⭐⭐Will they ever recover?⭐⭐
⭐⭐Will they ever recover?⭐⭐
Damn, I imagine this would actually make quite a few libs think about it a little more seriously.
stop using fiction to makes analogies
Saul Alinsky's Rule #4:
>"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Fighting fire with fire user. It shuts them up
And so were the students.
Give the teachers guns and students tasers. Petrificus totalus motherfucker.
Woah... Hello fellow Sup Forums gold user⭐⭐⭐
Daily reminder Obama and Hillary Clinton both wrote their thesis on Saul Alinsky.
I loled at the replies he got to this- Beon can be a little smug for my tastes but this shit was golden.
Pic related- user went on lockdown shortly thereafter but the internet is forever.
They banned him for #harrycarry posting? Honest to fucking god they just banned me perma after posting MAGA in my bio and retweeting some redpilled stuff. My name on there? CAT GIRLS ARE BEST GIRLS with anime eveRYWHERE
Wanna send me some Sup Forums gold?
No retard, the user @yikesabrina went into lockdown because everyone mocked the living shit out of her.
It was pretty hysterical.
I can’t even count how many times the fucks at twatter have put me in purgatory.
This. Dont throw it everywhere but if you see facebook fiction analogies you toss that gernade.
Only works when you are the under dog. If you are the institution you have to change strategies. This is why the left is so fucked right now they want to pretend to be the plucky underdog hero and they apply that interpretation to ridiculous situations.
>Only works when you are the under dog. If you are the institution you have to change strategies.
Very true, but unfortunately not too many people will remember that.
Calm down ur the one with the terrible explaining
Do you have proof of libs using fiction ?
That's what I thought, shart for brains :^)
Stupid bitch.
No it's not fortunate, because when the pendulum swings back it's enviable it's only going to swing back once again.
*** am I doing it right?
>When troll accounts are indistinguishable from the average twitterfag
This is getting sad desu.
I'm sorry, who are the ones using star wars, harry potter, and the handmaid's tale to reflect today's political environment?
Hint: it's starts with D and ends with rats.
And you liked/retweeted them
+they're only listing a bunch of pop culture works, not singling out one and using it as the ground for the argument. Denied, cuckbrain
⭐ How do you make the stars??
Whatever you say frog
>And you liked/retweeted them
>not singling out one and using it as the ground for the argument.
His 2nd tweet literally uses the Hunger Games as a basis and ends with calling "the people who fight back" Katniss'. Apply yourself desu.
>Not recognizing Poe's law
LMAO at you desu
Not a dem, just a shitty actor shilling for his insipid production
George "openly admitted to sexual assault in an interview and also jacked off a guy on camera" Takei
>TFW you're so up your own ass you literally can't differentiate fantasy from reality
So this is why they wanted to ban video games.
The students in Ender's Game had an entire navy.
>Marvel movies
George "Spray'n'Pray The Gay Away" Takei
I mean, most of the teachers at hogwarts were also members of a secret paramilitary organization run by the headmaster. They were also majority combat trained.
Can’t we agree Trump’s plan to arm teacher’s is retarded?
He should have said he would seek the overturn of schools being gun free zones and encourage teacher’s to carry, but still leave it voluntary as it is to every American civilian.
The way he said it sounds like he wants being a gun bearing sentinel to be part of the job description and he gives for granted that teacher’s well agree no question’s asked.
Teacher’s must be let to be teacher’s, Trump must put armed guards in every school.
There were no homosexuals in Star Fleet. The Vulcans concluded sodomy was illogical for species propagation.
Fuck you. If you have magic scifi stunners, it makes perfect sense for EVERYONE to carry a stunner.
this, keep em coming
Why don’t all classrooms have (gun) fire escapes like old style buildings? Planes have emergency exits, why not classrooms?
Would be hard to shoot students if they can evacuate the school, through independent room exits, in 60 seconds.
Will you ever kill yourself?
obama leaf
Retards have been making Voldemort analogies against Trump forever. These fucks use make believe scenarios to support their views, you just need to show them that even said make believe scenarios are against their ideology.
>most of the teachers at hogwarts were also members of a secret paramilitary organization run by the headmaster
Lies. Only three of them were. As opposed to at least four to six that were not.
Potter cucks on suicide watch