What does Sup Forums think about this faggot
What does Sup Forums think about this faggot
Kike playing the part of le rational soft spoken intellectual he isn't
Zoolander was pretty funny though
If listening to a Dan Carlin episode for the 5th time doesn't put me to sleep, I put him on and I'm out. He's a pretentious, overrated and sleep inducing faggot.
He advocates for rational thinking yet h's constantly push the "MUH RUSSIA" narrative. I've lost quite a bit of respect for him because of how blinded he is by his political ideology.
My fucking keyboard sucks.
Used to listen to him all the time but he absolutely lost it on Trump, "rational" my fucking arse. He really can't get over himself but credit where it's due, softly speaking goes a long way to making people think you're smarter than you are.
He just whines and whines about Trump to the point I unsubbed, then when he's asked to bring on "conservatives" to talk, what does he do?
David Frum and Andrew fucking Sullivan, two neocon fucktards who hate Drumph and represnt a shitty old version of conservatism that needs to fuck off and die.
Some say hes #WithHer to this day
are you me
Eloquent, honest, smart
He's alright, some people's problem with Ham Sarris is that he delves in truism, saying the things we all know are true: Islam has a lot of savages and religion is a fantasy. Seeing him give Ben Affleck a tantrum was gold.
I think you should stop making this thread
"Obama was the greatest president of the last 80 years"-Sam Harris
yeah, really disappointed with his views on the Russia thing.
seems like he has lost his principles a bit.
but has contributed a lot of interesting ideas over the years
This. He suffers from the worst case of trump Derangement Syndrome I have seen so far. I also think part of it is just virtue signalling and circlejerking with is leftist friends.
Have I mentioned that he is the prime example of someone living in a filter bubble. He only has leftist professors as friends.
But the worst of all his faults is his elitism. He basically thinks People should listen to the 'experts' and shut the fuck up. He is the literal "We know whats best for you"-type.
How can you derive morals from objective Facts, if no human will ever be able to have all the objective Facts at Hand? And no, Richard Dawkins does not have all the Facts...
He was good in zoolander
Thought he was a boring person with TDS.
After he started talking shit about Scot Adams aftet he lost that debate I geniunly hate him.
Yeah the whole experts know best thing was awful. Like you cant even point out their fallacies or question them.