muslims are just the symptoms.
When did Sup Forums become that blue pilled? Was it the Trump election?
It will always be the kikes. If the muslims wanted to be allies to remove them, and most of all if they agreed to stay in their own countries after it was done, I would accept it.
Here's a more extensive list
What happens to Muslims in The West that are openly anti-semitic?
They are punish more severely than wh*Te nazi
Post proof, pl0x
All anti "terror" laws in west are written by neocon jews. They are anti islam even tho nazi wh*Te does more terror than any Muslim.
Muslim is a threat even where there is no Jew. He is much more violent. The Jew is much more subversive. Where there are jews, there are always muslims, but where there are Muslim, there may not be jews.
Jews. If it wasn't for Jewish meddling and US wars for Jews, none of the Muslims would be over here and we'd think "Aladdin" instead of "insane suicide bomber" when the Middle East is mentioned.
>At least I don't have to listen to feminists crying about oppression in Islamic countries.
Then why don't you stay in Islamic country, Mehmet.
>tfw when trogs make up 80% of the human population
bump for Sup Forums to get redpill on muslim
I had no idea.
Tell that to the drone.
fucking chink all bugmen