Did everyone forget about the comfiest cooking manga and best girl Kotori? Chapter 47 apparently is overt about Kotori's feelings too.
Amaama to Inazauma thread
Is sensei fucking her yet?
Haven't read the newest chapter because CR, but I think she's getting closer to realizing she wants to be a part of their lives permanently. I could see the mangaka letting Kohei marry her again once he moves on from Tae.
No one gonna dump 47?
Read it this morning. I'm excited since Kotori is finally graduating plus she seems to have realized she needs to push forward when it comes to her feelings for sensei. Really looking forward to what the mangaka has planned; whether she'll go for the romance, or leave it up in the air.
Got the page where she realizes that she might love him?
>Did everyone forget about the comfiest cooking manga and best girl Kotori?
The anime writers did. Which was a shame
I can understand as to why they kinda underplayed her romance, but they kinda messed up a few good moments. Hopefully the manga goes full force when she graduates. What's the difference in age anyways? Less than 10 years?
Saori Hayami was perfect casting goddammit.
But the comfiest cooking manga is Gal Gohan
They outright dropped a lot of fantastic moment. And it's not like early on her crush was a huge deal or anything
>Saori Hayami was perfect casting goddammit.
She always is
I feel like if this were to get a second season (it did well with ratings or something), I feel like they would have to mix up the lost chapters. Like the one where she visits with something else.
Too late though. Tsumugi's voice actress is probably too old.
I dropped it after it become gore.
I think the anime only covered the story from Kohei's POV in general, right?
Fluff was kill....
>Kotori x Sensei
I always knew this was destined to happen. Now sensei has to start gradually getting over his waifu. Kotori is already a mother figure for Tsumugi anyway.
Me too. At first I thought it could go either way, but her growing feelings for him are brought up plenty of times.
That's what makes me even more excited. We finally get to find out about Tae. She's been such an enigma to the story, that Kohei finally telling everyone their story would work well with him growing past her finally. She would want him to be happy.
I don't think the author would be against this. She has set them up for it.
Feels like it's going to be really tricky, though. After that chapter where a little rift between Tsumugi and sensei developed at the thought of him remarrying we might be in for a long development time
She started turning into a brat and it ruined the show.
The only way I can see this go sour is if the author decides to cop out by making this an open end where Kouhei corresponding her feelings is only implied. I don't think it will ever turn onto full blown romance though, but getting to see some couple stuff on panle should be great.
But at the end of it he tells Tsugumi that there might come a day where a new woman enters their lives and that it's okay and that they're allowed to love her. Hell, even when his sister came to visit she whispers to Kotori to "take care of him".
Kotori is going to graduate very soon which will no longer make her a student at the HS where he works, Tsugumi is getting older, and time in general is passing. The mangaka has the perfect set-up since the more time passes, the more those two start to heal from the death and the older Kotori grows which gives her the perfect opportunity to be seen as more than a teenager in Kouhei's eyes. I definitely do think there's going to be a scene where he notices what a beautiful young woman she's become especially since the mangaka blue-balled with the water park chapter and didn't have Kotori bump into them in her bathing suit.
Kohei has to be open to the idea eventually. It's rough for him, but he has to learn that his love can change. He just doesn't see Kotori as anything more than a student, which is perfectly reasonable. But she's growing into a 10/10 woman that loves him and his daughter. That's going to have to be addressed.
I agree, it all looks like it can fall into place for them, and I hope it does, but I worry about how long drawn-out the potential roadblocks to their development would be. Particularly if they end up being sensei unwillingness. As mentioned here For sure, sensei's wife would want him and Tsumugi to be happy, and even he considers the possibility of being with another, but say if and when Kotori starts making advances, what if he just starts hiding behind excuses about his status as a widower or the optics of a teacher being with a former student?
I hope the guy won't need THAT much convincing, you know?
I would buy that though. Kohei is an awkward guy trying to make his daughter as happy as she can be. He isn't really thinking about himself.
Kotori has to be pretty overt about this sort of thing. I have yet to read the new chapter (because fuck CR), so I have no idea how 47 ended, but from my understanding, she is getting a little more serious?
That seems to be a pretty obvious thing that's going to happen, but man, I don't wanna skip things. I love the relaxed pace that this manga has. Hopefully if we do get a timeskip in order to age Kotori up, it isn't super long.