/polder/ death of democracy edition: the aftermath

Dutch fags, get in here. Leafbro is especially welcome.

Death of democracy:

Do you still have faith in our system? Can our country be saved peacefully or is civil war our destiny?

thierry rode pil over israel

>Do you still have faith in our system?
Of course not.

thierry rode pil over ras

every dutch i know is bluepilled except for this one roastie who has an iron cross tattoo.

Stop posting that cringey niggershit please

You 'know' faggots then.






well, i banged the roastie upwards of 20 times.










Bullshit, we are on of the most red pilled people in Europe, after Italy.

Hoi pannenkoekenrevolutiebroeders!


Roep jij liever het ADO stadion naar referendum stembus, die zich zojuist hebben laten inlichten door Jan Roos in een 5 minuten durend spotje over een onderwerp waar geleerden VVD'rs jaren mee bezig zijn?

Laat dat soort dingen over aan mensen die er verstand van hebben.

>Do you still have faith in our system?
The system seems to work, sadly..
>Can our country be saved peacefully or is civil war our destiny?

I doubt we'll see civil war or a catastrophic breakdown of society. Just the ever slowly creep towards a society where people just don't bother to express their actual thoughts anymore at any time.

Sure you did, Joe.

>Bullshit, we are on of the most red pilled people in Europe, after Italy.

I wish i could say that my experience has shown this to be true, but it does not. The dutch guys I know arent cucks, but they are anti Trump, anti Geert, and think racism is a major problem, etc etc, post liberal shit about global warming, were pro Hillary until I gave them a lengthy explanation as to why she was terrible. At least they listened to reason in the last case.

>Kiza Magendane

Literally who?


>implying its hard to fuck a dutch slut

this is why you are getting outpopulated by invaders



Geweldig gezegd pleb!

Explain to me how it 'works'.


/ourguys/ : FVD, Leefbaar /insert-city/, PVV

Hallo, poffertjesblad.

No idea. Some nigger.

random columnist/politieke neger
je moet dat gesprek terugluisteren. echt geweldig hoe thierry die neger btfo

Hej vriend, hoe gaat met jou vandaag?

>anti Trump
Not necessarily anti, but he IS kind of an imbecle..
>anti Geert
Geert is different, Geert just pretends to be an imbecile to appeal to imbeciles.

>think racism is a major problem
>pro Hillary

Kek, where do you meet these people?

Een dag zonder pindakaas, is een dag niet geleefd!

Een ieder die 21 maart FvD stemt in Mokum kan de kanker krijgen.

Probably Randstad trash. They are our commiefornia but slightly less extreme than that.

>Kek, where do you meet these people?

Ik denk de Randstad.

Youre a Bij1 voter yourself? There's nothing to choose here in Nijmegen and I'm moving after the summer.

I do a lot of business with NL. I actually dated the girl for a short while, but she was a true roastie and it didnt work out.


>Bullshit, we are on of the most red pilled people in Europe, after Italy.

The Netherlands is like more liberal than most of Western Europe

Ik krijg echt de kanker van NOS de afgelopen maanden

If he hung around with people like that it just means he's a faggot himself.

Neen, ik ga CDA stemmen.

RIP Mies Bouwman

That's fucked up. Leave.

People vote for bland parties, that then go on to form bland coalitions to enact weak policies, unfortunately.

Het gaat best goed, maar ik heb meer zin in morgen. Heerlijk de kou trotseren om daarna pannenkoeken met snert te eten. Hoe is het leven in Canada?

I voted Trump, shoot guns, do typical American southerner stuff. Some of these people are cool in normal business talk, but I cant stand when it comes to anything political.

Ik stempt PVV maar die doen hier niet mee!!!! Amsterdam kanker socialisme represent.

En waarom? Ik heb alle partijprogramma's doorgenomen, en geconcludeerd dat zij de beste keuze zijn voor Amsterdam.
FvD is kanker, want ze willen meer airbnb vrijheid.

Yes but how does it 'work'? As long as there is money, there is peace, but it seems this won't last forever.


