They're going to censor the arm scene, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Made in Abyss
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You would make a perfect Life-Reverbearting Stone, user.
why would they do that? it would destroy the author's vision of the scene
I want to play with Reg's squishy thing
What do you guys think of the anime character designs?
Riko looks more like a potato
>why would they do that
Because no anime producers have balls, and the entire industry is about taking as little risks as possible.
They're obviously going to play it safe, the question is just how far they're gonna go.
Hype for Tama
They showed Riko hanging nude. I'm confident we're getting the arm scene.
Well it can be doing painful with the censored too. The camera swept away then we hall a loud "crack" noise then Riko scream... It can be doing good woth a good director...
But they didn't show her nipples.
No show gives us nipples man
they already censored multiple scenes involving Riko. There's no reason to believe they have the balls to show everything starting now.
>Regu has twice the amount of votes as the Mark for "best boy"
Wtf? I hate Sup Forums now.
Mark is overrated shit, a flavor of the month character. Reg is top tier
With Torka as the father it's only natural
And no show will give us actual, graphic loli suffering.
Shat compared to mango
>you will never fall asleep on her soft belly in a sweet smelling daze while her paws hold and pet your head
Kill me senpai
That would be generic as hell. There's no point to the scene if it's toned down.
I just fell in love with the word ハリネズミ. Needle rats. We have something like that in my country too. We call turtles and tortoises "shield toads". No lasting natural occurrences back in the days, wrong climate, couldn't survive the next winter.
Probably meant to represent his editor, if I had to guess. His white whistle is even shaped like the head of a fountain pen.
The only version that matters is the manga, I'm just watching to see how this director and studio's vision of the incorruptible source material unfolds.
I will say they shat the bed on the hopping retard and much was lost in translation with Ozen's portrayal differing vastly from how she appeared in the manga but the anime original was surprisingly well done barring the use of the incinerator to set up the episode, they did a great job on making the first and most boring chapters pleasant and enjoyable, and the sounds and music are top notch. That song that plays at the end of episode three and the most recent one is really fucking good. Plus they avoided the worse case scenario of rushing the pacing to conclude Mr. Bones' Wild Ride though I do agree they didn't have to go quite this slow. All in all, it's gone quite well so far. This episode is an extremely crucial one but ironically Mitty and Nanachi is going to be what really makes or breaks this anime.
they showed a loli hanging nude and looking lewd, you think the anime won't show gore? there is absolutely no reason to assume that that'd be the case. they even made a fucking fish gutting look gruesome.
you guys aren't actually going to watch "the best episode so far" on a 4 fps stream with audio de-sync, are you?
>there is absolutely no reason to assume that
What? Showing a censored suggestive loli is extremely common in anime. On the other hand, full-blown child gore is unheard of outside of edgy 90s OVAs.
You are going to be very disappointed.
as long as the voice actors are convincing we don't even need gore.
How did people get the life stones without knowing the white whistle lore? Unless the stone just pops out upon death how would they know to look? Prushka was multilated in her case.
But I like gore.
Regu's VA is extremely talented.
I wonder if Riko's can pull off the scream necessary for the bone break.
Fuck your shitty poll, for not including Natt or Shiggy or Willem Dafoe which are all valid options for best boy
I didn't make the poll.
Well fuck you for posting it still
Riko screaming when she saw Ozen beating up Reg was decent. I'm sure they'll get a good scream out of her for the arm break.
>make a head to head between the top two finishers
>include an "I don't agree with this poll option"
>people post about how they don't agree with the poll
Stay mad that your boys aren't top 2 material
Editor nii-chan will surely save us, right?
The life reverberating stones harbor the will of whoever it was formed and more importantly they speak directly to the soul. I don't think we're meant to see Riko referring to her whistle as Prushka and responding to it as her being sentimental over Prushka's death.
He's such a cute shota!
Tell me about Prushka, why does she lock the door?
Natt will ever appear again?
I don't blame tsukushi for taking his time with this one. Value village has set up so many questions with how everything keeps getting weirder and weirder. There's a lot of plotting that needs to happen before pen even hits paper.
There's nothing to censor, the scene is not that graphic
He looks to have recently molted. That shell looks way softer than usual.
I know for a fact his shota cop bodyguard ends his shift at 6PM every night. After that, he will surely be vulnerable.
Not wide enough
which one the stabbing or the arm breaking?
It's impossible to animate the vision Riko had of the poision being drawn out. That type of stuff just doesn't translate well. Blood is difficult to animate properly with a TV budget, so it's more that than it is anything else.
