Why is good, realistic romance in anime so hard to portray? Every piece of shit "romance anime" has some combination of the typical anime misunderstanding bullshit, cookie-cutter love interests, and melodrama. I think Eureka Seven came the closest, despite just being an alright anime overall.
Why is good, realistic romance in anime so hard to portray...
I really like hardcore angsty romance
>pic unrelated
Have you tried Bonnouji? It manages to be a romantic comedy without any weird misunderstandings, childishness, or melodrama. (Partially, because it is about adults instead of high school students).
Nobody watches anime to get realistic portraits of the world, especially not on fucking romance.
That's why retarded shit like pure gals get popular despite being unrealistic, even shoujo manga rarely if ever try realism with their romance plots since they know it's a doomed road to take.
Because things written for a female audience are never good (and romance generally is) Also because anime writing is on an extremely immature level. I thought E7 was good but I honestly just think I was biased at the time.
Let's be honest, at the time you were probably also watching FMA and Death Note and thinking they were the best shows ever.
Both are great shows... I love the rules said out by DN and how it never breaks them. It's extremely pleasing to my intellect. Trying to find plotholes etc. Regardless of what happened. It has some of the most memorable scenes in all of anime and they did a great job on fixing many of the manga's weakpoints. I also really enjoyed the drama and LA movies.
Oh wait. You were saying DN isn't fucking great?
Just saying your tastes change with age, also I didn't say they are bad I said you probably thought they were the BEST back then.
I find my tastes back then where mostly incorrect when it comes to thinks I hated but correct when it comes to things I liked. I still think DN is one of the best shows out there. It's popular for a reason
The romance wasn't the worst, but near the end it made me start skipping scenes because I couldn't stand their insecurity.
The only parts I actually liked was when Renton saved Eureka from Charles, and the makeup episode. And also Anemone x Dominic for the sole fact that they got so little screen time they had to be put together quickly.
>it made me start skipping scenes
This triggers me. Good job
I'm a straightforward guy. My erection points to the front and towards the sky, so when people start mincing words I can't help but wish I was in a different room.
your erection peaks my interest
Careful there bud, your /r9k/ is showing.
As a member of the female audience, I think I can say there are some damn good shows directed at me.
>came the closest
>posts literally the worst fucking romance in the show
>as a member of
Way to devalue your entire post. I'm not sure what r9k is but I'm not going to bother finding out.
>I'm not sure what r9k is but I'm not going to bother finding out.
Another prime example you're setting for your sex there: terrible reading comprehension and bringing nothing to the table, as-well as butting in to a conversation you weren't part of
>I think Eureka Seven came the closest
Absolutely laughable.
It's veiny af and I have a birth mark on my shaft.
holy fuck it's so cute i could die
>I think Eureka Seven came the closest, despite just being an alright anime overall.
Eureka Seven did the childhood love fantasy well, but you cant apply childhood love to all of romance.
And I kind of agree with . A lot of times, you can tell what you're watching is a female oriented show because of the rather awkward romance (just like tea parties or sleepovers are a dead giveaway for girl cartoons).
Cheesy as they may be, and let's face it Eureka is also really cheesy, that doesn't mean the romances aren't fun or the shows are bad.
You just have to look elsewhere if you want your novel level romances. The usual fare will simply pick a theme and build the romance around it (like Kimi no na Wa, or Escaflowne), instead of romance itself being a part of the overall picture.
I think FMP did it well. Romance was never a central theme of the series, but when it was brought to light it was always done well.
Classroom crisis.
Pic unrelated
watch Mawaru Penguindrum instead of some romcom shit
Isn't that basically just hamlet?
>thinks his conversation is private
>doesn't know what the board r9k is
>gets mad when someone redirects him
Wow this is a special kind of fucking stupid
Whom are you quoting?
Myself, cause now I'm just jerkin' it boy
Bonnouji is a boring SoL
Not romance
Escaflowne's a good one.
I also really liked the romance in Busou Renkin.