why does Sup Forums glorify and virtue signal male promisculity as a proof of manliness?
dont you know its a jewish trick to destroy society?
(((male promisculity)))
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Why are you posting cute girls then. This inspires my urge to fuck.
We don't.
>Why are you posting cute girls then.
marketing. if I posted a graph people wouldnt respond.
Jewish schemes go against the grain of existentialist realism.
The male spirit is to fuck as many things as possible and spread the seed. Jews are matriarchal first and foremost and male promiscuity is looked down upon because it does not aid the female’s nurturing of her many babies with multiple partners. Jewish culture promotes cuckoldry in men first and foremost.
You are way off base with your assumptions.
rediculous. you are making your own bed. youll have to lie in it eventually.
do you not realize that its degenerate and that sexual perversion of one sex doesnt happen in isolation, and it translates to other sex eventually?
sexual "liberation" movements (PUA- yes, pick up artists are a sex lib movement, feminism, homos) of one group/sex translate to sexual "liberation" of all and everything.
if you are not married (=/=(((serious relationship))) ), you shouldnt be having sex.
>inb4 brainlet response key and lock therefore it is OK
>inb4 brainlet response sex are dimorphic as is sexual market so its "natural"
partially correct actually, but brainlets dont get that sexual market needs to be channeled not let loose, as previously stated, sexual degeneracy doesnt happen in isolation since you need 2 2 tango.
>When Guys Split After the Chastity Conversation
>fuck 3 girls
Male promiscuity
>roastie fucks 20 guys
Oy vey, the patriarchy is trying to curb feminine expression again.
Because there are a lot of Reddit fedoras on Sup Forums since the election.
>>fuck 3 girls
>>roastie fucks 20 guys
Sup Forums considers male promiscuity as a sign of degeneracy. Also, you don't understand the meaning of the term "virtue signal".
Makes having more sex than females has always been part of human nature and was never part of the sexual liberation movements of the 60s.
You haven’t even defined degenerate. You haven’t said anything that logically follows your formers and have given me a barrage of unrelated statements.
I expect better from you next time, jewcroat.
We don't and it's not.
Well I wasnt horny but now I am. If this leads to degenerate sex it's on you
Tito is whispering in my ear, telling me to fuck bitches and get this kruh
>fuck 3 girls
you may not see the consequences in your own life but you are enabling whores
>roaste 20d
>Also, you don't understand the meaning of the term "virtue signal".
but I do.
>Makes having more sex than females has always been part of human nature and was never part of the sexual liberation movements of the 60s.
lol no, people barely had sex outside of marriage before 60s or in Victorian England. only druggies and other degens did that. guys like Roosh are actualy a product of female liberation.
>We don't.
true truthseeking pollack dont, but we had an influx of redditors and RooDpolled bros so that is changing
take a cold shower
>why does Sup Forums glorify and virtue signal male promisculity as a proof of manliness?
Men who exude male traits in massive amounts are the ones women cuckold their husbands with, who doesn't want to spread their genes more, especially if some other sucker will actually provide for it. Best aspects of both worlds.
I agree it destroys society, but Western culture is literally dead already. It's hollowed out and has no soul. Women follow the group, and feminists have twisted this culture to the extent that women as a group are sexually liberated. It's so much harder to find a virgin in this culture than previously.
Oh, and with boomers voting to increase immigration so they could bump up the value of their property, their kids can't afford homes as easily, so can't start their own families with the same privacy. The boomers literally treat their own offspring as direct competition, because they live so long.
I live as the book writes and refrain from tying my soul to a whore, but there is little better choice in this culture.
I'll die alone with no heir.
Monkey-branching from male to male has also always been a part of female nature as well though... sexual liberation just makes natural instinct unpunishable. When in the past, a man and woman who were caught cheating on their commitments to follow the natural instinct were either killed, made outcast, or heavily fined.
your thinking of normies. The chadest chads go for trads and are themselves trads
Marriage is a lie sold to you by jealouswomen. Enjoy your higher morals and dying lineages cuckbois
Males killed females that disobeyed and other competitors tht touched their female so the natural order still controlled female promiscuity. Sexual liberation is a product of modern laws protecting women from the natural reactions of males.
As will I. I fear.
I hope to find somewhere quiet, away from other people who take pleasure in my situation.
