A Private Intel Co. just received word there is a mass casualty False Flag scheduled for Slidell, La. (New Orleans)
Organizers are advertizing for 9 Crisis Actors there, and say the exact address of the "Incident" will be published on Wed. the 28th. I have not yet found the add. Please harness the Autistic Power of Sup Forums to uncover this plot and save lives. Remember, we are a Board of Peace.
>inb4LarpShiils panicking.
Other urls found in this thread:
screen capped
Slidell is a fair bit away from New Orleans, though within easy driving distance. More info please.
El Ogro de las America
Interested, but again? Bump
Wouldn’t it be more valuable to covertly document everything and release it all after the shooting event instead of posting your plan to Sup Forums for all of the CIA glow in the darks to see?
this, but, bump. perhaps op's attempt at potentially saving innocent lives, or, subverting the plot
We are trying to save hundreds of thousands of lives by subverting these plots thereby stopping a Civil War.
Good work. Now we need to find the one in Slidell, unless Houston is Option Two if Slidell is a no go.
Nah, fuck em. Sup Forums is a board of peace and if that means saving a few lives to fuck with CIAniggers nefarious plans so be it. Spread it everywhere and fuck their plans
I cannot find this advertisement.
I have a meeting in a Federal building shortly to file some unrelated paperwork, and have to clean my electronics.
Please keep looking. I will be back in the thread as soon as I am clear.
0please keep looking, and I
But if you had proof that they planned and killed civilians it would bury them.
Fuck off kike we already do from this false flag.
The Slidell one disappeared as soon as the information was sent to me electronically as well.
These Spooks are on point.
It's old, it's been on Sup Forums few days ago. It could expire?
Yeah I was just about to say... can't find the Slidell one, either.
You have nothing you retard. Get something undeniable, not photoshops or deliberate lies you autists take for truth.
I've been told that New Orleans is a bit of an Antifa hotbed. Lots of homeless there that get bussed around the country and put in hotels and fed to crash pro-America or Trump rallies. So, they might source some folks from there?
It's always the kikes
Now we need an user with no Family to risk as leverage or leave behind to contact them as an interested candidate. Operation Slide is a go.
You're a massive faggot.
HWNDU was good practice. This is a real op. Lets do this.
No doubt they are planning more false flag. The whole setup with the goblin and the kike boy is too obvious.
HWNDU? You know that Sup Forums stopped a superbowl false flag right?
It feels like they're setting up the narrative for a deranged right winger to shoot him.
Concerned bumping
Ummm, yeah. That was our OG. post. Great Success, yes. Thank you for making it not happen. We are calling on you again.
(Borat reference intended)
These ops are risky, but we can not forget the humor along the way.
>Nupol will fall for this WHanon - tier larp
What? Haven’t heard about this yet
lol this shit won't fly in Louisiana
They whole point is to point out the plot and then they can't go ahead with it.
It's costing them tons of resources and they get nothing in return. Hue hue hue
Took you Boys long enough to get here. What would LBJ think?
Zyklon B is the only answer to our problems
Bump give us some more info, links or screen caps. I live in the area and can investigate
Active Shooter drill today in a Texas HS per user in plebbit
This was one of the follow up posts to ours in which we sounded the alarm by pointing out the posting the day before on wiki the death of the Eagles owner, and 9 others.
All I see are a bunch of shitposts calling each other kikes. Something about mossad? Just give me a quick rundown
Good you making it public is going to thwart it. Another terrorist job undone. You sir are a hero.
Thank you Sir. We do our Patriotic best. The keyboard is mightier than the gun.
Yeah that's the follow up. But all the relevant threads are crossposted in there.
>find out where it will be
>find out when
>find out who
>find out how
>find out why
Then archive everything, and let it happen. The blue pilled masses will NEVER believe that we stopped it, even if we did. But if we can figure out the above, and we can prove it was planned, it will help. Every time we can figure it out before it happens, then prove it was it was a false flag will red pill more people. Just screaming about an incoming false flag, then saying we thwarted it is what gets you labeled a paranoid schitzo, and you lose more credibility. But if we stay quite and prove it was a false flag, they'll be more open to the idea of previous MCE's were false flags.
later that day a shill made this thread bitching at us.
>and let it happen
Checked, and good work. Keep 'em coming. Screencap all.
Let people die??? Come on... Also....
