Don't mind me, I'm just the part the ruined the entire series

Don't mind me, I'm just the part the ruined the entire series

It was mediocre but didn't ruin the series.

Stands ruined JJBA

Animeonlies leave.

They at least should have kept hamon.

should've used stands starting in a different series. the lore was completely ruined when it suddenly switched from hamon out of the blue


Part 3 is pretty normal. But just because it's average doesn't mean it sucks. The other parts are just better.

Oh and >

What lore?

The greatest stands of all Jojo
Just remove Hermit Mongo and put Killer Queen instead

I never liked Hamon because it was a shittier version of Ki.
>If your breathing goes out of wack your Hamon doesn't work anymore
What a retarded concept

>I wanted more generic shounen chi
Dumb animeonly poster

Fuck off, stands gave JJBA identity and charm, hamon was just generic magic crap.

But that's good. Hamon can do a lot, but it has a clear weakness that's exploited multiple times, so it's not a total bullshit power

you guys are alright.

>generic ki energy is better than stands
Do you not hear yourselves?

>don't mind me, I'm just the part that saved the entire rest of the series
JoJo's is a shonen manga first and foremost, a battle one, and by part 2 things were already escalating pretty quickly in terms of Power Level. Yes, Stardust Crusaders is for many, including myself, pretty inconsistent with its quality and the fights can get pretty mediocre and forgettable, particularly in the first arcs. But introducing the Stands saved JoJo from becoming a generic shonen where the characters get more and more powerful, until we'd inevitably get a Jojo strong enough that he'd blow planets up.

Part 3 is my least favourite Part yet even I can recognize that it saved JoJo and shaped it into the monolith it has become today. JoJo wouldn't have made such an impact without Stands.

I like stands, I just thought most of part 3 was pretty lame. Though it did have some good sections.

Then why is Part 2 superior to everything that's come after it?

Josephfags should just die i swear

Because you haven't read Part 7.

Post Part 4 artwork is terrible, though. Everyone looks like a twink faggot.

>not liking a milf hunter

>until we'd inevitably get a Jojo strong enough that he'd blow planets up.
Yeah instead we have Giorno and Johnny who can plausibly nuke entire universes

oh yeah, can't forget about Gappy's whole "i can manipulate concepts" bs.
near the end he might also become that powerful.