>who doesn't want to spread their genes more, especially if some other sucker will actually provide for it. Best aspects of both worlds.
idk Bruce, it doesnt sound as apealing to me...idk Im not a degenerate so I anything beyond legal children given to me by a good women seems pretty gay. I would have no pleasure in cucking another men.
>I live as the book writes and refrain from tying my soul to a whore
Hear Hear! God bless you Bruce!
>The chadest chads go for trads and are themselves trads
real chad is indeed trad and not a whoremonger.
Clearly a shoop. Anyone got the original?
>why does Sup Forums glorify and virtue signal male promisculity as a proof of manliness?
because it literally is, it takes dedication, investment, skill to talk women into having sex with you.
That doesn't mean it's right, but it is very manly. Men want to be like that, women want to be with that.
she is turkish
I dont meet much godly strayans on pol, what is your story?
Males in the wild don't kill females unless they posed a direct threat to the male. For instance, alpha male chimps have females in their harems that do have babies behind the alpha's back with a beta. The alpha does not kill the female, but the beta generally doesn't have another chance to copulate (usually he's exiled or the alpha's always watching him when near the harem).
>thinking that the females that were promiscuous in the wild with other males was killed by the alpha male
>not knowing that would have snuffed out the promiscuity genes by culling off cheaters
>still see promiscuity gene in action to this day
>leaf education
Sexual liberation is a product of the inability and weakness of men from pampered generations to maintain the status quo. Both men and women were killed for promiscuity under the rule of LAW. When there was society, not in a natural setting, was promiscuity from both sexes punished. Otherwise it's been historically a free-for-all.
>why does Sup Forums glorify and virtue signal male promisculity
Sup Forums is the one place I've ever seen where people actually don't do this.
That's a nice fantasy. I'm old now though.
Why does OP copy this thread every fucking day?
SAGE goes in all fields.
He doesn't mind a world filled with niggers and failures as the inheritors of the human race.
Goodnight Sup Forums you are my best friend.
>That doesn't mean it's right, but it is very manly.
I understand, but there are different types of manliness, in SA fucking kids is considered as casual manliness
>That's a nice fantasy. I'm old now though.
look on the bright side, you could have been divorced or smth.
lets chat bruce, Ill give you my mail.
>I understand, but there are different types of manliness
Also true but that would seem to render your question pointless
Civilization is a conspiracy against betas
Betas get cucked and they dont know it, but nobody tells them because everyone else is profiting from their ignorance and continued slaving for the social order
You dont get alphas or whores to stop fucking around, you shame the whores and glorify the alphas
All tradi societies reward alphas for having multiple wives and cucking betas, they just refrain from humiliating the betas publicly so those can keep working and dying for everyone else
Know your place OP
Fuck off incel beta soyboy. Chad nationalism is the only way forward. Incel low to soyboys will be thrown off the cliffs right after we done with leftists.
A true man only loves one single woman.
>Incel low to soyboys will be thrown off the cliffs right after we done with leftists.
what are you smoking dude.
>there are different types of manliness
remember the time when manly men was seen as a father in a family? that is what I am referring. A sort of upstanding beta type masculinity.
Very true, Matej. Any man who is against female promiscuity but for male promiscuity is not only a hypocrite, but also a good shabbos goy.
Man whores are just as bad as femwhores and they will get the rope too.
*what I tried to say, we should be manly but manliness isnt the ultimate value. feel me?
I'd prefer the descriptor "christian" or "godly" over beta, but I know what you mean.
>responding to an autistic russian that uses memespeak
Mein dude, please
It's degeneracy. Also notice how it's always amerimutts being sexually repressed creature.
Nice source, frog.
Society flourished because every useless motherfucker could get a girl and he fed into society in order to provide for his family.
Then again you're probably from the middle east and think that is the norm all over the world.
>I'd prefer the descriptor "christian" or "godly" over beta
yeah, beta is a semantically loaded term and implies inferiority.
for instance a criminal Turk in Germany is definetly more alpha than an average Nordic German.
beta is actually the true chad
>Man whores are just as bad as femwhores
OP here, I actually disagree, both are trash but femwhores are more guilty since sex is controlled by women, not by men.
Because males have to be skilled to achieve promiscuity. Women just have to forget to dress themselves properly.
I only take cold showers. Stimulates the testicles.
>Because males have to be skilled to achieve promiscuity.
yes and no. Male prom isnt a good method of "survival of the fittest" selection you read on PUA blogs. We are actually become less intelligent by every gen.