Goed naar horen! Leven is oke hier, vandaag ik maken pannenkoeken...maandag is pannenkoekendag :^)

Geen gekanker, Holland moet blanker!

Nee stemwijzers zijn goed. Waar moet je anders op afgaan? Gepenkop.

>but I cant stand when it comes to anything political.

What's your worst pet peeve?

>Yes but how does it 'work'?

Nigga I'm not going to explain our parliamentary system to us. How does it NOT work? We've had elections not too long ago, and we have a government now.. We've even got new parties in parliament. I don't know what you mean by 'work', but we have a functional system at the moment whether you like the outcomes it generates or not.

Hm ok. Lokale politiek is natuurlijk anders, maar ik kijk zelf altijd als eerst wat ze te zeggen hebben over het allochtonenprobleem. Hier in Nijmegen is er niet één partij die hier iets over zegt dus ik ga niet eens stemmen.

Bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen stem ik altijd op een regionale partij, het laatste dat ik moet hebben is dat een bijv. een autist uit Den Haag met een aantal handlangers in mijn gemeente de boel gaat bepalen.

if you think Trump is kind of an imbecile you are woefully bluepilled.

look at what he has accomplished and you should thank him and suck his dick while his clone pounds you in the ass.

>afgelopen maanden

Ik al jaren, maar ach. Het is goed om te weten hoe je geacht wordt de wereld te zien.. Probeer het Jeugdjournaal eens. Denk om je hart.

Weersta de lügenpresse en stem Fvd

>hij wilt niet amsterdam 1 grote airbnb maken en zo de allochtonen verdrijven

je gaat het niet halen jongeman.


i left a long time ago when my small town was overrun by africans and arabs
the city hall and police were in bed with the criminals and the town is now in decay
former vibrant shopping streets are now half empty and many of the whites have left town to move elsewhere away from the asylum seeker camps the govt forced on our town.
even back then anyone who spoke out was branded a racist.
im not sure there can ever going to be a recovery until everyone goes back to where they came from.

>if you think Trump is kind of an imbecile you are woefully bluepilled.

He's a pretty fruity m8. Do you check his Twitter sometimes?

>look at what he has accomplished
I love the amount of triggering he caused, that's for sure.
>and you should thank him
For what, exactly? I'm not in the habit of thanking politicians for anything, generally, especially not foreign ones.

stem dan voor de minst kankerverwekkende optie jezus christus. dit is hoe je moskeen krijgt.

gebaseerde bladbroeder

Voted Theo desu.

I just told you it only works as long as there is money. People don't care about real issues when they can live relatively comfortable. However, the taxes go up, wages don't, immigrants are a drain. Eventually we won't be rich anymore and that's when the government stops working.

Maar waarom zou ik FvD stemmen, wat ik overigens wel nationaal heb gedaan en zal blijven doen, als zij méér airbnb willen in mijn stadsdeel, terwijl dat mijn nummer 1 ergernis is in deze stad?
Allochtonen verdrijven ga je doen door de sociale huurwoningen drastisch te verminderen. Het is godverdomme meer dan 50% hier. Bedankt, kanker PvdA.

Ja ik enigszins ookal jaren, maar het viel me op dat in het afgelopen halfjaar de linkse indoctrinatie exponentiëel is gegroeid. Ik zag laatst zelfs een artikel over een neger-haar competitie. En dat voor dé nationale nieuwszender.

Is er niet. Zeg ik net.

yes his twitter is exagerated because twitter is the only way he can directly adress the people and he can make his strategy clear. mainstream media completely lies about his statements.

now thank him for singlehandedly ending ttip and not completing the paris agreement western deathcult ritual.

I wish that were true. The countryside, perhaps, but the Shitties are almost Germany tier cucked

>het Jeugdjournaal
Gvd wat is dat erg zeg. Toevallig zaterdag langsgezapt en het ging over nikker 'straattaal' en wat de kindertjes in de klas er van begrepen.

>What's your worst pet peeve?

when they are posting shit as if they are an authority, but then havent read a single non mainstream source. they try to argue with me but then i have read like 500 wikileaks documents on the subject.