>Headlines, "Sup Forums Knew and Did Nothing"
There is nothing good about your idea.
Someone please be ready to bake new bread at bump limit. I have a meeting to attend.
Not really. We always find the false flag after the fact. If we found it before. well that might just get people to stop and think.
>the deep state hires people for false flags on craigslist
You have to be a serious brainlet to believe this.
sure but no amount of proof in the world would ever be enough. We'll always be that wacky conspiracy theorist board known as Sup Forums
There's gonna be CIA niggers in plain clothes everywhere, if true . If anyone tried to stop it they'd disappear. Don't get yourselves killed.
Them digits
Also, in a half hour?
They do it every single time, shill. We know this game. We play it every day with you.
Conspiracies are about to be exposed en masse. The big lie.
Gather what you can from this thread, eyes on the ground. Document what you can and report back to pol. OpSlide will be your Title when you report back. If you so not report back, we will assume you are a casualty. Godspeed.
This. OP is a shill whose purpose is making us all look like gullible paranoid retards, thus devaluating legitimate false flag theories.
Why would they do something so retarded and public? If they need crisis actors it stands to reason they would have a more reliable source than fucking craigslist.
Yeah, the OP of that post timestamped and confirmed via a streamable video that he is indeed at the HS and the time was correct so it isn't a LARP
I don't see this at all. Looking through this thread it's most likely a psyop to reinforce the idea that stoneman douglas was all a hoax.
>inb4 fuck off jidf
like we give a fuck.
You don't want the masses to wake up and revolt against the tyrannical deep state?
literally training islamic operatives in mosques on us soil
>plot.exe when
Are you retarded? It has to be nobodies. It can't be the CIA themselves getting killed. It's not Hollywood actors, it's normies who think they're important that they find for these. Charlettesville was packed to the rim with CIA Nigs and paid Craigslist ad protestors. It happens every single fucking time. If you don't get it by now you really are retarded or a shill. Fuck off.
If someone who is in the area of the false flag, (preferably posing as an actor and getting the specific address) could document with proof beforehand that something is about to take place as it does
that would have far more of an impact than stopping it.
I know it's sick and should be stopped but the ultimate goal of stopping it for good is much more likely if they are exposed properly
Catholic Schools are Prepared.
The common populace even fears embracing level #1, though.
It actually work pretty well
Peoples who believe themselves more critical than others when they obviously aren't (aka you) won't believe it and they can claim as such too, using you as a literal leverage to give themselves more legitimacy. Also the peoples who use craiglist on average tend to be dumber than the average joe, which end up being easily manipulated because they don't know how easily it would be to use their intention against themselves.
Kind of like a politician giving crack rocks to a crackhead so he go shoot some of his political opponent, and when the accusation comes home he can play the offended virgin and pretend how he couldn't have done it because its unlikely that a politician like him would be buying crack. But instead of crack its a 1000$. also the adds can be deleted on a moment notice whitout much trouble AND literally nobody bother to archives ads, so they don't stress it out about leaving intel around.
Poor Cruz was told he would escape. His photo on the ground clearly shows betrayal looking back at the photographer.
>and let it happen
>Let people die??? Come on
This place has fallen so far.
yes let a fucking hand full of people die, to expose a false flag.
>Headlines, "Sup Forums Knew and Did Nothing
Is that really anyway worse than people instantly discrediting things that are said here? Most people think this site is full of mentally ill school shooters, and don't belive us. Let a few people kick the bucket to prove them wrong.
You have no idea what you're talking about kike. You've censored everyone and have no way of knowing how people feel anymore.
is this why comcast ip’s are banned?
That shit is so weird.
Thus our name for our CounterOp; OpSlide.
>New Orleans
And nothing of value will be lost
Of course I know that most normies think that the Jews run (((modern society))), my point is that they usually don't dare voicing out their opinions and act accordingly.
archive of that or gtfo
They are generally banned because you can not find us. Fining us is a bad idea, even if you are only planning a ddos to stop the CounterOp.
im now a phone fag poster
Or maybe some faggot from Sup Forums just posts these ads to fuck with you retards.
SLIDELL, La. (AP) - As George Clooney and Sandra Bullock prepare this fall to shoot the political comedy “Our Brand Is Crisis"
They'll probably do it when LIVE PD is filming for mass exposure
Added the sponsors
Not that the possibility ain't there
wew lad this is epic, is this OC?