What’s it like living in a country where you don’t have to tip for literally everything
What’s it like living in a country where you don’t have to tip for literally everything
Here’s a tip: get a better job
Here’s a tip.
Take your lazy ass to the store and gratuity isn’t expected.
Food is cold when it gets there
You pay 15-20% more and get cold food
its alright.
I literally don't tip, ever. Waitresses tend to look at me like I'm some sort of primitive uncivilized swine without manners but if that's the price to abolish this old retarded tradition I'm okay with this. The idea of publicly shaming you into paying extra for something that comes as part of their job is fucking laughable.
How the fuck do you end up in a situation where you can choose to freely own an gatling gun or a tank, yet are forced to tip ? o.O
breddy gud
HAHAHA visiting America I was fucking pissed about this. Paying tips = people serving you were actually fucking decent and you wish to show your gratitude for their above average service.
i only ever eat out with friends so i can't get away with notips without looking autistic
but tipping is bullshit, waitstaff get paid the same as the kitchen guys PLUS free guilt/thirst bucks despite doing a job a 14 year old girl can manage
>freely own an gatling gun or a tank
>british education
we are forced at butter knife point to tip nigel, but at least we don't have to pay onerous registration fees for said cutlery
Feels good man.
feels good.
People here only tip when they don't want to get back stupid coins but tipping here is never expected as it should be
>be american
>be born
>give tip
What's worse is that stores state prices without tax. I don't understand that.
You're goddamn right. I used to clean dishes (with a machine) and even though I prefer that over being a waiter slave to assholes, it's hard work.
It's all the same in france since you got rekted everywhere else with bunch of taxes.
so wait, you guy pay for your food before you eat?
ikr. Same here in Canada. Fucking annoying desu
I only tip delivery boys and waiters/waitresses. Someone a month ago told me that you are supposed to tip taxi drivers but I had no idea that people do this. I still don't.
They are talking about deliveries te buta totocska. You don't have that back home do ya? Lel plebs
>HAHAHA visiting America I was fucking pissed about this
It's not a requirement and you only tip after a meal. If you were only here temporarily, why did you even bother to tip your waiter? It's not like they'd ever see you again.
explain this shit because i have heard different
>be murican in germany
>tip 12 euro on a 45 euro bill
>german gf tells me that was way to much
>claims a normal tip is about 10% of the bill
>ask another german what is a good tip
>explains to only tip a few euros if the service was good
>ask another who says to tip to avoid getting euro coins back
>ask her dad what he normally tips
>”what the fuck is a tip?”
You're also apparently supposed to tip hair cutters, massage therapists, and a few others. Ridiculous.
>explains to only tip a few euros if the service was good
This one was right. €2-5
of course we have deliveries. but when you order something like say pizza you order what you want over the phone and then pay the delivery guy.
Just america spreading his degenerate culture everywhere like always
>muuh I'm so cultivated i tip because i have enough money and i want to help this poor waiter because my life is much better as his life
Or something like that haha
Why even tip at bigger bars when the stupid Trump Administration forced employees to share their tips again?
Fuck that. I'm not awarding shitty service.
>tips your trips