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Won't happen
His department botched this royally and its all logged
Guy has no chance. Career ends in disgrace just like Joe Paterno
Time to come home dear
because he's pro gun control
the sickest part about this is instead of owning up to it and resigning he went on a week long political campaign blaming guns and everyone else he could just to keep his job.
>Scott Israel
Oy vey GOP but that is anti-semitic!
Now how about they charge him with 783 counts of obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit fraud for federal funds, and last but not least, tampering with crime stats to make themselves look like they are actually doing something, rather than playing a game of catch and release.
So democrat lawmakers stand with Israel?
Because he allowed his 4 sheriffs deputies to stand down while children were being murdered.
And then, as a known Democrat supporter, he immediately politicized the event as if it was all planned from the get go
No wonder this fuckup created a surge in gun sales.
Turns out there are five cops on the scene by the end all armed and none of them go in.
>Hurr only the cops should have guns they'll protect you
The very thing they demand respect for, then it's time to do it, and they don't do it and blame everything else.
Burn on the altar of your failure sheriff goblin
>as a known Democrat supporter
I think you mean, "as a heeb"
>Media gets 2 'kids' as posterchild for gun grabbing
>Adults go "Nope, fuck it queer" and go after pro Democrat sheriff
These kids thought they could make a difference, top fucking kek
Forgotten within the month
was pic related one of four sheriff deputies that refused to move in?
Fuck suspensions. When are these criminals on the Left going to prison?
Because he received over 20 warning Cruz was going to shoot up the school and did nothing and when the shooting started gave a stand down order while children died then ran around on all the Sunday shows crying NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY
The jew cries in pain as he gets you shot
is there a source to the fact that sheriff Israel made the deputies stand down?
soon, his deputies will squeal
the reason why this jew cleared his cowardly officers is because he ordered them not to enter the building. If he threw them to the wolves, one of them would report it to the media.
This kike sleazebag is in full coverup mode.
It might have something to do with the fact that his deputies stood idly by as children were murdered.
Justice for Trayvon.
This entire thing is such a gigantic clusterfuck of incompetency on their part, so much in panic mode and running around like headless chicken they left loose ends literally all over the place. Just the way the sheriff handled it make it extremely apparent he is in on it, and if he managed to reach and keep that spot then its obviously because some higher up allowed him the position...
Wait a minute... Could it be that that the politician they are trying to paint as the culprit is actually the guy who allowed the fucking slimy piece of shit to become sheriff? It would explain why he hasn't fought back, probably because they have dirt on him and he don't want (((them))) to spread it to the MSM so he play ball, preferring a potentially ruined reputation over getting lynched publicly for his corruption and outright treason, which would have far greater consequences than just a hurt ego.
I mean, if they went as far as to openly admit crisis actors are a real thing on the MSM, its because shit is hitting the fan and its being thrown all over. Because now they cannot imply they don't know that such companies exist and/or they couldn't possibly have contact with them, since they acknowledged them publicly.
Pandora box is open, and evil is flowing out
honest cops don't ride around in lambos
We started out thinking cruz was a white nationalist, now we are calling for the death of Israel. 5d chess.
Top kek
You really thought he will actually keep working a sheriff job like a goy
Hmmmm, it is almost as if he wanted to see a bunch of dead jews......
We'll find out this week that three other deputies waited outside. Probably won't find out if they had stand down orders.
Jews are cowards, they believe that their life is actually worth something. Stupid fucks.
>Actually risking dying to save goyim
They won't even risk dying to save themselves. Just look at all the videos of Israeli soldiers crying and freaking out like little bitches.
all the best IDF soldiers are just russian mercs anyways
Quality get
Who's that guy in the bottom right in the blue/purple shirt? He looks like somebody I've been seeing a lot during all this.....
You made it into a pic therefore it must be true.
This is like something out of a movie lmao
How do these people get away with this shit?
Supposedly it was confiscated from a drug dealer.
like a drama student? I think you may be on to something
Do you just parrot all the terms you hear on the internet?
El goblin
this was apparently just for a one day event, and the lambo was donated for the day or something. don't keep spreading it, it's basically disinfo to discredit the much more questionable shit and the people looking into it.
Can anybody confirm whether that's our good pal David "I Can Only Spell Three Letter Words" Hogg?
It's not. Different facial structure.
>violent event in which his department does nothing
>gib me your guns, only cops can protect you
Fuck this guy.
The toys for tots thing on the bumper has to make this a photoshop
Wasted digits.
The cop that resigned has 6 armed guards at his house.
The gun nuts have made the law inadequate on purpose, it ties the hands of law enforcement. Even if this sheriff knew about and wanted to seize Cruz's weapons, the law wouldn't allow him to do it.
The only people who need to be held accountable are the gun nuts in the congress and senate, as well as the white house, who refuse common sense regulations regarding the purchase, sale, and ownership of firearms.
What's his name?
He was repeatably pointing guns at people. That's jail time, faggot. Besides that's only one part of the story, the larger failure was his deputies standing down during the massacre.
This kike better resign
>law inadequate
Stop lying. Cruz could and should have been arrested a dozen times over for breaking the laws already on the books. Your (((sheriff))) ordered a stand down.
This mother fucker is going to be hanging out with Sheriff Maketa soon.
he had 4 sheriffs that just stood their and did nothing he has to take responsibility for his own men thats part of the job
only Planned Parenthood "arms dealers" do
la israelo
God nice fucking misspelling in the image.
He should be under federal investigation
that's better
Let's enhance!
he should be put to death like the treasonous rat he is
School children need a Sheriff who will do the job right. Not a crisis actor coward, that gives dozens of his friends and family cushy overpaid jobs where they get paid and don't even show up for work. A Sheriff who will fix the problems in schools, not cover them up for better ratings and to defraud the federal government, and the people.
Everything is getting fishier and fishier with this guy. I caught a CNN replay of him talking about how "amazing" his leadership was.
This dude needs a psych eval, ASAP.