Hallo broeder, goed je te zien!


ook altijd goed om jou te zien in de /polder/ draden


Je moet verder kijken dan AirBNB mijn kankervriend. Ookal mag dat je grootste ergernis zijn op dit moment, je moet naar het grotere plaatje en de toekomst kijken.

The shitties are where people live who are directly confronted by multiculturalism. That's why you have PVV en Lijst De Mos in The Hague.

>I just told you it only works as long as there is money.
And there will be money. Increasing amounts of money in the foreseeable future, actually.. Tried to get a table for 2 this Saturday to have some steak and every place was packed to the brim till 2100. You can always tell a good economy by people eating steaks, trust me.
>People don't care about real issues when they can live relatively comfortable. However, the taxes go up, wages don't, immigrants are a drain. Eventually we won't be rich anymore and that's when the government stops working.

That's a fairly long projection though, but not entirely out of the question. It would be good if bottom tier-immigrants stopped coming though, no doubt about that. Most important to me however, is that we start holding all past, current and future immigrants to the same standards as everyone else. No cultural sensitivities, no 'dialoge' with Imams and other 'community leaders', no subsidies for shit that runs counter to intergration to society. Basically, to start treating immigrants like full citizens rather than fragile beings that cannot and ought not be expected to behave like normal people.

speak real german, you barbarians

The roach on the pic is the leader of grey wolves in the Netherlands, btw.

Oké snotneus. Wat is dan een betere keuze voor Amsterdam dan het CDA, en waarom? Jij woont hier waarschijnlijk niet eens, en je hebt je er niet in verdiept. Opkankeren.

At least...

ik hou van polderdraads en mijn pannenkoekenrevolutiebroers...wat kan ik zeggen

purchasing power has steadily declined over the past decades. The Netherlands will become an insignificant province solely known for paying the most taxes into the EU project and getting the least return.

he doesnt know dutch is more similar to old german than that disgusting ''new'' dialect invented to unify the various german kangdoms

Waar de kanker kan je standpunten vinden voor aanstaande verkiezing? M'n gemeente staat niet op stemwijzer.

So there's maybe 20% of something even vaguely resembling white supremacist, tacitly of course. I think even less.

Have you been to the Randstad recently? I avoid it like the plague. Last time I was there it was like one of those dystopian movies. A racial Babylon, the remaining whites being absolute flaming faggots or SJW type bull dykes. It was an absolute shitshow

niet zo boos hoor.

De beste keuze voor Amsterdam is verhuizen of verhangen


The Hague

Of een bikkie te stemmen en baaie linkies te irriteren met openbaar ordentelijk gedrag.



Lekker man! Ben je de ware keuken al een beetje aan het verspreiden? Iedereen moet pannenkoeken leren eten.

>yes his twitter is exagerated because twitter is the only way he can directly adress the people and he can make his strategy clear.
m8 he's the POTUS. He can speak virtually everywhere, all he as to do is ask.

>mainstream media completely lies about his statements.
They can misrepresent his words, but they can't actually change the live broadcasts, transcripts or quotes he gives.. Not without falling on their faces anyway.

>not completing the paris agreement western deathcult ritual.

Kek, of all the shitty things about that agreement it's the postmodern subsidised meme dance you bring up?

>when they are posting shit as if they are an authority, but then havent read a single non mainstream source.

Examples of subjects? Dutch people commenting on American gun laws can be hilariously certain about things that are just catagorically false.

Yes. The Hague. Most white people hate muslims. Hindus hate them too. They'll vote PVV or De Mos. Niggers hate them too but they're too retarded to vote.

Wtf I like kanker now

Meestal hierdie bladen der partijen zelf.
FvD het ener schone blad vir die Amsterdamse afdeling, misschien die kartelisten ook.

Wat ik tenminste al kan zien in het programma van CDA is dat ze meer woningen voor de middenklasse willen maken, met name voor grote gezinnen.

Wat een (((toeval))) dat ze dat nou net in (((Amsterdam))) willen.

Ook zie ik dat ze 6 maart een verkiezingsbijeenkomst van Joods Amsterdam hebben, dan heb ik het helemaal wel gezien.