I'm talking Sparta style gtfo from the cliff you dumb incel. Only the best men should be allowed to reproduce. Beta incels always ruin any civilization they allowed to exist in.
>beta is actually the true chad
wow that was retarded
It is actually a huge point of contention between the redpill and tradpill. The latter is correct, of course. God intended marriage to be between a virgin man and virgin woman.
>It's degeneracy. Also notice how it's always amerimutts being sexually repressed creature.
hey man, its not easy being a mutt, the culture is designed to destroy the family. Easy for you to say when you can still go to your hometown and your mom and pop are still together in your childhood home, no american has such a thing :(
That's so fucking true. Unironically agree with this. The modern american family is a dysfunctional one for crying out loud.
>she is turkish
She is Iranian you mongoloid. Her name is Gita btw.
>believing in skydaddy
>any type of "pill"
You're not trad you just run-of-the-mill conservatard.
Tip tip tip m'lady.
>That's so fucking true. Unironically agree with this. The modern american family is a dysfunctional one for crying out loud.
Im not condescending, Im a mutt from a broken family here in a small italian hilltown trying to find purpose int he world, tonight i ordered a steak from a family run butchery and the son chopped my meat and the mom took my cash, it made me so happy that they are together, this is how it should be, i just remember my own destroyed family, well, at least the taxman gets his money at the expense at any hope of permanence in this world. We wouldve been a good family...
>It is actually a huge point of contention between the redpill and tradpill.
I look at redpill dude bros as potential allies, but if they continue with MGTOW thailand trip nihilism theyll eventually become enemies of the trad. Grindr Greg wrote a good article about Roosh btw, check it out.
I cant prove Im not an incel so thats that.
is Russia the chad and Poland beta?
>I'll meme fedora, that will show them!
>t. cristcuck who will adopt the nigger if it's Christian
>woman are good judges
Can't wait to see what kind of men the women will select for withing a few generations
It's real. Some Iranian from instagram. She has been posted on Sup Forums for years newfag.
You need to learn to differentiate between "war time" and "peace time."
In a stable traditional society, male promiscuity should not be encouraged (although it is still less damaging than female promiscuity as long as he can take care of any offspring) , however in our current society we are in a genetic arms race and failing to spread ones influence/seed as much as possible is genetic failure.
>megachurch "Christianity"
Holy shit user, you're really making me depressed. See I don't care if you come from a broken family, just the fact you're aknowledging the beauty of an united family makes me respect you alot. Fuck's sake, I know I must be the 10th guy telling you to no give up but I don't know how to help, I just wish for you to find peace and prosperity. It would be meaningless to tell you that I appreciate your post.
>if you're christian, you're a nigger lover
Fine logic over there Ivan.
You're mixing definitions. Beta has to go for marriage because he's afraid he won't find a girl that wants him. Alpha can go and fuck any cunt he wants,but he chooses one for himself, quality one.
Saying that beta is new alpha is pretty retarded
I don’t think Sup Forumsglorified male promiscuity it’s simply not as destructive as female promiscuity
STDs are a (((meme))) to keep white birth rates low.
>Having regular unprotected sex with white girls will almost certainly not get you an STD.
> you cant be serious
Yes I absolutely am.
See stats here. Total incidence rates (across whole population) is about 1 in 100, meaning that on average , theoretically, you have a 1 out 100 shot of sleeping with a girl with an STD, each new partner.
However, as you can see in the other columns, most of these diseases are 10x more common in non white races, which means if you're only sleeping with white girls, its about a 1 out 1000 chance she has an actively transmittable STD.
To take that further (although the exact stats aren't given in the linked article) these STDs are insanely more common with regular coalburners, prostitutes, and homosexuals, so avoiding girls that are clearly gutter trash drops your chances, lets say by half (almost certainly more). Odds of a random (not pure trash) white girl you meet having an actively transmittable STD is then about 1 in 2000.
But, it goes even further than that because as a male you still have only, on average about a 30% chance of catching the STD (depends slightly on specific infection but thats the average as source article outlines), meaning your odds of actually catching an STD from casual sex a few times with a "respectable" (non total trash) white girl is about 1 in 6000.
The fact is, much like blacks are 100x more likely to commit murder, STDs are mostly only a problem for people living worst of the worst lifestyles (regular drug abuse, homosexuals, prostitutes, etc).
