How useful was she?

How useful was she?

>a yu-gi-oh sidekick being useful


>a yu-gi-oh female sidekick being useful

Her tits were useful for getting ratings.

she's actually beaten people who were not just scrubs
she's less than Aki but more than what I could say for Tea and Mai

>draw a kaiba
>call it a girl

Tea is undefeated. Take that back.
Only one who never lost on screen.

Useful for my dick. So a 6/10.
She had potential to be more pleasing towards my penis but didn't deliver.

well she beat one of the shadow riders and that's a lot more than you can say for any girl but Aki

If she were Kaiba she'd have darker hair and RBF


>pink lipstick

What the fuck

I don't think it would be fair to compare her to Aki since the latter is part of the main cast while she's just a side character. Maybe if she got demoted to slifer red we could've gotten more from her since that's where most of the focus was for GX


She's perfect.

Why doesn't Yugioh have a single good female character? I understand it's a shonen anime, but there are no interesting women in the show at all.

Don't mind me, just busy being the best female mead of any yugioh series

>interesting women

Good one, user.

In GX, somewhat of an improvement of Mai and Anzu at the time the show was on.

In ARC-V however, she was completely meaningless and only existed for fan service in many ways

What is female Kaiba doing with Enkidu?

They brought her back in Arc-V just to job.

She is a decent duelist in GX

The art for Black Rose Dragon looks off here.

As useful as a shitty side character can be.

Good for fapbait.

>gets dumpstered by Ancient Gear shill deck
she wasn't.

joey's sister? She advanced the plot, so fairly useful.

She's plenty useful for porn purposes.

She was decently useful. Good against lower level grunts and can hold her own against multiple opponents.

I fail to see the issue

Did /ourguy/ ever hit it?

>Good against lower level grunts and can hold her own against multiple opponents.
It's funny how this makes sense within the context of a series about card games.

There isn't one. This tsundere billionaire wants to step on your dick and play card games with you and there isn't a thing you can do about it.


manjoume is a weak willed rich asshole who took a gorillion episodes to learn some humility

the real /ourguy/ is hayato, the depressed loner flunkout who's able to move beyond victory and defeat