Ruh roh...
Ruh roh
good it stops cheaters Official Columbine rules only
dude who gives a fuck.
I trust trump to ban whatever he wants, even semi automatic weapons.
Trump isn't doing it to take away power from the people like Obama and Hillary tried to do.
Really. Makes. You. Think.
leftist libtard
>/ptg/ will defend this
Kill yourself.
I unironically hope terrible things happen to you
Full auto just wastes ammo. This is proven, it's why the military hasn't issued fully auto on their m16s in decades. Only semi for assault rifles. Bump stocks are a way to make a rifle fully auto. Is a pointless feature and banning it changes literally nothing.
I'll defend it slightly by saying Trump is standing up to special interests, showing he cant be bought (also debunking the Russia narrative further)
but I think Trump is just goading Congress to do something minor. If they dont, Trump can say he tried and Congress obstructed, and he'll call it a day
Hmm im seeing a lot of conservatives agreeing with liberals now.
>executive order that bans bump stocks
>Congress, Senate, media all happy
>"betcha don't mind if I now go and executively order the full repeal of Obamacare and DACA while I'm at it"
Chess. Just chess.
are you against mr. Trump? Are you antisemite?
I take it bump stocks also allow for the much coveted and militarily speaking essential feature known as burst fire, which has suppressed many fires over the course of a myriad of insurgencies
hes saying this to appear to come off strong on the issue for liberals, but everyone knows bumpstocks are retarded anyway and it doesnt matter.
hell no, im the one who said I trust trump.
And im not anti-Semite, I agree with our president, our relationship with Israel, and protecting them is as important as anything
A giggle switch just turns money into noise. It has no other function. A bump stock is worse. I honestly would not own one when a binary trigger is available. I can shoot at about the same ROF and actually hit targets if I want.
I don't get one thing.
I am all for keeping guns, don't misunderstand me. But you can still keep your guns without the NRA?? It seems to me that the NRA interefres too much, guns and freedom are one of the few individual rights.
What in the flying fuck has the NRA done?
Pretty much this. DACA tactics.
>stop having organizations that support you!
Fuck off. There is literally nothing wrong with the NRA or organizations like them.
Wake me up when something actually happens. I think we both know nothing is.
Exactly. Which is why all assault rifles should be banned.
Plus, raised the point that guns can’t be banned. Well, automatic arms, like Tommy Guns and Uzi machine pistols are banned. Supreme Court ruled it ok. CAN. BE. INFRINGED.
Donate millions to politicians to stop any laws that slow down gun sales, at any cost.
Im no liberal, but any retard could see that liberals have always been right on this issue.
Conservative hardline absolutism "there can be No gun law updates to slow down shootings"
Is nothing but stubborn stupidity.
He already tried to do that with DACA, and our federal courts blocked him.
Fuck off kike
oh yes im very sorry. I was wrong. We all know president Trump is the greatest leader of USA ever. And his connections with Jewish friends is most important for your country to thrive and prosper. MAGA!
Bump stocks increase rate of fire at the expense of any semblance of accuracy past 30 yards. So, no. Not equal to true burst fire.
So then what about Bloomberg who donates 10x the amount to specifically ban guns and put in gun control?
You’re also implying that lobby to support a fucking right is somehow wrong or bad.
Congress isn't going to do anything about this, or DACA, and probably not an infrastructure bill either.
Then in the next few months as the midterm elections heats up, Trump is going to be out there constantly saying that he tried to get a DACA deal, he tried to ban bump stocks, etc but dems wouldn't help him. SO vote for trumppublican senators in November.
calling it now.
dude I called him a retard too, but don't do antisemetic shit.
im trump 100% but we are main partners with Isreal now, don't need to hear that kind of shit
>all assault rifles should be banned
You can't own an assault rifle in the US unless you have a pre-1986 grandfathered weapon. Those things cost $10000+ on the collector's market.
Finally, someone who isn't a fake news slurping mouth breather.
that's ok, we need to come together, and stop dividing to stop Hillary and Obama politics
Fuck off kike
Good mock them even more
You can if you’re an FFL who has the proper licensing to sell to police departments and such. You can get “display models” with giggle switches.
The NRA does what the ACLU used to do for our first amendment
So who is to say who is "mentally ill"?
Something I did over ten years ago means I can't buy a gun?
nice larp
Bump-stocks are a non-issue, you can still bumpfire semi-auto weapons without them. All this is just a measure to appease the democunts and the (((elites))) by giving them an inch when they want every mile in the universe.
Bumpstocks are for pussies without skillz
Based Nehlen
wtf I hate guns now
Dude you didn't get the memo?
Jews are /ourguys/ now and we love our greatest allies
>donating to protect my rights
Yeah go fuck yourself, that’s not a problem.
Trump and Isreal have no time for dumb asses like you.
Vote for killary next time, faggot
Sharia-blue tactic no. 1827: attempt to make retardation contagious
He's creating a Jewish civil war, you're just too stupid to understand it. Get back to your brick laying study.
literally worse than huffpo
Fuck off kike.
bump stocks are a sacrificial lamb that no one cares about
can make your own if you REALLY need one
Bad Trump
fools, NRA is Deep State.
