>scene in America
>everyone speaks Japanese
Scene in America
>greentext thread pretending to not understand the context in which fiction is made and presented to the viewer
>not pointing out the absurdity of irrelevant shit in fiction for the fun of it
Fuck outta here weeb
>character makes formulaic threads when he doesn't find any to fit his needs in the catalog because he's bored and has no proper hobby or interests
I hate this cliche.
>Character says a few words of English
>Second character compliments the first on their speaking skills
>I, an English viewer, am able to tell that it was, in fact, quite substandard
Hang your life my man.
>anime is set in a western country
>they all eat japanese food
>Japanese characters have variety of hair, eye and skin colors
>American characters are all white, blonde, and blue eyed despite being 56% nonwhite
>Scene with Americans
>They actually talk in english first but switch to japanese later.
They're 62% white you dumb idiot
Oh, I'm sorry, that's much better. I forgot you people count Jose and Pablo as "white".
They're part white so yeah
>character lived in english speaking country most of their lives
>fluent japanese
>entire anime/manga takes place in the US
>everyone speaks Japanese
>niggers in anime
>they are rapping idiots that run a gang in akihabara
How come threads like these are allowed now and never deleted on sight? This shit is Sup Forums tier "Shoot a red barrel it explodes" greentext cancer complaining about cliche and commonly used trope and these threads used to be called out. What the fuck happened?
fuck off
sounds accurate desu
How fucking new? these threads exist since fucking forever just like EEEEEEH or gomen gomen
You first, crossboarder.
>How fucking new?
Ask that question to yourself.
No these threads didn't exist since fucking forever. It has always been cancer and the ones who made them are obviously from Sup Forums. Stupid faggots who start these threads are new and should drop anime altogether if they can't stand the things they're complaining about. Even back then, when Sup Forums is complaining about anime cliches, they don't do it in a greentext thread cancer fashion like this.
The only good ones were angry bird (No, not that smartphone bullshit fad) threads greentexting lines from eromanga/erodoujins. You're most likely too new to even heard of that.
>Panfilo and Manolo wish this
>being this delusional
>these threads didn't exist since fucking forever
Right, right, only in the past nine years, that's all.
Cry us a river, tryhard, mods have never cracked down on these.
>Right, right, only in the past nine years, that's all.
Nice try. This faggotry never took off until 2012 by the earliest.
Underage newfag confirmed. If you weren't so new you would know Sup Forums always grills anyone who uses that phrase.
>mods have never cracked down on these.
They have, they just need to do it more. Tell me, how does this thread contribute to anime/manga discussion or creation of OC? Tell me why these threads are not cancer.
>if they can't stand the things they're complaining about.
Sure thing newfag, those threads are pure fun posting not real complains
>They're part white so yeah
They're 49% white and 51% amigo.
>please mods delete what I don't like even though it's board culture and here since forever
Fuck off to reddit where you can find a safespace, newfriend.
>Please user, let me have a cancerous thread that shits up the board and doesn't even have a point other than greentext and reaction images galore
Fuck off back to tumblr if you want safe space where no one will call you out for your faggotry.
>board culture
This meme is bad and you should feel bad.
Point being these threads are cancer and the faggots who made these are newfags who are too dense to understand shit in anime so they "funpost" about it because it's too unusual for them. Low powerlevel faggots most probably.
>board culture
Holy shit, you ARE from Sup Forums. This "B-b-b-buh it's board culture, please let it stay even though it's pointless and doesn't contribute shit".
>here since forever
Since forever like since the first time you stepped foot in this board? After 2012?
Silly 4channer, everyone knows this site began on 2016. Don't tell me you're a newcuck...
>scene in america
>everyone speak such a shit engrish that you wish they spoke japanese instead
>being this dense
can't make this shit up, of course they understand, they are simply meming
lurk more
>complaining about board culture
Found the newfag, bet you also complain about sakurafish because it's pointless and doesn't contribute shit?
They are simply faggots, actually.
We already have a word for this Mr Redditor, it's "joking".