Dragon ball super

Who is hyped for goku vs jiren?

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Very because Goku is beautiful.

who /jiren/ here?

>tfw U7 btfo by based ayy of justice
>tfw Jiren wishes for all the universes to be restored except for U7
>tfw Jiren realizes the inherent danger of having Goku, Vegeta and Frieza alive

Ayy I am Lmao

but it's not going to happen until fucking November so you might as well get hyped at the other shitters getting their comuppence episodes. Piccolo's should be amazing #18 techinically hasn't had hers yet and with as many Jobgeta fags their are on Sup Forums I know they're gonna love his, Mexicans also will get their Gohan ep as foreshadowed by the current ending theme of Super

Oh I almost forgot because they're such good sport the Freeza fags are going to love whatever they do for him, in fact I think the next ep this sat will show a lot of him and frost

There is no episode come this Sunday.They are gonna air history of Japan instead.

Isn't October's 1 hour special going to be the fight between Goku and Jiren, and the new transformation?

Only time knows.

Really doubt they would make a special just to show them fight literally who's.

Why did last thread get deleted


remember when super saiyan hair acted like hair and flowed, changed direction, and looked great?

>Looking forward to Saturdays episode to relieve stress
>See this

I hope to god you're just shit posting.

You mean at very random times throughout the show?

Nope, he's right, it's some Japan history shit where every show dedicated to that.

Their fight is going to suck just like every other fight in dbs. Only times dbs is good is during transformation sequences like Golden Fireza and Fusion Zamasu.

Who asked a pessimist?

Who hyped for the real show?

Fuck off. Gohan is irrelevant.

>Gohan is irrelevant

Why man
You've called the retards out


We want to see Goku, not Gowho.

Limit breaker Goku will lose. It's all part of padre's plan.

And Gohan, a million times weaker, will do anything? Please. He'll probably get kiaied out of the ring by Jiren, if he's lucky.

There are a billion other ways to relieve stress you know.

Gohanfags want me to believe that Gohan can beat a guy stronger than. SSB Kaioken x 20. And then the guy stronger than the guy who's stronger than SSB Kaioken x 20. What's wrong with them?

Mental illness due to decades of intense cuckoldry.

will jiren have bants

Preview of the new ED: youtube.com/watch?v=k_qxvMhSlfM&feature=youtu.be

Which will start the day of the special episode.

>18... I

sounds edgy as fuck

perfect to introduce the grande padre fight after jiren is revealed to be a red herring

>Calling on our mystic Savior
It's happening

>Jobbing to Jimmy while Frieza watch

Will it be a huge crossover or each show will have its own "section" of the special?

I think each show has it's own section.

Leave El Grande Jiren to me.

New forms when?

>their entire fight is gonna be a Frieza """""""homage""""""""
This is the absolute state of Super faggots right now.
Feels good knowing that I didn't give this trash the light of day and dropped it as soon as it became clear how bad it was turning out.
>literally managed to pad the fuck out of the BoG storyline with uninteresting trash like Gotenks fetching spring water while at the same time somehow managing to cut all the screentime of Beers and Whis
GT not only had a stronger beggining, I am (and always have been) 100% sure it is altogether way more entertaining than anything in this pile of shit especially with how every single arc that followed BoG (which already was bad enough) only sounded worse and worse as they went on, very unlike GT when the baby and shadow dragons sagas begin.
>Super is so bad that after the recolors it brings Freeza back THREE MOTHERFUCKING TIMES one of them in the form of a literal bootleg, and then follows that up to dedicating the big fight it featured for so long to a big rip-off of the Freeza arc because there's no way it could produce any actual new content
I will admit, the one thing Super is good for is having a laugh at the expense of how bad it is. Which is what I'm doing right now. Thanks, Super.

How did Goku learn Hakai?

He is using GOD KI for fucks sake, how hard is it for you cucks to understand that?
Not only that, but following that logic how the fuck did that other retard from universe 4 get to have that Hakai energy?


Toyospics. Guaranteed salt.

>100% headcanon
Can kais use hakai? They have god ki.

>GT is better

Are you retard?

The same way he learned the turtle destruction wave

>The same way

>How the fuck did that other retard from Universe 9 get Hakai energy
What does that have to do with the manga?

My ass

Nyaaaaaaaaaaa hahaaaaaaaa hahaaaa

Where's your source? You're the one who stated that he learned it the same way he learned Kamehameha.


>shit english
Are you, ESL?

>Bri vs Goku going nowhere because Goku holding back as usual
>Vegeta takes over


reminder faulconer fans are the most autistic people in the fanbase. it makes sense since it was placed to appeal to kids who can't handle silence

How strong is Demon God Janembuu?

Fucking Heroes

Sooo was that explained why nobody else learned kaio-ken other than Goku?

>SSB along with the other donut steels

I mean Its pretty much true

I think they would die so Kaio never even thought them. Tenshinhan might have been able to endure it but he never used it so we're going into what-if territory here

I believe Janembuu originated from Dragon Ball Fusions.

Can't wait for Fusions 2 with ToP characters.

Goku's "limit break" isn't a new form. It's just a power up from absorbing a spirit bomb.

>Goku fights jiren at KKx20
>can't match him
>jiren knocks out his friends
>goku does spirt bomb
>goku gets power up

I feel like we've seen this before.........................

When's Yamcha's time to shine?

he already shined

That one time he punched out kid Goku was a long time ago.

he won baseball game against u6

Didn't Yamacha play pro baseball or was that just filler

Where would he gather life energy from if they're on a universal void or some shit

I think his baseball stuff is canon


nice headcannon

Is every god a food lover?

Who will he job to?

goku to zeno
>"hey zeno wanna see something cool? hold up your hands and give me some energy"
>Instant multi-verse spirit bomb
>goku absorbs the energy like his fight with super andriod 13

You know this will happen. AND the animators will reuse the animation from the andriod 13 fight...

he wont job he will sacrifice for Gohan, then Gohan will get angry and achieve SSGSS Waitu

Atleast some of them, i mean even a few angels are fat..none pf them could resist grannys secret sauce

Episode 110 preview:


>Granny's Secret Sauce
t. Vegeta

Leave El Grande Padre to me.

Is it time?

its always Godhan time.

Feels good seeing /ourguy/ and his comeback after being sidelined for so much of Super.

same fag

Wrong, only the second and the fourth posts you quoted are mine.

nope, just Chadforce assembling.

he is without a doubt the ultimate survivor

Why are they wearing suits?

Chadforce is here! Jobbers stay out of the way!

How many of these even exist out there anyways? Is it all youtube fake spoiler videos?
>capcha: Mexico


If Gohan is so good how come he copies moves straight from DBZ films?

I love Chadhan!



copied? from who?


>that tien

So what's the relationship here?

Mentor/student? Father/daughter? Daddy/Delinquent?

Goku a shit.

Daddy's girl.