Renai Boukun

Did Sup Forums forget about this show already?

Demon Guri is way better than cupid Guri. She should have stayed in her demon form.

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Good taste user. For once OP is not a fag.

I want her to sit on my face


This series has top tier moms. New chapter when?

It does indeed. I'd love to have a chapter focus on these 3.

New chapter came out on August 30, so we're just waiting on the translation.



Is the princess arc over yet?

Yes. I can't read nip, but it seems like she ended up like the fox girl and won't be around after this arc.

I'm glad she didn't become a permanent part of the harem. I like the harem how it is, though I would love for imouto to join. Unfortunately she's getting stuck with the fucking cat.

The biggest mistake the author made was not letting Guri put Akua's name in the notebook.

I still keep up with the manga. Feels like forever since a new chapter was scanlated, though. Was it dropped?

No, we're only 1 chapter behind. The last translated chapter came out last month.

Akane is best girl

This show's biggest mistake is the blonde girl, like if you're not gonna admit your cocklust I don't want a character arc for you, fuck off, Akane doesn't even know who you are

>This show's biggest mistake is the blonde girl
Nah Yuzu's fine. You're just a fag.

Making a lesbian straight/Bi is great

It is.

Demon version made her a little better but I hated pretty much everyone besides Akane. She was the only reason I even bothered.

Is Yuzu okay with him going out with Akane now?
Is she a mistress?

what a little mind you have there tjeres nothing more satisfing than turning a hardcore lesbian into your loyal slut

Same. Although the mothers were pretty cool too.


Why would you make the most athletic and strongest person your caster instead of a tank or warrior?

Akua is for protecting, not for lewd.

Still not sure who my favorite girl from this series was.

The best way for Seiji to protect her is to make her his bride.

Because it's fun to roleplay as something you aren't. Akane just isn't very good at it.

True. But still shit compared to Akane.

>Making her a bride when your main wife is a yandere
That doesn't sound safe at all.

Akane won't hurt Akua because she is Seiji's sister. Even if Akane does try to hurt her just have Guri put her name in the Kiss Note, and then she can't die.

Shikimi is for rape only

How can one girl be so shit yet be the biggest semen demon in the show?


Shikimi is for tender loving.

Shikimi is best girl though. Guri is worst girl by a mile.


>this will never be me

The OP is very catchy. Thanks for getting it stuck in my head again.

WTF I love Akane now!

Akane's fake yandere shtick was geeting old. Plus Guri was annoying.

I feel like picking up the manga though.

The OP was based. I listen to it from time to time. The animation goes well with it so I watch it on occasion.

How did you feel about Yuzu?



Did anyone else watch the dub too? Sucks that a bunch of the lines were changed but I liked the voice acting overall.

Needs to have a threesome with Akane and Seiji.

How well did the animation do?

not good

The fact that a top tier girl like Akane is going to lose to Guri makes me upset.

>Akane is going to lose
Unless the author decides to pull a Tsuki Tsuki it will get a harem end.

I didn't last 4 episode.
I was unconsciously skipping ep3 and realized in the end I wasn't enjoying this.

This grey outline triggered the shit out of me

Both Voices for Akane are sex

Has Akane let go of her desire to be the only wife Seiji has?