Episode 9 in 5 hours
translation of chapter 101 is also out
Shoukoku no Altair
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seems its gonna be ghost town around here for a while
hameless bump
shamefur bump x2
What time period is this based on? I assume it's one where the ottoroaches have tons of success.
yeah, during rennainsance era i presume
Where did it go so wrong?
episode 9 is out
What did he mean by this?
How wet did this make Mahmut?
a lot
Is that Sultan Ahmet's Blue Mosque?
Friendly reminder that the Yeniceri were enslaved Christian firstborns that would be put under harsh training conditions and torture, often made to kill each other, and sometimes even sent to kill their own parents to prove themselves.
Is Balaban /ourguy/?
Looks like it to me.
Why does Balaban have yaoi hands?
It is definitely
he is 40 year old dude trying to be bishie
>pashalu, sultanlu, Altu, Bechke, Kuluch
They should really find someone who can into Turkish for the subs.
These are definitely not the eyes of a bishounen.
Kyros's face gets me every time. He constatntly has this "I didn't sign up for this shit" expression while everyone else is enjoying being a girl.
>Yeniceri were enslaved Christian firstborns
it was started off like that, then then some christian families started to give their sons willingly
but there are stories about christian families cripple their sons so the Ottomans won't take them in
>That would be put under harsh training conditions
Not exactly.
The Devshirme system recruits clever ones into bureucracy, madrasahs, administrator areas while the ones with muscle recruited into Janissary corps
And Janissaries are able to handle quite a lot of weapons
Muskets, Bows, Swords, Axes
You name it
>often made to kill each other, and sometimes even sent to kill their own parents to prove themselves.
now thats pure bullshit
also fun fact; revolts in balkan happened because Janissaries were abolished
Fuck off, roach.
Doujins when?
Ottomans should have went full european style slavery and force converted the peoples that they conquered
maybe Empire would have still existed today
Kek, but its true, and after they do their time in the Janissaries army they would often get recruited into Sultan's court, and there they would serve as Pashas, some smart ones would either get to a Vizier or Grand Vizier rank.
So when the Grand Vizier takes the army into war against infidels on Sultan's behalf, little does he know he's fighting his own people.
Don't forget to add that the guy who abolished the Janissaires was named Mahmut.
Yeah, taking forcefully your first born sons to brainwash them and use them them to kill their own is such a good behaviour. It was just that the Ottomans were stupid like many other empires before them and wanted to use the conquered as their own weapons and it backfired regularly on them.
And don't worry, Muslims enslaved plenty of blacks, they just castrated them and didn't let them breed.
>Doujins when?
4 years ago
still not scanned though
what we need is Mahmut x Arslan crossover doujin
This guy is worth every ducat Mahmut paid for him. Just look at how useful he is.
Also the 3 Main Pashas in the anime were the competing among themselves irl during Mehmed II's era
Google Çandarlı Halil Pasha, Mahmut Pasha Angelovic, and Zaganos Pasha
Forgot pic.
>and it backfired regularly on them.
actually wrong
Ottomans were saved by their Serbian Principality Vassal from brink of collapse.
If not for them, they would have long gone before becoming an Empire.
I'm pretty sure that he was an ulema in the manga. Mappa is really scared of having any kind of religious connotation.
I only knew about Zağanos Paşa, but didn't know about the others. I'll check.
Wouldn't want to enrage a group of peaceful people.
Is it just me, or is the music in this scene really out of place? And are those things in her hair supposed to be pearls or something?
Ulema basically means scholar
it also fits to Bayezid as title
Silahtar is more muscular term and it spoils the show once you know what it means.
What part of brainwashing do you not understand? Even when revolting they would revolt to take more power themselves, not to free anyone. At the later stages some even turned into bandit groups that would terrorize whoever. You must be in big denial to think of them as something that the natives wanted and thought of positive. People would go as far as dying or killing their own child just to not give it to the authorities. And unsurprisingly as they would always come back as hostile people called traitors.
there is chapter named "princess of pearls" in the manga or something
btw Amazon translated "Hanım" as "Prenses" while Balaban refers Elenaor as "Hanum Elanaor"
There were lotta translation errors in this episode
Kinda felt strange
I think it works as idle backround music, though I did react in thi scene when the electric gitar came out.
forgot pic.
Sultan Balaban has a really nice carpet.
Ulema and silahtar are not even close. I don't know why they had to change that.
Its more of the Sultan guy's fault cause he just wants pretty looking men in his personal army no wonder they all got whooped by a single light skin dude.
Using a tiger as your pillow looks quite comfy.
i understand it well
dude brainwashing is standart fucking procedure to keep things moving.
otherwise the society of yours would collapse and get consumed by other folks who are better at brainwashing.
look around the media these days, same tactic still applied over and over again.
Someone correct me if i wrong but wasn't the Tiger was white in the manga?
Does this ginger canonaly want Pasha's boypussy or what?
Ulema? What's that?
Silver girl practically says he's gay
You tell me.
So is this a good adaptation?
I'm anime only and quite enjoying it so far.
I don't remember if there were color pages with the tiger in the manga, but given that Balaban's nickname is "Red Tiger", this one seems correct.
