>be me
>be an ugly beta 27 year blackpilled nofriends loser with no female attention ever, no friends or social experiences since school, never been to pub, club, or party (even through university), and become the loser loner nobody talks to within one day of all my jobs
>currently have full time job in London that miraculously requires almost zero effort or even time at the office
>woke up today at 10 am
>browse internet on phone
>sleep for 3 more hours
>eat food
>decide not to go to gym to get to work earlier
>call in sick
>have been telling myself, "Tomorrow I'll work hard and stop having coffee and junk food" for over 3 years
>left flat at 4 pm to walk around central London and browse the internet on my phone while drinking coffee
>go to Victoria and Albert museum until it closes
>see myself in a mirror or a public bathroom and my ugliness is made more apparent
>went to library afterwards because drinking coffee during daytime made me feel lazy
>now 8 pm and drinking coffee while feeling sad about life
>have job interview for better job tomorrow but don't feel confident due to not being a normie
>don't have any passions
>when browsing internet at home I feel really pathetic for wasting my time like a consumercuck
Be me
>no friends
We are your friends, silly.
What did you study
Try harder.
STEM degree I hated. I wish I had done physics or maths.
I'm the same. Except I still love my hobbies.
How many times are you gonna make this same fucking thread?
It's not the same. I did different things.
Didn't you post this same shit just the other day?
>be an ugly beta 27 year blackpilled nofriends loser with no female attention ever, no friends or social experiences since school, never been to pub, club, or party (even through university), and become the loser loner nobody talks to within one day of all my jobs
We live the same life.
Yeah. Live sucks and it sucks even more now when we are under attack. when you are sad and depressed, everything seems even worse than it is. nature allways help me. maybe try some hobby or somethink. you can allways kill yourself if you are too broke to continue. not going to tell you are awesome or live is awesome. fuck society. they don't care about you anyway. live for yourself.
Nice blog post faggot
Wow. Kys buddy. Kill a nigger on your way out if possible. See ya!
Are you native to British Isles? English, Scot, Welsh or Irish? Are you at least second generation European immigrant, are you genuinely white and non jew? (and not some kind of romanian/bulgarian descent, most of them are not white)
if you are white, lift and have nice body then finding friends and gf while may not be easy is definitely not impossible, you have to get involved with people, and in London there are tons of places to do just that.
Also dont make this into another retarded thread about 'autism' 'adhd' or some other pathetic bullshit excuse.
Just blame minorities for all your failures in life, like all the other pathetic losers here. It won't change shit but at least it'll help you cope.
this isnt your fucking blog nigger stop posting here
OP, I suggest cutting out coffee except in the morning with breakfast and orange juice and water, and eating a diet rich in magnesium. I was like you up until recently. I was addicted to sugar and processed foods, even though they were killing me and making me feel like shit. Now I'm at the gym every day and drinking only spring water and eating tons of spinach, I feel like a new man. Also, look into fish oil supplements. The oceans fish aren't really safe to eat any more on a regular basis, but your brain still needs those omega nutrients to function properly.
Fuck off copypasta nigger.
If he lives in London or a major city he damn should do that because he has to compete for jobs with foriegn scum.
gross ass nigga
This. Not reading that shit
Forgot to say that I have stopped having junk food and fast food. I haven't had any for 8 days but not due to iron willpower, just poorness and waiting for my next wagecuck cheque. Nothing has changed except I don't have a sugar induced false hope in life everyday.
wow you are me but in island slav version
>30yo, no friends, barely any contact with work colleagues, ugly, lonely and desperate
>by luck good work where I can work from home 3 days per week
>I usually fuck around as much as I can, even browse chans when at the office
>"have been telling myself, "Tomorrow I'll work hard and stop having coffee and junk food" for over 3 years"- this is me every day
>"see myself in a mirror or a public bathroom and my ugliness is made more apparent"-this is also me every day
>"don't have any passions"- and this as well
Sort yourself out.
Have some damn willpower. Do something that makes you feel good. Stop being a worthless piece of shit. Learn how to sell yourself.
Talk to people, find something to feel proud about, pick up hobbies, find some goddamn meaning.
You’ll never fix anything if you never even try.
>wish I had done physics or maths
I am currently negotiating a job offer bros. It’s my first full time job and it was a major lowball.
Is it alpha to continue playing hardball with them? I’m not being rude or anything, but I know how much the job is worth and I’m not just going to roll over and play dead for $12k less than I’m worth
oh and I still am amazed how I went thru 5 years of University, with 100 people on my year and 400 more of different years, and managed to not make one friend, and only really knew one guy I would do any group work with (I bet he was user too)
Computer Science?
unproductive nigel
Eat a fucking salad for fucksake. Drink some fucking water. Take some fucking vitamins. Drinks some fucking green juice. Get a fucking hobby that takes practice and effort for fucksake. Put the fucking phone away for fucksake!
>have been telling myself, "Tomorrow I'll work hard and stop having coffee and junk food" for over 3 years
Is coffee bad for you? i thought it was good if anything.
It ruins my sleep and makes me weaker at the gym. Then it becomes too boring to put effort in to it.
I get the junk food bit but you're throwing coffee in there like it's the same tier. Coffee is, in moderation, good for you, not the other way around. I can see not wanting to drink it at 8PM though.
>20 year old me
>Fat, virgin NEET who plays WoW and browses Sup Forums all day
>Based parents kick me out of house
>Get a job and move enough to lose weight
>Start gaining confidence and being more social
>Reapply to uni and finally start to become a normie and make friends
>Now happily engaged and relatively normal functioning adult
It's possible to come back. You just need to put yourself out there and build some confidence.
