Would you still support abortion if the baby had to be removed BEFORE it was killed?

Would you still support abortion if the baby had to be removed BEFORE it was killed?

Only for blacks. So same as now.

Yeah. I would still support it even if it was done in the 3rd trimester to.

Would you still support funerals if you had to be burried before you died?

Would you still support milk if you had to drink the cow?

Abortion is murder

You could smash a 2-year-old nigger baby's head in with a baseball bat in front of me and I wouldn't even blink

How would removing the fetus from the womb make killing it okay?

point is it would make it less ok. it's a moral thought experiment.

Oh, I missed the "still"

Sometimes I wonder how Swedish people actually function. Do you have to remember to breathe?

>Not realizing OP is posting anti-abortion arguments.


Zygotes don't have souls.

Would you still support abortion if every woman who had an abortion was forced to be sterilized?

only if it is a nigger baby.

I support abortions up to the 140'th trimester.

I support abortion because it's the only thing preventing niggers from out breeding whites. If you seriously think I wouldn't support killing year old niggers to curb the nigger population, you're underestimating how much I hate niggers.

Yes. I also super mandatory sterilization for anyone who scores 1 standard deviation below the mean on iq tests.

I supported abortion until my gf got pregnant. She was pushing for an abortion and they make you look at the embryo on a screen before pushing for a decision. We both flipped right away.

I imagine most people who are pro-abortion flip in this situation because all of a sudden it's not someone else's child - it's YOUR child you'd be killing. It suddenly becomes real.

>2 year old baby

Niggers still have the brain of a baby until they're about 40 years old.

This. I also hate child support.

There are legitimately too many people in the world. We need to do more with less people. The most productive people should be encouraged to reproduce and the least productive should be sterilized.

We live in a world were abortion and out of control procreation are not sustainable. Eugenics is the only real way forward.