Scholar/A wise one
However MAPPA might have scared of though that it might offend Muslims (How?Maybe because it also means (Islamic)Scholar back in the day) and changed it to Silahtar which means Weaponmaster
Anime rushing and constantly fucking things up
Read the manga, it's way better.
As one user said above, ulema is some sort of scholar. They are knowledgeable about almost everything, but in the light of religious teachings. They can give counsel to the sultan on various subjects, but have no ties to the army. Silahtar, on the other hadn, was like the sultan's most trusted man and was responsible for his security. They even became pashas and viziers.
Balaban is really living the dream.
>ywn enslaves blonde boys for his boy harem
I have started reading the manga thanks to the anime, and I can say that the manga is infinitely better. Not to mention that the art makes everything look better too. Anime is kind of rushed, and they keep cutting funny bits for the sake of being serious. For instance, this episode skipped this very nice depiction of a failed coup d'état.
What's with this angle?
Have you missed your QUALITY Divan members?
The elevation of the tigers head compared to its back looks really painful for it's neck.
It can't be helped. Eleanor is so edgy that electric guitars start playing in the background when she appears.
>tfw too smart for the Divan
This ones face gave me a chuckle
fucking hell author should intervene and tell them to stop cutting the funny bits
>calling the sultan gay
It's not gay if it's Mahmut
She is right about Yenicheris though, he is complete faggot on that matter.
They even skip parts like pic related. This fucker is using humans as his fucking stepping stone. He's not just a sultan with his private guardian bishounen harem.
Well, he at least tried to give a non-gay reason in the manga. He's still gay as fuck though.
Most of the Ottoman Sultans were o lala homo shotacons anyway
I mean, don't you know the relationship between Mehmed II and Vlad the Impaler's brother, Radu?
Radu was Tsundere as fuck at first but then he caved in to kebab meat
What would they do without Abiriga?
I'm really disappointed with this episode. They skipped a lot of things.
Where did he get this face from?
i heard author were also giving advice to anime staff that she had to went hiatus for a bit
imagine if she wasn't intervened, would be much worse in my opinion.
they also skipped the food poison part
just a rumour though, dunno if it's true
I've been in enough Hellsing threads to know that in detail.
Also Mehmet II wearing a laurel crown would be cute.
I wouldn't put it past Abiriga to be also a master of disguise and to be able to change his facial features.
That was the worst offender, that was the reason they have decided to break out of the palace after all. Sarıca Paşa shitting on Zağanos on every chance was also a highlight of the manga for me, which was almost non-existent in the episode.
50 good men
He doesn't let the chance to admire his pretty boy squad's beautiful countenances even in this situation. He truly is a man of culture.
i mean if they skipped the OP or ED in this episode they could have a put it in if they really wanted it to
but nooo
Director halfass could must cut around corners!
My bad, they've just changed the place of his non-gay reasoning. Who wouldn't want to be suppressed by bishounen should they stage an uprising against their sultan, right?
best boy next week
Holy shit, they've even changed the fountain plot thing. It was played way more cleverly in the manga.
This defiant and yet somehow disgusted face Mahmut makes at Balaban didn't make it into the episode too. The director is shit.
>voiced bu Shimazaki Nobunaga
I'm curious to hear how he fares.
Clearly, Furuhashi is having one of those George Lucas Syndrome
This is the actual Kubbealtı where the Divan convened, by the way. It's much smaller than the notBlue Mosque you see in this show.
fuck, and that was really clever moment
Now I'd like to see how this would have turned out with another director. So far, I've always regarded the "manga is better" thing as a meme, but for Altair, this is so true.
Is Zağanos serious about blaming everything on Mahmut if his keikaku foils? He is a filthy dickhead, but that was low.
Can we assume that being around Zağanos makes you wary of poisoning? I know Mahmut says that's just common knowledge, but it's fun to think otherwise.
>greets the sultan in the most courteous way possible in order not to make him annoyed
>goes full how can you betray muh Torqye seconds later
Mahmut still has no common sense.
He is an anime/manga protag, what do you expect?
So deliciously brown she's invisible.
He at least has cute and funny moments in the manga, so his retardedness feels less offensive. The anime tries to be serious, and with such an MC, everything fails.
Her eyes in the OP scare me.
he was more sincere in the manga
anime rushing the dialogues even
Mista PoPo level black
5to24 level black
Not just Zağanos, whole Divan -even- his foster grandpa should expects Mahmut to play dirty when it time comes and face the consequences if any fuck up happens.
This is some high level fluffy
Abiriga is cute.
Mahmut should learn to play dirty at some point, but imagining him cut in half was too much for me. Halil Paşa wouldn't want Mah-kun dead.
She takes after her uncle. Beyazıt is top fluffy.
Finally some really gay moments
he really wants to take tiger dick huh?
Funny thing is, Balaban doesn't touch suggestively Mahmut there in the manga. Despite all the things he omitted, the director chose to add that.
I'm surprised he wasn't voiced by Fukuyama Jun. He just looks so much like the typical typecast that I just assumed he would be every time I saw him in the opening song.