I mean we all are humans and love is love right?
So what if the kids skin color is slightly darker?
What is so bad about this?
I mean we all are humans and love is love right?
So what if the kids skin color is slightly darker?
What is so bad about this?
Nothing wrong with it. As long as it's not my daughter. Family genetics is important to me.
regression to the mean which is an IQ of 80
why would I want a country full of functionally retarded mutts?
Cease your faggotry. Sa ge
Can you prove this though? Is there any data that shows lower IQ?
>Nothing wrong with it. As long as it's not my daughter. Family genetics is important to me
Why is it not good for your family?
No white children. doesnt take a genius to figure that out
Nice try.
Dont sage, If Im wrong tell me why. I wanna hear a convincing argument based on facts. Not
Every time
Im not Jewish tho. What is wrong with Blacks and white getting married and having kids?
The biggest percentage of single mothers comes from a black spouse. Who is going to pay for her bastard son? Whites, because whites pay all the welfare of niggers and spics. She ain't gonna be able to pay for it herself, so why should white males pay for the toll of a roastie? Fuck off, and fuck your niggers.
OK thats one reason. Are there any other reasons?
I agree. There is only about 10million Jewish women (like in your pic).
Every one of them should blanda up.
White children grow to improve society. Mulato children grow to increase crime rates, taxes and turn all society into a shithole.
But what is the difference between whites and blacks?
Can there be a legit argument against it?
I’m all for blacks marrying Jewish women. Good idea.
>inb4 one is financed and produced by jews.
The more I'm on here, the more okay I am with hypocritical positions like this.
What's wrong with when I do it it's okay and when you do it it's bad?
Because it's a downgrade for someone hailing from a superior race.
every jewish woman on earth should take a bbc
what is so bad about that?
so what if the kids would be halfbreeds?
>Oh man it's this thread for the 10000th time, I should let them know why interracial relationships are bad
>why would I want a country full of functionally retarded mutts?
What's wrong with a black woman marrying a white man?
I don't see a problem here
IQ is inherited from parents, mutts are more susceptible to mental illnesses, since you need to be able to identify yourself (in your surrounding) while you're growing up, just like you need a mother and a father.
Imagine the damage on a young mind when you're growing up and you don't look like your parents or relatives.
fuck i forgot to sage
Try googling : The Black Men's Gift To Portugal
this. if people want to breed with niggers thats their problem.
Well? Call me out on bullshit. Im waiting. Let me know. Why is it wrong. I ve only heard 2 arguments so far
>IQ goes down
>Higher rate of single mothers
Anything else POL? Im calling you all out! What else?
Fuck you and your sage.
Lets hear it smart guy!
go for it, most white women are grossly overweight
There's literally nothing wrong with white men marrying Asian women.
We should be talking about this hypocrisy more often. Every time someone posts a picture like this for example and everyone here gets mad and calls it
Remember that this statement does not apply to White men because we are allowed to fuck any girl we want (specially Asians) and our race will not be subjected to genocide. You'll just have a bunch of Hapas running around with identity issues.
>That shnoz
>This thread for the billionth time
I just want to know the facts. I have heard 4 so far
>lower IQ kids
>higher Rate of single parents (Blacks leave)
>Kids with Identity Issues
>Higher rate of mental illness
What else POL?
Cmon you Autistic faggots What else do you have ?
Really fag mods? You’re going to block me from reporting this clearly off topic non-political related thread?
Sage, report, hide.
SAGE and report troll threads.
This is totally political. A nation is comprised of its people. The people can build up or destroy a nation.
So if people are race mixing, specifically with black, HOW COULD IT NOT AFFECT the politics of the country?
Scientist actually came out and said that mixed race offspring is beneficial in the evolution of the human race.
My position on this is that if no one will criticize me for fucking an Asian girl but take the nigger next to me and hang him on a tree because he fucked some Katie white girl is completely missing the point of keeping the White race pure.
OK... prove it though
Show me the study. Anyone can claim shit on the nets. Just because you LARP as a Nazi and then promote race mixing doesnt mean Im going to take you seriously. Give me facts! Give me evidence!
Nobody gets a free pass in this thread.
I have heard the opposite in that race mixing causes problems and race monogamy is better.
Prove POL wrong then. Where is the data?
One of the girls from our high school group in the 90's just burned the coal and had a mongoloid 3 week old daughter with the chimp. UP from everyone liked all her posts, but in private discussions those same people are calling her a nigger lover.
Please stop.
Marry whoever you want to marry, but make an informed choice.
Keep in mind though that white phenotypes disappear when you mix with someone of literally every single other race, so your kids won't look like you. Take some time to truly think about whether you're okay with this, don't just reflexively say "I don't care cuz I'm not a racist", truly do a bit of soul searching so you don't end up hating yourself later.
Also, your kid WILL be extremely vulnerable to antiwhite idpol radicalization when they get to high school and college. There's an extremely high chance they will hate your fucking guts throughout their teens and 20s. It's unfortunate, but since they look black they'll have to fit in with blacks, and more often than not those blacks will treat them like garbage unless they become a walking stereotype and hardcore political activist to atone for the original sin of inheriting your DNA.
Like I said, actually think about these things ahead of time and make sure you're okay with them. Who you reproduce with is the most important decision you will ever make, don't make it lightly.
It's repulsive and generates a general feeling of disgust.
>nose ring
Its disgusting.