>blocks your guns
Blocks your guns
Do your job, mods
>gun sales at all time high
Can you stop posting this ugly spic cunt.
Never respond to my posts ever again.
USA bald girl vs Vietnamese girl
I work in a psych hospital telling you right now this bitch is crazy. It’ll come out she had a few mandatory 72 hour holds for suicide attempts I know all the signs. America you’ve been warned
* Gets shot
if I have to fire through a crowd of people to defend myself
cunt punt!!!!!
*makes farm animal noises at you gf as you walk by
Wut do u do?
sushi chop!!!!
Bitch, you could’ve blocked muh guns years ago. All you had to do was go “Oh user, you’re so sexy. Let’s make love and tons of mixed-breed babies instead of you learning self defense with guns.” But no, none of you liberal cunts did that. Well, look what happened. Now I own more firepower than a squad of Antifa, and I can shoot better than them. You brought this upon yourselves!
Meaning the FBI/NSA/CIA have the hands full tracking them the illegals.
That's why we can feel the leash loosing.
my waifu will stab this (OP)
What do you do there? I call bulshit.
>gets forced anal
>then gets shot in the pussy
dios mio...
I withdraw hooooong, I withdraw
Also if she hasnt been named already I would like to propose "The Gun Goblin"
where is her upper lip?
>"you sicken me. I hate you. You slaughter children by association. Now be a good go- I mean boy and hand over your guns."
i second this motion
>San Bernardino
In the name of Allah.
i second this notion
>builds drone army
You can keep that antiquated technology.
she's only 6/10 beauty standard. Here is my gf
she looks like a trap
The more I dive down Into this rabbit hole the more I know this was all bullshit
she's only 17 you mutt.
that doesn't invalidate what I said
ID trips checked
she looks even more like a 56% Amerimutt than yesterday
how is that possible?
She's my little sister's friend. Here in Vietnam Viet girl always small
I've been to Vietnam. You sickos have 12 year old traps.
the memes are making her stronger
I want a smol gf
Goblino... goblino... goblino...
I don't. Give me a tall girl
right in the pussy
>mfw my school gets shot up and 17 of my friends die
come to Vietnam.There are plenty of fish girl like this
Here for you boi
now that's what I'm talking about
Queen slay! Yassss
Maybe when she's finished taking your guns she can go to Sweden and remove the grenades.
>she can go to Sweden and remove the grenades
i-is that an actual problem for Swedes?
Damn she's hot
With what? That fucked up face? How the fuck is some mutt target going to stop me from killing it!
>USA bald """girl"""
I started off feeling bad for these kids for being traumatized, but they're getting so aggressive and downright mean-spirited to those who disagree with them (and their gun-hating mob) that I'm starting to personally loathe them.
Sage these gay threads.
Kill yourself op
it's because you're not allowed to criticize them without being branded as insensitive. That gives them carte blanche to say whatever mean things they want to you
Can somebody post a link to where I can see the video of this creature?
el goblino...
Which is why leftists love using them as battering rams to attack and human shields to defend
of course they do. Have you SEEN the CNN "town hall"?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>slaps your gun's stock
Then I shoot.
That's one disgusting looking "woman"
But your photos are taken with this face-whitening filter asians have.
Also you picked the cute (as the ones that can into makeup) ones, instead of normal ones.
mods here have been shit since the_donald flooded in in 2016
we accidentally meme'd LA CREATURA into existence.... we must be very careful from now on with what we do with our new powers
[ Goblino Screeching ]
Can someone tell me why there are so many posts of her and why is Sup Forums fapping to this?
She's a student at the school that had the most recent mass murder.
She spoke at a protest rally, and got famous quickly.
She wants some restrictions on gun sales, so obviously some Americans lost their shit about it.
But isn't she actually an actress?
She gave an ultimatum on air that everyone was either with her or against her. If that’s the way she wants it, then I’m against her. I’m also against Hogg for allowing himself to be manipulated. I don’t have anything against any of the rest of the students and families involved.
>from now on we impose psy evals and background checks
Let me guess: half of /k/ is disarmed. Even Trump who has complete disdain for plebs thinks this is the correct measure.
Here is no makeup normal girl basic skin dude. But whitening face is beauty standard of eastern asia over 2000 years why hating bro
this, meanwhile mods delete important /threads
Only sith deal in absolutes
I'm so sorry that whypipo started ruining your culture 2000 years ago
Dios mio...
I motion this second
>remove penises
>no more pregnancies
the argument is sound
Someone shop 2 dildos
i mutt this suckund
>m-muh safespaaaaace!
this ones better
lmao this guy looks a downsyndrome ginger jew soyboy
this cunt dyke forced me to sell my gun stocks so i'm surprised this shooting was fucking different
i wanna put my dick in her mouth desu.
>Spicoid mutt vs Instafilter trap
Into the trash it goes immediately
No hate, just pointing out things that I find funny.
Also many girls I know look way better on photos than in person, so I try to remind that in case some user falls for racemixing.
la bestia del pozo.....
Stop it soy-christian bale
>This breaks the libtard
> Pulls Trigger
have you seen this boy?
This. Also anyone else ever dry their teeth off and tuck their upper lip so it sticks in place and do this? It's pretty disrespectful to Tay, she obviously wasn't in on it.