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It sure made me laugh, after all his talk about the situation, that shit came up.
O;9 Was ahead of its time.
Rapid fire machinegun talk
That show was exhausting to watch, couldnt look away for a moment without missing something. Also, let's not forget the tiddy monster.
i didnt think tiddy monsters like that existed outside of doujins.
It was like marathoning Teekyuu
I guess it really was an Anonymous;Code.
It was one of the shows weaker points imo
>not liking Ryotas' gag boobs
Are you gay?
Woah don't get me wrong I like a good set of utters myself. I just like tasteful tits is all.
How the fuck did people think the dialogue was too fast? Seemed normal to me
I dont think it was too fast but the lines can be fucking long sometime but that just me, having to process and understand the dialogue related to the situation and in the same time trying to recall related flashback/clues, some of those flashbacks were shown during their conversation but your brain kinda need to confirm itself if you've seen this exact scene previously.
Fuck I miss this show.
Name an anime with faster dialogue.
It's finally getting a vn
it should get rid of that problem
It's basically on the same level as Tatami Galaxy and some sections of Monogatari.
The truth.
>there are twelve important characters
Who the fuck is the katana girl?
Zonko, who turns out to be Tesla's daughter.
But Zonko is Ryotas.
At least the backgrounds were nice.
It's probably ESLs.
The pacing made me drop this. Too much talking.
At that time, Zonko was on astral form only inside ryotas body