I agree but that applies to every episode so far, it's not a matter of censoring
it's the exact same lmao.
>Riko's VA is only 17
Whadda fug.
I pity the untrained eye.
She's a big girl now.
People have been saying that since her role in Galko. A 16 year old actually playing a 16 year old.
why didn't they just make the anime still images on paper??
the author already said it's a girl, why do you cucks keep calling it a aboy
Haven't watched it. Doesn't that anime talk about lewd things? I remember watching VAs talk about random fan messages and questions and a 17-year-old girl didn't know what masturbating was.
That's how they're going to do the Bondrewd arc. It's a 2 hour radio play you'll listen to while re-reading the manga.
>only 17
Too old
>longer torso and not a midget anymore
>eyes aren't the size of dinner plates
Don't see anything wrong. Except she's less "fuzzy" looking.
I wouldn't even be mad.
Are there any preview stills?
That never happened. Source or GTFO.
>her role in Galko
>she was Otako
>a real 16yo said all those lines
>Don't see anything wrong
>Except she's less "fuzzy" looking.
Found the problem
Real teenagers know about sex, user.
The ones who don't are homeschooled/strictly religious/separated from others their own age.
Are there examples of well done animation showing how soft looking creatures can be done successfully? It seems like only still images can capture softness.
What's at the bottom? What could possibly be worse than what we have already encountered?
It seems the "humans" are worse than the monsters.
I'll find it and post. Author said she was his favorite GIRL design he made
Ice. It would be just ice
>Nanachi is so fluffy that modern technology can't accurately despict her in animated form
I'm strangely okay with this.
I believe you OP. Will they censor her bleeding out though?
y'all see how fucking small this needle is compared to the manga? this shit's got censored, 100%. Don't keep your hopes up.
Why is Nanachi alive? She has no purpose in the story at this point.
I want to stick my head down her oversized pants and SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The Aristocrats did a decent attempt at making things fuzzy
Even the mangaka agrees on this lewdness
>It seems the "humans" are worse than the monsters
To be honest, they haven't really interacted with any really dangerous monsters besides the porcupine (which no one has ever managed to beat), who is vastly outmatched by those floating surreal things in the current layer, or the gigantic fish/whale thing in the sea of corpses.
It seems whatever monster they encounter Reg will just kill with a blast. Kind of seems a bit silly.
Not that user, but I think he meant this interview
sadly I didn’t save the translation a user posted, but I think they mention something about Nanachi and making the character a “Funny girl” or something like that, but no idea I don’t understand moon runes
it was great
Tsukushi has done a pretty good job of not trivializing the wildlife with that thing.
It took several encounters and Nanachi's help to "defeat" the porc, and he didn't even kill it.
That is VERY fluffy. Too bad MiA don't have Disney budget.
If Nanachi weren't alive, aside from Riko dying, they would have approached Idofront completely ignorant of Bondrewd's nature, been promptly captured, then dissected.
Reg would also be ignorant to, and unable to counter the curse reading abilities of deep abyss predators.
Fan favorite(writer included), team medic, cold headed, extremely cute and marketable, Maybe more things than that, Tsukushi will decide what to do with her
Its something made from the leftover chunks of soul you get when you make life reverberating stones and narehate. One half holding the desire to protect and the other the desire to see them continue on.
>they would have approached Idofront completely ignorant of Bondrewd's nature, been promptly captured, then dissected.
Umm, except that's what literally happened even with Nanachi being with them?
So on what level of faggotry you people are right now?
Nanachi(fur)fags are not people.
Fur lust is mainstream now. Jump on board before you get left behind grandpa
>nnaa, what's up, doc?
All of them except physical.
You ever notice how all the character we've seen show up in pairs? And almost everything we learn about is defined through their relationship with the other? Mitty/Nanachi, Bondrewd/Prushka, Reg/Riko, Ozen/Maruruk/Lyza in flashbacks etc. Even all the narehate of value village are presented with counterparts in the form of their whistles. Making white whistles and narehate is a 2 person procedure. The key to conquering the abyss is a 3 man band.
The difference between knowing and not knowing was part of their survival. Nanachi was also the one to save Reg when he was captured.
Indeed Bondrewd soft spot for Nanachi help them tremendously
How did Tsukushi come up with this rape machine?
>navel piercer that serves literally no scientific purpose
Tsukushi is a grade A pervert. The healthy kind that vents through art.