Yeah dude, obama and the liberals gonna take yer guns.
Any day now.
>protect my rights.
Man what a shame. Such willing idiots fighting for rich men's profit while 6 year olds get slaughtered.
Gotta love republicans.
No principles. No brains. No balls.
> muh 32d6 checkers
Whatever you say Cletus
Don't call me fucking sharia law. I want us to come together against those assholes, but we don't need fake faggots giving trump a bad name blaming our problems on jews
>2A wants to to defend your country against a demonic government
>leftists think that Trump is demonic
>they don't have guns
>Trump stays in power
How come since Trump is Satan himself the left still haven't bought guns to fight him?
>Demands sitting duck zones
>Blames others because killers use them
Kys kike
You'll be strung up before you even come close to fucking with the 2nd.
Leftist here. WE own GUNS.
>literally in the middle of a debate where people want to ban our guns
>”lmao dude you’re insane no ones coming for your guns”
DACA isnt a law tar, he can repeal it at any time.
Trump is trying to go through the correct channels to get rid of it unlike king nigger.
>The Hill
Sorry, but do you have an actual news source for this STORY?
Oh no these things I have absolutely zero problem with are selling to the people that want them!
Are liberals really this fucking retarded? How far is your head actually up your own ass right now, I'm curious.
Ah, so you want to have guns but not everyone else. I see where this is going.
What the fuck are Columbine rules?
I'm against any kind of gun control because I KNOW the NRA is Deep State. There will never be any kind of gun control.
what a faggot
Haha i hate to break it to you.. we're not all retards.
And look at this the typical clueless arguement based on talking points creates by nra bought politicians.
I expected nothing yet im still disappointed.
Quick test, new friends.
Do you believe there are any laws or any law upgrades that can slow this shit down?
If you answer no.. youre a fucking moron, incapable of grasping basic math.
If you answe yes, congrats you're with the liberals.
God why is it so easy to make you people look dumb? I feel like im boxing with handicap 8 year olds
>chips away at constitutional rights
>b-but its just c-chess...
>NRA is deep state
How dumb do you have to be to form an opinion like this?
>A bunch of words and ad home with no argument to be found.
Fuck off kike
>I KNOW the NRA is Deep State.
That is dumb as fuck. The president was calling out alinsky tactics, marxists, etc. He is the only redpilled guy I've heard on the republican side.
It's ok. Guns are fun. I wish I could have one to be able to shoot cans in the countryside.
Must be good for blowing some steam. Good hobby to clean it and get accessories for them too.
I will never give mine up.
It's what I believe Bro. Tis why I am against any kind of gun control. We call ourselves Mid Western Pro Second Amendment Liberals. We do exist. We don't fit into the current narrative so we are generally ignored. That's why I have no fear of any kind of gun control legislation.
the NRA literally demanded the government to ban bumpstocks
they even blamed Obama and urged the ATF to reconsider
I respect your neutral position. Just seems odd to call the NRA deep state.
Lol...I gotta couple friends who are brothers and they live on the Rez..and they have this huge depression in the ground where all the old cars appliances go and then are used for target practice. BTW, they hunt with SKS's on the Rez.
That's a lie, you filthy negroid. They called for more regulation, not banning.
In the end it's all about capitalism. who profits off these mass shootings. Or weapon sales in general.
No antisemitism goys
but muh stocks
>reclassify them as machine guns
>now nearly impossible for the average citizen to obtain
they were calling for a ban
its a video you dumb shit
DACA isn't the law, you kike faggot. It was just more horseshit from King Nigger, who will get to watch his legacy vanish as he faces indictment for being a felonious nigger President. Kill yourself slowly.
>Trump bans a piece of plastic that can easily be 3d printed
>Nothing really changes but he gets to say he compromised
we dont have to be afraid of trump anyways. not like i'm going to revolt against his government
Why not look up the definition of words you are using.
Not a law, faggot
Did you expect trump to have a consistent message? He says whatever he wants to get attention or if he thinks it will make him look good.
Lets face it, some legislation is happening whether we want trump to do it or not.
lol I had to rub my eyes to make sure this post was real.
There are two things that win elections, votes and money. Money wins elections by buying votes, meaning if you already have votes, while money helps, you're basically at the end game. The NRA is backed by over 5 million voters.
Compared to any other single group this is a titanic number.
They also spend a lot of money (not nearly as much as other groups, or even some rich individuals, but a very large sum).
Basically, while you don't need the NRA to protect the 2nd Amendment, they do such a good job of it, there's no reason to not like/support them.
fuck off
>never give the left an inch
>After Amnesty Don, here comes Gun Grab Don
Does he want to lose in 2020? Cuz this is how he loses in 2020.
>compromise your principles but achieve nothing
yeah that sounds par for the course with the Trump presidency
He wanted to lose 2016. Now he's beholden to the Russians while trying not to look obvious.
I'd argue he's duping dumb liberals who don't understand how simple a bump stock is while leaving it a viable addition for a gun owner to make at home, but whatever.
>he can not ban something unilaterally
The supreme court would over rule him. Second amendment supersedes presidential power.