Um so... if you don't mind my asking, why do you keep checking your watch?

Um so... if you don't mind my asking, why do you keep checking your watch?

my feet hurt and im hungry

Man I just watched Death not for the first time. Really went downhill after L died. Also she was a great character and deserved more screen time

I'm trying to politely show you that I don't have time for your shit. I have better things to do than talk with girls.

That's because I'm Kira.

Would "choking to death on a dick" be a legit way to kill someone with a death note?

>all these threads over the past few days from people only NOW watching Death Note

It aired over a decade ago.

>Cautious enough to not use her real name
>Light clearly desperate to get her name
>"lol, here you go, here's some ID"
>"What that you're writing?"

>all those Lelouch vs. Light threads
It's like I'm back in 2009.

Not everybody is going to have watched everything just because it's old. I still haven't watched Evangelion.

Actually one of the best directed episodes of anime
Just watched it again yesterday, got chills just like every other time

It not O...

Series finished airing in 2007

Fuck it is I who is Old.

It sounds physically possible.

To check the time, you dumb bitch. What do you think a fucking watch is for?

Kids who were told to fuck off and go back to gaia ten years ago have turned into anime veterans by now.

I was hoping she would become an important anti-Kira character, but they killed her off because the writer hates women.

Best plot twist,,is when light lose and regain memories, just he planned to kill L. Best plot twist in all anime /manga history in my opinion.

There was a JAV actor who died recently from suffocating on semen. What a way to go.

He knew she wouldn't want to miss the chance to be on the investigation team and work with L.

Live action was a mistake.

That sounds dangerous. What if she bits off a dick?

since she is forced by the DN to die from dick suffocation she naturally cannot act in a way that would make it impossible. Or maybe she bites the dick but the DN forces her to run to another man to jam his cock in her throat

Its possible to bite off a dick, try to swallow it and then choke on it.

t-terrifying. If Kira ever did anything like that he'd be shut down in a week.

They were going to make her an important character but then Drumpf came in and said he wasn't allowed to and then proceeded to grab every woman's pussy within a 3 mile radius

Why the fuck did the president of the United States speak Japanese

There is a novel called ''Death Note: Another Note'' written by Nisio Issin. You can read that it's about Naomi.

Get the fuck out of here with that ner shit

It's been a while for me but I remember being on the edge of my seat. It's a shame the series didn't end when it was still good.

I meant nerd not ner

Kill me now

Fuck, just like in real life

thanks for clarifying i wasn't sure

To be fair, the actual president doesn't speak English very well, either

No, you meant ner

No can do user. We are stuck here together, drifting away on this sea of newfags

The new Code Geass season will bring in new threads about the old seasons as well user

Nice meme

What did he mean by this?

>TFW you'll never see the end to the blood mahjong match.

Waiting for rape time


I don't even fucking remember shit about death note anymore.

I just remember that only the first 10 episodes or so were good.

Just shows that you browse a board fill with newfags, Sup Forums is dead

If Death Note was made in 2017:
>sorry, talking with girls makes me anxious.

Is he right Sup Forums?

The death note would be a porn magazine

Same as the president

>person who doesn't win
I don't see what's so confusing about this.

>tfw we'll never get an MC as insane and smug as Raighto again

>this little shit and that other retard managed to catch Kira
still bothers me

>Light would be an otaku who wanted to kill all males who had the chance of becoming boyfriend of his favorite idols.

Why did she let Raye treat her like shit?

"You used to be one of the best FBI agents, but now you're just my fiance"

Couldn't Light have ordered the police to kill/arrest Near/Mello, since he's L?

> mfw she was much smarten than him
> mfw the reason she was so eager to join the investigation team that she would reveal her identity to Light is because she was devastated by his death

Raye fucking dragged her down


because she's a woman

She didn't suffocate on semen you mouthbreather. If you weren't a retard or read more than just the clickbait ass headlines you would know you drowned on that fake cum shit they pour on them when shooting Bukake scenes

Why do people call light Righto? Literally no one calls him Righto everyone says Lighto

Japs can't pronounce L.

Except everyone does pronounce it and calls him Lighto. You know, like I said in my original post

For the Netflix death note, anything is possible. I can imagine someone writing

"She kept sucking even after I nutted and eventually suffocated. Somehow my evidence in her throat disappeared"

I have autism.

>Write "chokes to death on nearest dick" when you're the nearest male
>She pulls down your pants
>takes a look
>dies of a heart attack

Easily one of the most wasted characters in anime

The author Deux Ex Machina'ed L out of the story so he had to asspull himself I guess