Your pepe is scaring my missus, she says she doesn't like the way it looks at her. :D
You could try running over a bunch of muslims you'd probably be thought of as a hero
Collect something of value and study it. Becoming a numismatist curbed the loneliness for me. Nice blog post btw
It doesn't exactly solve anything, but I suggest trying really strong black tea (like 5 teabags). To me it's like a much better coffee buzz with less negative feelings and is easier to sleep on.
Turn to Christ. Take up a good hobby, clean yourself up. Do this, have some confidence and then start a family. Date in your own race though, don't fuck that part up. I believe in you user.
Just get obsessed with working out. Obsessed. Do it for a year. What do you have to lose? I promise you'll feel different, most likely better.
Listen to me OP. Your life is valuable. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.
I have a very special plan for you, but I need you to be in your best shape.
Now go lift some weights. Faggot.
You would be surprised how basic hygiene can improve your self-esteem/aesthetics. Try it 2 times every day clean yourself up shower and in a week I guarantee you will start seeing results.
If you get lazy tell yourself that you are the alpha man at this moment and fuck being a loser when there's so much more to life, live the moment OP think about yourself for a change.
Save money then move to thailand/phillipines and get a south east asian wife the rest of pol plans too
Just go to a pub. People are nice at bars you'll have fun. Make some friends, who cares if they're retarded.
Get vacations, go to Thailand for a month. The place is full of british people living permanently or vacationing there.
You need /sig/
This is a natural reaction to mainstream Western culture/society.
People who are happy and content with life don't spend as much money as people who aren't. Once you realise your perspective of life and yourself has been manufactured, you can break free from its spell.
Kys and lower the house prices, fool.
>full time job
>confy life
Fuck off.
have you tried drinking even MORE coffee?
Yeah, I stay awake all night and feel euphoric and even more hopeful that I'll work hard after I sleep
Do you think it would be worst or better if you got female attention, but only by ugly females?
You can't work out your face.
OP, it is Imperative that you save up for bone-crushing craniofacial surgery. Looks are literally the only thing females care about. Being a sub-8 male in 2018 A.D. is pure hell.
Come to the United States and do a thru hike. Lots of bits like yourself out there every year. You will gain confidence, make friends, get laid, gives you a break from the stress of life.
you dont consider us your friends? get fucked then faggot.
what a shit surgery, all they do is make them smile
Exactly, I'd kill for a job.
Never even mind a comfy stay at home one.
you can do it user! we believe in you!
Am I your fren too?
t. actual virgin
The guy on the bottom is the same guy on the top, dummy.
>never been to pub, club, or party (even through university)
>(even through university)
Thats a lie
This. Drunk people are easy to be friends with. You won't be the only lonely man who feels like shit. I'm sure you can find someone who is in same shit as you.
Maybe you can make friends this way. But if anything, at least you have friends for the night.
Unironically watch Jordan B. Peterson videos. It will get you going, guaranteed.
why not just turn gay and try to bang Milo Yannopolis
Please fuck off with your woe is me take pity on me /r9k/ self-loathing loserdom shit. Seriously, put your fucking head in a hole and die. Take all that effort you spent attempting to demoralize people here and channel it towards putting a loaded gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.
You're a nice person but you'll soon learn that these types of people are hopeless, undeserving of any amount of sympathy and basically vampiric entities leeching your fucking life-force with their attention seeking.
Ok... I went in to a pub twice to use the toilet about 6 months after university. That's it.
You are an outcast if your are not a posh normie or cheeky chappy bantzmachine in the UK. We have a monoculture and a service economy that demands no skills except complete social conformity
Never really considered us friends but more as a brotherhood.
Tan, better hair colour???, lost chin fat, fixed teeth. Losing neck and face fat really does miracles, but its hard...
Recommend some friend, I watched some already but the motivation faded after 4 days :(
>Losing neck and face fat
that's not what happened
im not a normie very far away from it actually.
All you needed to do was get drunk with your flat mates, go out once and you will find a circle of friends. Im a 3-4/10 and i got laid.
Here is what you are going to do.
Start going to the gym from tommorow you are going the gym at least 3 times a week.
Start eating healthy (you can ask /fit/ about this.)
Find a way to make friends join a stupid club or whatever.
Try do to this for at least 1 month.
Whether you are currently enjoying your life, or not,this is the only life you'll get. Don't fucking waste it. Use your natural attributes to win through. There is no happiness without struggle.
If you have long focus, or at least can afford to squirrel away an hour or two that you'd otherwise be wasting watching something worse, check out his Maps of Meaning lectures. They're on his channel, go for the most recent.
If that's not your bag then just start browsing clips I guess, though it will never be as impactful as full context.
Also just throwing in a recommendation for Alan Watts because I'm a transcendental zen faggot.
That's how Londenistan makes you feel.
Stop being a cuck and move out you loser
You use a lot of language that robs you of your agency. Like “the coffee made me feel lazy” — you drank the coffee.. so you did a thing that feels lazy to you. Stop doing those things and do things that make you feel powerful and in control. You don’t need to know where it’s all going, just trust yourself.
This is Sup Forums fucktard
Go to Sup Forums you lil shit
Go back to /y/ fecal feaster
Go back to the faggot bar you homo
You should probably take it for now and hustle them for more after you show how harass you are.
If they still refuse it'll help your resume for the next one when you ice them.
Good observation.
/r9k/ is only a few clicks away my robot friend
I've been wondering why /lit/ was free of londonfrog posts for the past several weeks. I was hoping that you had killed yourself, but staying in this shithole isn't too much worse.
I still suggest you kill yourself anyway.