WTF is happening in Turkey and especially with Erdogan?
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>WTF is happening in Turkey and especially with Erdogan?
Useful stooge being useful.
>Useful stooge being useful.
New coup d'etat upcoming ? why is he in full propaganda mode ?
He is basicly a kebab Hitler
erdogan is going to make anime real
That child is apparently supposed to potentially be a "martyr" for the nation. This is just odd, even for Turks
disgusting cockroach
Hiler was smart. Erdogan has an IQ of 85
Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Not very smart.
no he didn't
Here is the video with actual translation
sick fuck
reminder most of roaches in and outside turkey actually support this maniac
Gib mount and blade
Why are you retarded honkeys so sensitive?
We don't send our childs to martyrdom. It's a terrorist/muslim thing
Check flag before replying ya dingus
Turkey is realizing Ataturk was a Jew and they should stop boot licking Amerimutts
>we are scared of being matyrs
this is why you are losing germanistan. Matyrdom is an honor to all turks, how can pig skins even compete?
Do you think he fucked her the night before?
>pig skins
>trying to insult whites
you can't faggot. our kids have a value, you wouldn't understand since yours haven't
Hitler wasn't smart
>killing the future to save the present
I'm t*rkish, and I don't support this crazy islamic fuck.
Turkey had a chance of being a 1st world country thanks to Ataturk's secular policies. Not anymore, thanks to Erdogan going gun-ho Islamic fascism. It's a repeat of Iran 1979 all over again.
Damn Erdogan is a fucking creep
You are the minority. In Germany supposedely "integrated" turks could vote. 59% voted for Erdogan
fuck off cuck gavad
whites are subhumans
A dumb person could never go that far.
Bad persons can be smart as well.
A white person killed more jews than you people ever could tho
He was at one time banned from Politics by the court for being a religious fanatic.
I've never found out how he was allowed back into politics after that court ruling.
Are there any people who know how that ruling was overturned?
If he was smart he would have attacked the Soviets after he dealt with the Brits. With the Anglos out of the picture, I doubt the USA would have put troops on the ground in Europe. There was a strong push "to help our British brothers" after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
But would a smart person have fucked up in Russia that badly?
You are a pig skin go in the sun and get cancer faggot
>b-b-but im wh*Te you cant insult me
low testosterone race of pink niggers on the fast track to extinction thanks to their own women
>its easy to insult pig skins
The real question is how he could become president in the first place. To be president in Turkey you need to have a degree. Erdogan hasn't, literally faked one
If trump did the exact same thing you would call him 'based'. Stop being so fucking hypocritical.
>Turks are actually whiter than Amerimutts
I always thought it was just a meme.
crackers are great tho, love me some crackers with ham
Turkey wants a war in the Aegean with Greece
It went beyond that.
He was BANNED FROM POLITICS by the government.
He wasn't allowed to become the President.
He wasn't allowed to become anything.
How did that change?
>Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Not very smart.
You sure about that ?
The kid in OP's picture clearly looks like a hapa. And it's not shocking that Florida is filled with Cubans. Everyone knows this.
of course the nigger likes to be a pet
Turks ARE Armenians. And Greeks and Syriacs and Georgians and Bulgars.
The ethnogenesis of 'Turks' is just literally Turkic mongols who moved into Anatalia 1000 years ago and were Islamized.
Cross-breeding or rape and assimilation resulted in 'Turks'.
Meanwhile, Armenians have existed for 3000 years unchanged.
Anyway - here you go
wouldnt even be a war. greeks would abandon their homes and swim away from all conflict just like they always do
Thanks for the translation !
> yfw when we retake constantinople
>another paki nigger trying to insult me
Simple. Made a deal that involved sucking Jewish cock in order to get a piece of the Jew World Order pie.
Russian completely wrecked their plans in Syria and the Jew plan-b involves breaking the deal with Turkey AND throw them under the Erdogan is pissed and trying to minimize the damage.
he's just angry because his 7th wife fatima showed a little bit too much ankle to ahmed.
I don't care what they are...I just want Anzu to be safe.
With me Sup Forums
this is nothing wait until germanistan becomes an official province. being called pig skin is the least of your worries
sorry user, anzu is a (male), (he'll) be drafted unfortunately. Better get in contact with anzu and take "her" in as refugee before turk uprising.
btw is there a reason we only see paki niggers shilling for papa roach instead of actual roaches? did they got range banned
>sorry user, anzu is a (male), (he'll) be drafted unfortunately.
There's no way in hell that Anzu is a Troach
i'm here orospu çocuğu
doyçland ist kaputt :DDDd
What the hell is this picture ? what was the occasion ? Looks like something taken out of the ottoman empire
that man and his family are going to get fucking butchered by civilians, mark my words
>You are the minority
Yes, I know. I hate most of my own people for how stupid they are for worshipping this fascist fuck.
Kendini sikle git müslüman.
You have destroyed my ancestral homeland with your shitlam death cult. I will smile bigly when Trump or the next US president decides to carpet bomb the whole ME and we can remove you allah-worshipping fucks out, and we can finally move on.
what's the matter you don't like turks selling your ancestral lands off to rich arabs?
you don't like the fact that the ak parti gave citizenship to 3+ mil arabs?
Hitler wasn't smart. Every good decision made during Hitler's time in power was made by somebody else. All of Hitler's decisions turned into massive military defeats, invading Russia being the most obvious and most catastrophic. By that point in the war Hitler's brain was fried from amphetamine use.
Pedo vibes
The final redpill on Erdogan is that he's actually a kike.
Just a reminder. A majority of Turks in Germany voted to expand his powers
ErdiCunt is HUGE here. He also has a great following amongst both Sunni and Shias, which is an anomaly
They're Armenian/greek mixed with Semitic junk from all of the Islamic marriages
is that france or turkey?
Of course, they are turks.
Why would you stupid filthy French invoke a Roach posting, why now, now that we got rid of them from /pol
>if they had retreated and secured the ground they gained instead of moving forwards they would have won
won what exactly?
Hey guys! Let’s talk about Colombia instead. Our country is very rich and well-fed for starters.
I ll tell you whats going on with Erdogan. He wants to rally the Turkish people because he has wars in mind. It could be greece cyprus or iraq we dont know just yet. He said that people should be ready when they are called upon for conscription.
im Turkish :)
In other news, the water is wet.
At this point, my only hope is that Russia won't stick with Erdogan, otherwise it will suffer a lot due to this alliance (although I doubt it, considering the latest incidents from Syria.)
he gone full hitler. what a king