The meme has been pushed in the west to stop white people (only ones capable of abstract future planning) from having children by making them so afraid of 1 in 5000 chance STDs that they always use condoms, while meanwhile shitskins are running around knocking up their multiple wives, raping, and otherwise impregnating lots of women.
Dont believe the STD jew.
this. see below for more jew tricks
Its "if you're a Christian - youre a cuck" actually.
>woman are good judges
this nigga gets it.
when women choose, they often dont choose the better genetics - muscles can be aquired by prot and a few roid cycles, very easy actually, but a bad longterm decision by that male which is a sign of lower IQ.
Or they choose lower races due to superficial manly qualities of agression, dominance etc.
>You need to learn to differentiate between "war time" and "peace time."
white people actually breed less in war times unlike other races. the more you know...
>Im a mutt from a broken family here in a small italian hilltown
like a reall mutt? or a euro-mutt?
>Alpha can go and fuck any cunt he wants,but he chooses one for himself, quality one.
that is not the working definition of Alpha. Alpha by working def is literally Hugh Hefner or some other degenerate.
We might have different definitions of alpha.
> white people actually breed less in war times unlike other races. the more you know...
And now we're getting out bred and out competed by sub 80 IQ niggers the world over.
Sort yourself out
>if you're christian, you're a nigger lover
Exactly. Christianity is religion of women and cucks.
>We might have different definitions of alpha.
that is because the beta-alpha is semantically bad typology. but people stick with it for the memes.
And yet Christian countries conquered the whole world and then lost these empires almost in perfect tandem with losing their faith.
Dont mistake modern watered down faggotry for real Christianity.
>tfw you have been a- b+ and b- at various points of life
Is that how it’s supposed to work?
They will forever "turn the other cheek" to muslim savages and their Jewish overlords
>believing a memeimage
What the fuck are you doing
This all relies upon being able to id the total trash girls from the non-total trash ones. The mistake will cost you your genetic integrity as their retroviruses are permanently left in your genome
This fucking thread again?
Babylon has Fallen!
Apocalypse 17:8 Fulfilled
Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
Padre Pio: Satan Would “Come To Rule A False Church”
The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned
St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes and Antipopes
End-Times Temple Of God
Is the World about to End?
3rd secret of Fatima, St. Malachy's prophesies
"Christian" countries couldn't even defeat mudshits and defend their land. Virtually all western Conquest came POST enlightening and during industrialization you uneducated christard.
If not they end up like this
Not really, even trash white girls still only average 1 in 1000 as currently carrying an STD, which gives you a 1 in 3000 chance of catching it.
Plus I'm skeptical of your female to male retroviruses claim. Ancient wisdom has always held that males leave a permanent imprint on women (hence the high valuing of female virginity), not the other away around.
Its also quite obvious from the natural scheme, and biology (the one impregnating vs the one being impregnated).
>Holy shit user, you're really making me depressed.
Sorry m8, not my goal, the US is a great place to make money at the expense of everything if that is your aim, to me all the money in the world won't make up for having to choose which parent to visit on christmas. Just... for all the money we have in the US, what does it matter? For some it is enough, for others a family where your children know their grandparents and have a hometown and perhaps a family vocation, what more could you want? I think of the rich americans in their multi-million dollar plywood mansions that have children raised by youtube and on psychiatric drugs and they are the poorest people I know...
Sup Forums says that a number of partners don't decrease the probabilities of a successful ltr like it happens with a woman, but in no way glorifies male promiscuity.
They are as degenerate as females are, it's just that the experience is not as psychologically damaging.
>dont you know its a jewish trick to destroy society?
The progressive left started this trend, the "don't settle down and care for a family and be responsible, fuck as many broads as you can and leave them for dead." Jews have nothing to do with it. They've encouraged women to do the same, though women are far better at it despite how the long-term consequences for them are way worse.
if we really wanted to do it right it would be patriarchal and men could live big love style if they wanted
it is what i am going to be pursuing as an alternative to shacking up with a single roasty
muh "ancestor" worship
"The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
When Europe was Christian Muslims fought there way into parts of it and were expelled in due course from the majority of Christendom.
Mass departure from Christianity didn't start until the early to mid 20th century, exactly when the Empires started to decline.
The vast majority of European imperial territory was captured when the vast majority of Europeans identified as strongly Christian.
Now that almost none do, the continent is voluntarily committing suicide with the exception of the Visegrad 4, and to a lesser degree Italy, all of whom are exceptionally more religious (albeit way less than such were 300 years ago).