Good night sweet princess.
Made in Abyss
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I know, right?! SO DEEP
Never watched this because it looked like a show for little kids. What the fuck?
Wonderful Adventure
yeah, it was actually a show for edgy teenagers in the end.
>Never watched Madoka because it looked like a show for little kids. What the fuck?
I'm so happy that we get series like Madoka Magica and Re:Zero and Made in Abyss.
Yes, for kids.
Why do people keep bringing up this irrelevant website that has nothing to do with anime and adds nothing to discussion? Stop.
This kind of scene is only noteworthy because normally nobody would make the audience watch a character suffer for no reason, in this kind of detail.
When you're chasing novelty so hard that you're chasing it into zones of subject matter which other authors avoid (because it's bad, not because they didn't think of it...) you're getting super desperate.
It's 'shock anime'. What's the point? There's nothing interesting happening here.
it ended with rikos death? really? hahaha
Worked for Madoka, Re:Zero and S;G, some of the most popular series on this board in the past.
You can stop pretending like anyone thinks this was supposed to be for kids anymore since the edgy pages have been spammed constantly by faggots on all boards.
Yeah you're right the anime and manga is tryhard shit, spread the word, stop watching, and never come back to these threads. Because the show sucks so much.
If you're in it only for shock value, you don't make it "shocking" only in episode 10 our of 13. It's a valid part of the narrative which focuses on harsh reality of the abyss. Besides, both Madoka and S;G are critically acclaimed even though they went dark sometimes.
>muh opinions and muh fancy opinions
All edgelord sewage. Don't know why people pretend that suffering = quality.
>Yeah you're right the anime and manga is tryhard shit, spread the word, stop watching, and never come back to these threads. Because the show sucks so much.
If you're unable to cope with things you like being criticized, perhaps Sup Forums is not the right discussion forum for you.
You should join a community which actively stifles descent, like Reddit with its post voting system that automatically censors unpopular opinions, or a standard discussion forum where your unpopular opinions will follow you for the rest of your stay.
Or, if you don't want to join those places, you need to learn to not piss and vomit and cry all over yourself whenever someone contradicts your personal opinions.
Oh shit they done did it
>opinion gets criticized
>makes a whiny tl;dr post about inability to cope with criticism
>shock anime
It's more wilderness survival with some other stuff added in later. Calling it shock anime implies it doesn't make sense to the plot. What do you think is going to happen when you toss kids in a pit full of monsters?
What did he do? Break her arm? For what purpose?
buzzword: the post
The absolute madmen.
"buzzword" is a buzzword.
I don't accept your post-modern memeception. Please try again.
That wasn't criticism, he just said to leave the threads if you don't like the anime.
That's not what Sup Forums is about, unfortunately. Opinions aren't supposed to be safe here. It's not a collection of echo chambers.
The only good conversation is one where your views are challenged, just like the only good story is one where there's a conflict.
You smell like leddit. That's not what he meant. Please try to understand local culture before you shitpost.
The curse of the fourth layer got to her.
It's all a hallucination because of them being close to the 3rd layer, but the pain is definitely real.
He is being mind controlled to hurt the loli because his master is feeding on evil energy.
Easier to cut it off this way. Really.
>That's not what he meant.
Yes it is, retardo. Here is what you said:
>Yeah you're right the anime and manga is tryhard shit, spread the word, stop watching, and never come back to these threads. Because the show sucks so much.
You were very clearly saying "if you disagree with my opinion on the series' quality, please don't voice your disagreement, just avoid the series' threads so my opinion never has to be challenged"
Don't backpedal and try to avoid a conflict after I JUST finished grilling you about why you should stop avoiding conflict, you fucking idiot.
i was actually hoping he'd take her arm off like she asked him to do and he had to break the bones first since cutting through bones with simple knife is a hollywood meme
too bad, riko will never be one armed loli
You can't cut the hand off if the bones are in the way
when is big too big?
Never watched this but after I heard "CRUNCH" and the agonizing scream, I almost shed a tear. What the fuck?
Please leave this website.
I'd actually like it more if she lost her arm and get an abyss prosthetic made from some relic.
Just because suffering!=quality doesn't mean that suffering=bad. People like what they like, and besides that this is a show about kids wandering around unsupervised, did you really expect something like this not to happen?
>Nanachi in ED now
F, can't believe they would do this.
What a cute tama
But she's been in the ED from the beginning.
Or did they change it?
Also how is this suffering, it's just basic survival stuff. People who lapped it up due to being "shocking" and "NOT FOR KIDS" are just as much at fault for pretending the story is something it isn't
You have to stop the avoidance. Learn to deal with being confronted. You're going to be an adult soon.
In the real world you won't be able to tell people to go away or to leave the thread or to leave you alone, you dumb faggot.
suffering is gay and the opposite of entertainment if you are emotionally secure.
She sings a verse now, I think.
>In the real world you won't be able to tell people to go away
but you will? that's literally how the real world works
>but you will? that's literally how the real world works
Go ahead and tell the IRS to go away after they audit you, let's see what happens
>implying there cannot be catharsis in seeing suffering
it's both basic survival stuff and suffering, to live among nature is to suffer, user.
I dont know but what you posted is perfect
wrong, normal people want stories where bad shit happens. it's precisely the unstable and depressed who seek for "comfy" "slice of life" nothingness
Semen edit when
You're some kind of a cuck, aren't you?
If you are emotionally secure you won't shy away from suffering either. Suffering is simply part of life. It can either be executed well or it can be executed poorly and made in abyss executes it fairly well.
