It has finally begun.
Made in Abyss
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Thanks OP
Made in Abyss is a heartfelt story about a girl and her robot pal for all ages to see.
Watch it with your kids!
>didn't notice how shit the threads has become
>this week's episode comes out
what happened guys? i rather have nothing about riko's arm in the anime than all this shitposters calling the show edgy
I feel like they (the mangaka and Kinema Citrus) could have picked just one, and either shown the ascent and had Riko going all exorcist, or had the hand thing. I like this show well enough, but I get why people are calling it needlessly edgy. Either of those would have been very gruesome on their own.
>It'll get super dark, just you wait
>Ozen is when the story gets dark
>You haven't even seen the tamagotchi yet, that's when it gets real dark
>I hope they get to bestdad Bondrewd's arc, he's the best and that's when the darkest shit happens
Mangafags are the smug kid in class who won't shut up about their philosophical new hobby
So glad I dropped this garbage early on.
>suffering = quality!!!!
Shut the fuck up you redditor
>story about exploring an eldritch abyss with a horrible death curse
>protagonist is literally a zombie
Why did no one expect this?
>but I get why people are calling it needlessly edgy. Either of those would have been very gruesome on their own.
You can't pick one. You can't go 9 episodes talking about the danger of the curse without showing it. You can't go 9 episodes talking about the dangers of monsters deeper in the abyss without showing it. And they work together because the creatures use the curse when they hunt, because the mangaka really thought the world through. None of this was needless. It's extremely necessary to make the abyss a believable environment and a credible threat. It's also an important episode to drive home Reg's weaknesses since ironically the robot is by far the more emotional of the two. Made in Abyss can't be a serious show without serious consequences.
See Could you please fuck off?
Couldn't they hold the bone breaking thing a bit longer?
Like first applying pressure -> and then the snap
It really build up tension and can
kind of achieve a semi-jumpscare
But again I guess it don't really make sense if a super robot boy can't break bones like a twig
Only eleven posts in that that site gets mentioned. Why are newfags so obsessed with it.
Only 10 posts into the thread and it's already shit
Post cute Ozen's NOW
They're trying really hard to fit in
>no they don't like my favorite seasonal show anymore
>it means they are reddit
No, you fuck off.
If you don't like it anymore, then fuck off reddit.
No, one of the points of the scene is that there's never just one thing out to get you that you need to look out for. It works well for what it is.
they need to use buzzwords to shit on something when they cant point out what's really wrong with it
No, keep whining about criticism.
Another user's image, not mine. I just save with the original filename.
Reg is strong, there is no pressure applying. He should be able to fucking crash it easily.
You know how Riko made that retarded face that looked like she's smiling? Use that.
WOW so dark and cool, reminded me of that scene the MC's hair turn grey in TOKYO GHOUL (god anime btw) and that RE:ZERO legendary episode!!
Post screenshot?
The zoomed out one? That was a twig in her mouth
Yeah it was a twig, but didn't help it looked like a smile.
Looks like a smile.
shouldn't he pass out from shock
>tfw gorefag
This episode made me cum several times.
i was so fucking hard i came twice from that scene
about to do it the 3rd time
So was the spiky thing moving when they were talking or the Rabbit. Also her arms looks fine in those epic mangafags spoilers so what gives.
I kinda wish she'd died. If you're gonna take up half the episode with a gruesome description of a girl dying at least don't cheapen it with "oh and she wasn't actually dead". I hate when they do that, it's like I'm tricked into wasting my sadness on something stupid.
>Also her arms looks fine in those epic mangafags spoilers
Here's your problem.
It's a ghost zombie. Of course her body works.
The last good thing of this nature was probably Satoko in Higurashi.
>I hope the only driving force of this whole story would have died instead of her character and determination being demonstrated through surviving and pushing further despite everything
Your opinion is pretty shit, user.
That's not what the official documents say.
That's all that matters in fiction bub if it looks normal it can always be asspull fixed at some point.
I like how you took an effort to falsify his signature.
Whatever you say, user.
Well the 20min went by fast.
That episode was pretty damn good.
Well, it would have been one hell of a story if they just killed off the MC like that. It would also show that the abyss is serious business and not a good place for kids to play around in.
I don't actually think she should have died, I just don't like it when a story wants to have all the emotional impact of a death scene without actually killing the character.
>Reg's crying
Holy fuck I knew things would get better after Nanachi showed up, but that crying was amazing. Reg's VA is 10/10.
Thank you, user. Your approval means the world to me.
Self hating is bad for you
>I just don't like it when a story wants to have all the emotional impact of a death scene without actually killing the character.
Death isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, user. I'm happy enough that no one is safe, even if MC is still guaranteed to survive.
>but that crying was amazing. Reg's VA is 10/10.
I like Mariya Ise a lot but I don't like her crying, it just takes me out of it.
It's not the first time either.
Loli cries, time flies.
This got me thinking about the end of ch 42
If Tsukushi does actually bring Mitty back through resurrection or whatever, there aren't many ways to make it not be very cheap and shit all over her character.
This author perfect knows my fetishes.
Post breaking boner webms, please.
So I hear Reg gets him arm cut off too. Why don't they just glue it back on?
where's the nanachi stitch
This man promised me science and adventure the likes of which the world has never seen.
>Riku's VA is 10/10.
She fucking sold the pain of her wound, and the desperate mumbling as she was losing consciousness. She's also relatively new. I look forward to her future work.
They don't have a Sparagamos solder for the job
Anime smell is saved.
I'm guessing he'll explain what exactly is a soul in the abyss. If he doesn't I'll definitely be on your side.
>shit all over her character
How would it be shitting on the character?
Would you let him do horrible experiments on you, Sup Forums?
>Riku's VA is 10/10.
user, do you type out your quotes?
That's why around when 42 first came out, a lot of people were really concerned about it.
On the one hand, hooray healing and such if it's real, and it could tie into all the Abyss Faith mythos and all the reincarnation themes and whatnot, but on the other hand what even was the point of all the emotional shit before if it's just suddenly all better?
There was also the option of whether or not it's all a terrible trick, whether or not she's still not human again, etc.
It could go a lot of different ways, and hopefully Tsukushi handles it well.
It's Friday night. Millions of friendless anti-social losers are getting piss-drunk in front of their computer screen right now. Don't even try to reason with these creatures. It's a waste of time.
I was fixing it for you. Reg wasn't nearly as noteworthy
what the fuck is "reddit" and why do so many people talk about it all the time?
Who is Riku, user?
Actually it was a gruesome description of a girl surviving. I mean the literal events that happen in the episode after she gets stabbed are all about surviving.
They're hackers on steroids, treating the web like a video game.
It's "Nnaa", fucker.
It's a terrible disease caused by lack of punctuation and capital letters. The symptom is, obviously, retarded posts.
Something I could see being interesting is if Mitty really is back but she resents Nanachi for making Reg euthanise her, though that goes against some things that were implied and would require more justification and hoop jumping that I'm not sure Tsukushi is going for.
>everyone calling shit posters redditors
>go to read reddit abyss thread
The are all parsing the episode as a master-peace and having substantive discussion as opposed to meme spouting and baiting
It's actually Mmaa in the anime if you listen closely
I think a site-wide filter should be added just for the word "reddit." Or perhaps auto-bans for anyone who types it.
Plot twist - anime community on reddit is actually better, and that is why it's hated so much on Sup Forums.