“Michael Woolf, you are a liar.”

This morning on The Today Show, Ben Fordham spoke to Michael Wolff, author of the tell-all book ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House’.

Ben asked whether Mr Wolff would issue an apology to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after retracting a claim Mr Trump has cheated on his wife in the White House.

That’s when things got awkward.

Ben: “Do you owe the President and First Lady an apology Mr Woolf?”

Mr Wolff: “I can’t hear you? Hello?”

Ben: “Just last month, you said you were absolutely sure that the President was having an affair and now you say that he is not?”

Mr Wolff: “I’m not getting anything.”

Ben: “You’re not hearing me, Mr Wolff?”

Ben is now able to reveal what Mr Wolff was really hearing when he claimed he couldn’t hear anything.

The audio is crystal clear.

“Michael Wolff could hear me in his earpiece… but he chose to tell a fib.

“Michael Wolff, you sir, are a liar.”
skip tp 4:24


Other urls found in this thread:


>disgusting kike is a liar

Michael Wolff is a hero of #The Resistance and his book is now the Bible for us. The Today Show is now a propaganda arm of the alt-right and Ben Fordham is literally Hitler.

#Fire Ben Fordham!

burn in hellfire, you faggot

What's wrong with being a faggot? You're just mad you got neoCONNED by a russian stooge.

>being this new

Based Aussie

You go girl

Lying _ _ _ _

Not News.

>shameless liar

Pick both, desu

>"I can't hear you."
This is fucking gold and I keked.

>that webm

sounds like a right prick

>"You're not hearing me Mr Wolff"
>"n...Im not getting anything"
fucking kek at 5:03 he nearly slips up and answers the question

he could've at least corrected him on the "trump wants to arm every teacher bulshit

Sweet Jesus, these people are such trash


>digits wasted on a kike faggot
Go back to Israel, you slimy sandnigger.

Good on you, kangabro.

You know, this isn't actually all that bad, assuming those mosquitos aren't carrying AIDS and malaria, which they probably are.

Expect Ben Fordham to be fired soon.

>my lawyer admitted i paid hush money to porn stars during marriage
>maybe twice?
>democratic memo released confirming piss tapes
>putin confirmed this too in a round about way during a speech once on his pee tapes visit
>i like to grab strange vaginas because i have daddy's money
>i love my daughter's ass
>sued with epstein who lives next door; allegedly ended the trial due to threats
>youre a liar
k. all the rest is staged for maximum "play both sides"ness. moore. tory smith. putin himself

He had sex with Stormy Daniels after he married Melania you rural/suburban retards

Why do Drumpfkopf and his pea-brained zealots have the memory of a goldfish? Pets truly do resemble their owners, Lol

Based Fordo.



So much food just hovering about

Remember when NPR and CNN treated every word in this fucker's book like it was verified fact? I do. He was on All Thing's Considered and said "Trump doesn't read anything, he's basically illiterate," and the host didn't even challenge him on that.