I can't believe she is fucking dead!
Ravioli ravioli, don't molest the dead loli.
What was she thinking about at that moment
I'm so fucked __.
>If you are emotionally secure you won't shy away from suffering either.
Yes you will you fucktard, because pain hurts and humans don't like it, and it's not fun to watch other humans suffering unless you're a sociopath.
Shit... I can't fingering myself tonight. :(
is neetball down or just for me?
Kids are too fucking coddled these days. A little emotional trauma builds character. I watched Watership Down for the first time when I was six.
Kill yourself.
Tama spines hurt like crap, man.
It has nothing to do with being a sociopath, people watch things with suffering all the time, a story without suffering is unrealistic.
Don't get mad at me if you're too mentally immature to tell the difference between suffering in a story and suffering in real life.
yeah here too
Normal people are emotionally insecure. Most of western society is based on insecurity.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Sup Forums buzzword
You don't shy away from suffering nor do you look for it. Emotionally insecure people like stuff with pain in it because it strokes their egos and makes them feel like they can relate: see NHK and Re:Zero.
it will go online when it will start
stream hasn't started yet.
is marulk really a trap?
>I consume fiction for realism
>A magic hole that children mine junkyard shit from is realistic
Is user really a faggot?
I'll make this simpler
If you're watching a character cry over a tragedy and identifying with them on an emotional level, you're a normal person.
If you're watching a character undergo agonizing physical torture and mutilation and enjoying it for any reason, you're a sociopath.
Kung Pow, nice one.
You know the rules.
>identifying with them
I told you it was about emotionally insecure people being able to relate to emotional insecurity and you straight up admit it when it isn't worded in a way you dislike. The irony here being you are too emotionally insecure to confront your insecurities.
Holy shit you pitiful fucking cunt I thought you were merely baiting for replies, and if that is in fact your goal you're doing a stellar job going on a hysterically braindead rant about avoidance and trying to drag real world lessons into an anime discussion (because when someone needs advice on life they turn to pretentious anonymous #162024461 on Sup Forums) but now that multiple people other than me are trying to tell you what a retarded faggot you are let's go ahead and tear down the veil: your "criticism" is kindergarten level.
It's so pathetic that normally the best reply it warrants is a dismissing "the anime and manga is tryhard shit, spread the word, stop watching, and never come back to these threads. Because the show sucks so much." Head as far up your ass it is you assume this is because people can't handle your super groundbreaking criticism when in reality it's more like the adults are telling you to go play in the fucking sandbox while the grownups are talking because you won't shut the fuck up about the gay hand-turkey you drew in class no one gives a fuck about.
If you were legitimate in your """""""""criticism""""""""" about novelty and desperation then it proves you're the kind of filthy animeonly trash we feared we'd have to deal with tidal waves of back when MiA threads were almost entirely devoid of contrarian faggots like you so desperate to criticize that you make up a bunch of erroneous shit based on poorly educated guesses, and it proves not only are you desperate to talk about things clearly beyond your comprehension it also proves you haven't even read the manga which is doubly pathetic.
tl;dr This isn't about "avoiding conflict" which you have to be a particularly egotistical moron to believe, it's about you being a stupid fucking faggot that has no idea what he's talking about. Now I'll say it in a less polite and more direct way than before: fuck off, child.
>for no reason
She's a little girl rushing into fantasy Australia years before she would normally be considered qualified, relying on the idea that her overpowered robot buddy will compensate for that and allow her to reach the bottom.
The tama scene was used to hammer in the fact that she was wrong and they really weren't ready for this, and make it clear to the audience that the monsters can and will harm her. Sure, they showed some dead delvers, but who cares about nameless fodder? They're not protagonists, they're not special children on a magical adventure, bad things happening to them doesn't create real tension, it just creates a motive for fight/chase scenes by showing things that COULD (but almost certainly will not) happen to the protagonist. Giving her a permanent crippling injury breaks that sense of invincibility.
Nobody is going to read this post.
wrong again, "emotionally secure" is by definition a function of being normal. the taste for suffering and tragedy is also universal, not culture-specific.
he's not. he's clearly a straight boy
Is the leak high quality?
why is he dressed like a french maid tho?
I don't give a shit. I just want the animeonly faggot spouting fucking nonsense about avoidance in real life in response to being told to fuck off to understand what a complete idiot he is. That's all that matters.
Good fiction is grounded in reality, user.
>stream is kill
Go back to your gay love nest with Anno, Miyazaki.
>still not up
It's time fuck, anyone has a link?
make haste
>"emotionally secure" is by definition a function of being normal.
What a bunch of made up crap. Prove it. I'll demonstrate the opposite because I don't pull shit out of my ass.
Emotional insecurity is normal, that's what drives people to work and doctor their physical appearances to impress people of the opposite sex. You do not worry about your physical appearance or the amount of money you have while being emotionally secure. Most people worry about these things. Obviously. Apply some abstract thought. That's why it's normal for people to enjoy suffering and tragedy, they relate to it because they're a bunch of emotional weaklings.
has tsukushi drawn a full body shot of his shota form yet?
>he says while posting a demigod girl given powers by a dying wizard so that she would care for his sentient familiars after his death
Don't assume people's motives or how they feel about a scene, just because there is physical torture and mutilation doesn't mean you're not supposed to empathise with the characters it's affecting.
just download the leak if you want shit qualuty first view or just wait for actual sub release
fucking HOW
Nice homophobia you fuck.